Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3387: Swordsmanship

Speaking of this, Venerable Feng paused, as if he was afraid that Jian Chen would worry about his own safety, and then said with a firm oath: "But don't worry, although you can't go to the Immortal Realm for the time being, as long as you are with this old man, this old man will be able to. keep you safe."

"Because in the fetal membrane of the world, no one can find you, it can cover up all your traces and breath, but the premise is that you cannot leave the fetal membrane of the world."

"Although this may cause you to lose your freedom temporarily, it is not a bad thing. After all, you have just broken through the law of swordsmanship, so you can take advantage of this time to settle down."

"Senior Feng, how is the Tianyuan family now?" Jian Chen suddenly asked.

"You don't have to worry about the Tianyuan family. Now the entire Dong'an County has been placed in Shengzhou, and she is personally protecting it, so that the Tianyuan family enjoys a very detached position in Shengzhou, and life is more comfortable than anyone else. "

When it comes to being really too venerable, Venerable Feng's expression becomes a little complicated, saying: "She is now the supreme lord of the four great avenues, and has become the well-deserved number one in the Holy Realm, at least in the God of War of the Protoss. It was like this before I got up."

"The family protected by the first powerhouse in the holy world, who dares to provoke this in the holy world?"

"And your good brother Ming Dong, who is a very affectionate person. He actually invited the great commander of the Shengtian Palace to go to Yunzhou in person, so that Yunzhou could avoid a catastrophe."

Venerable Feng looked at Jian Chen deeply, and said, "In short, you don't have to worry about your friends in the Holy Realm. There is really nothing to do with this old man. No one dares to trouble them because of your business."

"After all, you are already lost in their impressions."

When he spoke, Venerable Feng had already brought Jian Chen back to the Lingxian family: "Little friend Jianchen, let me have your Ziqing Shuangjian refined first. However, the old man has not made the Ziqing Shuangjian. This ability, because in a sense, the old man is now counted as an artifact and has lost this ability."

"So, to refine the Ziqing Shuangjian, the old man has to call someone from the clan to do it for him."

Venerable Feng's tone was a bit lamentable. Although he became the Supreme in an alternative form, he also lost a lot of abilities.

"Everything is up to Senior Feng." Jian Chen returned, and he had absolute trust in Venerable Feng.

It is no exaggeration to say that Venerable Feng has become one of his most trusted people.

Venerable Feng also seemed to feel Jian Chen's absolute trust in himself, and he couldn't help showing a hint of relief. In the next instant, an old man with a childish face suddenly appeared in the fetal membranes of Venerable Feng's world.

This old man looked even older than Venerable Feng, but he exuded a powerful aura that shocked Jian Chen.

"Lingtong meets the old patriarch!"

This immortal old man kept his head down from beginning to end, extremely respectful, and bowed deeply to Venerable Feng.

But Venerable Feng turned his head to Jian Chen and said, "His name is Lingtong, he is the current patriarch of our Lingxian clan, and he can be trusted."

On the other hand, Lingtong, the current patriarch of the Lingxian clan, did not notice the existence of Jian Chen, but when he heard what Venerable Feng said, he was stunned, raised his eyes subconsciously, and immediately noticed Jian Chen's existence. Existence, the whole person is instantly sluggish.

"Junior Jian Chen, I have seen the patriarch!" Jian Chen clasped his fists and saluted Lingtong.

The eyes of the patriarch of the Lingxian clan were already the size of copper bells. He stared at Jian Chen with an undisguised horror on his face: "Jianjian Jianchen, you, you, you, you are not dead?"

At this moment, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan felt like he had seen the most incredible thing, and the whole person was a little stupid: "No no, this is impossible, you were obliterated by the real Taizun, how could you still be alive."

"The patriarch is right, the junior was already dead, and it was Senior Feng who brought the junior to life," Jian Chen said.

The patriarch of the Lingxian family subconsciously fell on Venerable Feng, opened his mouth, but did not dare to speak.

Within the Lingxian clan, Venerable Feng has the right to speak more than anything. It used to be, and now it is even more so. Any decision he makes represents the highest will of the entire Lingxian clan.

"Lingtong, the news that Jian Chen is still alive must not be disclosed to anyone, understand?" Venerable Feng's demeanor became dignified, and he said to Lingtong in a tone that could not be tolerated.

"Yes! Lingtong follows the will of the old patriarch!" The patriarch of the Lingxian clan immediately said respectfully.

"The old man will leave a trace of the power of the world on you. If you dare to disclose the news of little friend Jian Chen, then the old man will not spare you." Venerable Feng's tone became a little cold, and as soon as the words fell, there was a trace of the world. Force drilled into the body of the patriarch of the Lingxian clan.

"Old Patriarch this, this, this" Lingtong looked shocked, his mouth was speechless, and the shock in his heart couldn't be more.

He is the current patriarch of the Lingxian clan, and he is the existence with the highest status in the Lingxian clan, apart from Venerable Feng.

But now, Venerable Feng is so strict with his patriarch for an outsider, which makes him unbelievable.

"Lingtong, you are the most skilled at refining tools in the clan. You will immediately tailor the sword body of the Ziqing Shuangjian for little friend Jianchen. All the materials you need are taken from the treasure house of the clan. If yes, just tell the old man." Venerable Feng said in a commanding tone.

"Lingtong understands, please rest assured, the old patriarch, Lingtong will do his best." The patriarch of the Lingxian clan said tremblingly, he also keenly sensed that the old patriarch attached great importance to Jian Chen, and this level of attention has reached an unbelievable level. level.

Even the patriarch of the Lingxian clan, in the heart of the old patriarch, is probably far less than 1% of Jian Chen's.

Next, Jian Chen let the sword spirits of Ziqing Shuangjian come out, and the two spirits gathered together and began to discuss matters related to the refining of weapons.

"The sword body is fixed, but the Ziqing Shuangjian has a special nature and requires a lot of yin and yang materials. These materials are only a part of the clan, and the remaining part still needs to be collected." Lingtong's face showed a look of embarrassment, and said: " And there are several kinds of materials that are extremely rare, and the entire Holy Realm is pitiful, and they belong to the kind of priceless market, I am afraid it is not so easy to collect."

"What are the missing materials? How much is needed, the old man will collect them."

The next moment, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan had reappeared outside, and the fetal membranes of the world in front of him had disappeared. Venerable Feng took Jian Chen and left the Lingxian clan.

In just an instant, Venerable Feng appeared outside a huge floating continent.

This is one of the seven holy states of the holy world, and it is ruled by Gudao himself.

"Feng Daoyou, why do you have the time to come to the old man today? But the old man has no time to entertain you now."

As soon as Venerable Feng appeared, the voice of the ancient Dao Taizun came out. The next moment, an incarnation of the ancient road appeared in the starry sky, looking at Venerable Feng with a peaceful expression.

"Gu Dao, the old man is here to borrow some refining materials from you." Venerable Feng said, unceremoniously.

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