Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3398: Advance to the seventeenth floor (2)

Soon, all the god-level medicinal pills that the patriarch of the Lingxian clan took out of the treasure house had been absorbed by Jian Chen.

With the help of Venerable Feng, the time it took him to absorb these divine pills was several times faster, or even ten times, than he absorbed alone.

Venerable Feng kept moving in his hands, and as soon as the divine pill was exhausted, a force of the world enveloped the treasures of heaven and earth floating in the air.

In an instant, a tree of heaven and earth treasures, which were the second most god-level middle-grade products, was condensed by Venerable Feng's world power and turned into an extremely majestic vitality, and all the impurities had been completely cleared.

Immediately afterwards, this mass of vitality, which was transformed by many heaven and earth treasures, was devoured by Jian Chen like a long whale sucking water, and then transformed into one after another of chaotic power.

Immediately, the small inner core that existed in his dantian began to grow circle by circle at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short time, all the energy of the heaven and earth treasures had been absorbed by Jian Chen. But after absorbing the majestic energy of many divine pills and god-level heaven and earth treasures, although his chaotic inner pill has grown, the rate of increase is somewhat unsatisfactory.

According to past experience, the volume of his chaotic inner core must at least grow to the size of a fist before it can reach its limit.

But now, only one-tenth of the progress of his Chaos Inner Alchemy from Dacheng has been completed.

Jian Chen also noticed the progress of his chaotic inner core growth, and his heart sank slightly. Although he was mentally prepared, the huge amount of energy required to advance to the seventeenth floor still made him stunned.

"The difficulty of cultivating the power of chaos is indeed well-deserved." Venerable Feng gave a sigh of relief, so many god-level medicinal pills and treasures from heaven and earth have gone down, and the inner core of chaos has grown so much that the power of chaos needs to be expended. The energy is so great that this supreme figure who is listed on the top of the world is surprised for a while.

However, Venerable Feng also obviously felt Jian Chen's mood change, and said with a light smile: "But no matter how much energy it takes to upgrade the power of chaos, it can't be hard for me. Little friend Jian Chen, you can just cultivate with peace of mind. Leave everything to the old man."

Next, Venerable Wind's power of the world continued to refine the remaining resources, and the many colored divine crystals floating in the air began to shatter one by one.

These colored divine crystals are usually used for cultivation by experts in the Beginning Realm, and few warriors in the Realm of God have them. Because the energy in the colored divine crystal is not only more pure than the top-quality divine crystal, but the most important thing is that every moment of the colored divine crystal contains more or less the power of Dao rhythm.

However, under the personal action of Venerable Feng, although these colored divine crystals were not directly absorbed by Jian Chen, but were refined by Venerable Feng's world power, the power of Dao rhythm contained in it not only did not decrease, but was instead absorbed by Venerable Feng. Venerable Wind compressed it with his supreme power, making the power of Dao rhyme even more pure.

At this moment, in order to shorten the time required for Jian Chen to break through, Venerable Feng, the dignified and dignified, personally took action to purify Jian Chen's energy.

This treatment, looking at the entire holy world, is absolutely impossible for even the supreme direct disciples to enjoy.

The patriarch of the Lingxian clan was watching from not far away, and his mind was never quiet for a moment. The old patriarch, with his dignified status, is now doing this kind of drudgery. If it spreads out, there will probably be no one in the entire holy world. will believe.

Soon, all the resources brought by the patriarch of the Lingxian clan were exhausted. Almost at the same time, these were buried in the depths of the earth and looked like a high-quality divine vein of a hundred thousand mountains, and suddenly a monstrous energy erupted. The movement was so loud that the entire land of the Spirit Immortal Clan trembled slightly.

This is naturally not Jian Chen's handwriting, but Venerable Feng has already begun to extract the energy of the divine veins, and I saw an indescribable amount of energy gathered towards Venerable Feng, which was quickly condensed by the power of the world and turned into Drops of clear spiritual fluid flew towards Jian Chen and melted into his skin.

This piece of Divine Vessel has been continuously providing the Spirit Immortals with strong source power to meet the cultivation needs of the entire clan. Now Venerable Feng extracts the Divine Vein energy, naturally cutting off the part of the source of the Divine Vein that floats to the ethnic group. Power.

