Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3401: Origin of all things

Regarding the matter of the Infinite Tribulation, although Jian Chen did not get the answer from Venerable Feng, he still couldn't stop thinking about it in his heart, and there were already many suspicions.

Because now, there are many thoughts in his mind that he has never thought about before, that is, the Taizun who was born in the holy world.

At least, so far, there are quite a few Supreme Venerables in history he knows, and the ancient Sirius is just one of them.

And among these Taizuns, what he can be sure of is the Taizun of the Dark Star Clan, who was killed by the Taizun of the Wood Spirit Clan, and belongs to the category of death in battle.

Then, how did the Supreme Venerable of the Wood Spirit Clan fall? Could it be that he also fell because of the war?

Let’s not talk about these Taizuns who have experienced wars, but he also knows some Taizuns in history, and there are no stories of fierce battles handed down. Regarding their deaths, there is no record in the holy world.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that this information is just missing, but about the mystery of Taizun's fall, if there is only one or two examples missing, it will not attract attention.

But except for some Taizun who died in battle, the disappearance of the rest of the Taizun has almost become a mystery, which has to be thought-provoking.

"After reaching the realm of the gods, you will completely get rid of the shackles of lifespan, and truly live the same life as the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon will shine together. Why is the Taizun who is stronger than the realm of gods sitting?"

For a while, Jian Chen's thoughts were floating in his mind, but since Venerable Feng didn't reveal it, he couldn't force him to ask.

I saw Jian Chen flipped his hand, and the broken Evaporating God Armor appeared out of thin air. The light was dim, and it no longer had the unparalleled divine might that a high-quality artifact should have.

"This Escape God Armor has been recorded in many ancient books in the clan. In that era, it was very famous, almost only under the Supreme Divine Artifact." Looking at the Escape God Armor in Jian Chen's hands, Feng Feng The Venerable looked complicated.

"The rank of the Heavenly Evasion God Armor has reached the peak of the top-grade divine artifact. Its former owner was a Jiuzhongtian of the Supreme Beginning Realm. However, the most powerful aspect of this armor is not its defensive power, but its concealment ability."

"This kind of ability, you have also seen it in the blood killing before, but just relying on the strength of the blood killing, it is natural to be unable to show the true ability of the God of Escape to the extreme. Besides, the armor of the God of Evasion has been broken, so you The ability I have seen is only less than 1% of the ability of this divine armor."

"A perfect state of the Escape God Armor, once it is invisible, even the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Beginning Realm will be difficult to find. Jian Chen, since you are going back to the Immortal Realm, this Escape God Armor will bring you great help. At critical moments, it can even help you through difficult times.”

After listening to Venerable Feng's description of the Godly Armor, Jian Chen's heart suddenly became hot: "Senior Feng, the Godly Armor has been damaged in such a way that it is difficult to repair, right?"

"The Evangelion God Armor is not an ordinary high-grade artifact. It is not easy to repair it. However, it is difficult for others, but it is much easier for you." Venerable Feng smiled mysteriously, his eyes Looking at Jian Chen, it was as if he had seen through everything about Jian Chen, directly condensing on the source of life hidden in Jian Chen's body.

"The source of life, this matter should not be difficult for you to do." Venerable Feng stared at the source of life.

The next moment, the source of life emerged from the top of Jian Chen's head. At this moment, it looked like just a green orb emitting a dazzling light, and all the pressure was restrained.

"Don't even think about it, it's impossible, I'm too weak right now, it's very difficult to do this, no, I can't do it." The illusory figure of the tool spirit emerged, and the tone was firm and decisive. , full of vigilance.

Hearing the communication between Venerable Feng and Qi Ling, Jian Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

He has already heard it, the source of life seems to be able to repair the armor of the gods?

Artifacts can also repair artifacts? Jian Chen felt incredible.

Venerable Feng showed a meaningful smile, and the next moment, he turned into a force of the world and forcibly invaded into the source of life.

"Ah! You can't enter my world at will without