Immediately, the source power of the Lingxian family began to slowly dissipate.

"Hey, what's going on? The power of the source actually dissipated"

"There must be a problem with the divine veins, hurry up and report to the patriarch"

"Why is the power of the source gone, but without the power of the source, how can we cultivate?"

The Lingxian clan suddenly became chaotic. Many clansmen who were still in seclusion and cultivation came out of the secret room one after another, and even the senior members of the Lingxian clan were disturbed.

"Go check the Divine Vein and see what's wrong!"

Immediately, the breath of a strong Beginning Realm filled the air, and a name Wuji Beginning Realm and Hunyuan Beginning Realm were going to go deep into the ground to check the status of the divine veins.

At this moment, Lingtong's figure suddenly appeared, blocking everyone's way.

"See the patriarch!"

Seeing Lingtong, all the Beginning Realms bent down and saluted.

Lingtong's expression was full of complexity, and he said slowly: "Don't worry about the Divine Vein, the old patriarch is there. From now on, the Divine Vein area has become a restricted area, and no one is allowed to enter unless the old patriarch allows it."

"What? The old patriarch?"

Hearing the old patriarch, these Beginning Realm powerhouses suddenly exclaimed, each and everyone became extremely excited, mixed with respect from their hearts.

Immediately, the chaos caused by the dissipation of the power of the source quickly became quiet.

The three words "Old Patriarch" seem to carry a strange magic that can wash their minds and smooth out all the impetuousness and anxiety in their hearts.

The source power of the Lingxian family has been cut off for a long time. One month after another, during this period, many members of the Lingxian family can only rely on the divine crystal to cultivate, or they simply do not cultivate, and they are very calm. .

Because all of them knew that the old patriarch was in the divine vein.

During this period, several ancestors of the Great Beginning Realm who were in charge of the Lingxian clan also went to the Divine Vein to greet the old Patriarch in person, but what they saw was that the entire Divine Vein was wrapped by a force of the world, and they did not find Jian Chen's figure.

Only the current patriarch knows about Jian Chen's news within the Lingxian clan.

However, they also didn't know that the huge Divine Vessel shrouded by the power of the world had shrunk by a third in this short period of time. .

"Just relying on the divine veins, I am afraid it will be difficult for the power of chaos to break through!" In the continuous divine veins, Venerable Feng was suspended not far away, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he had left the Lingxian family.

The ancient burial family, one of the seven ancient families in the holy world today, is also located in the vast starry sky.

Today, outside the ancient burial family, a shocking weather directly broke through the ancient burial family's guardian formation and invaded into the ancient burial family, causing the small world where the ancient burial family was located to violently shake.

"Holy Monarch in Blood!" Immediately afterwards, an old voice came slowly, with a supreme majesty.

"Bold, who dares to be presumptuous in the ancient burial family!" In the ancient burial family, a shocking roar suddenly came out, and the breath of the Taishi realm burst out suddenly, with a monstrous anger.

However, the aura of these Great Beginning Realm had just been released, and a loud shout came from the depths of the ancient burial family. Although this sound was not loud, it contained endless magic power, which overwhelmed all the roars in the ancient burial family.

"Feng Zhizun is here, how can you be so rude and not retreat!"

The person who said this was the blood-robed saint of the ancient burial family!

"What? Feng Zhizun?" Upon hearing the words Feng Zhizun, all the Taishijing of the ancient burial family were suddenly shocked, like a bucket of cold water pouring down on their heads, instantly extinguishing all their anger and becoming trembling.

Immediately afterwards, the guardian formation of the ancient burial family was greatly opened, led by the Blood-robed Saint Monarch, and led a group of high-level officials to go out to greet him in person. Everyone, including the Blood-robed Saint Monarch, bowed and saluted respectfully to Venerable Feng.

"The old man came here this time to borrow some resources from your ancient burial family!" Venerable Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his words flat.

"What? Borrowing resources?" Upon hearing this, all the ancestors of the ancient burial family couldn't help looking at each other, and even the blood-robed holy monarch was shocked and surprised.

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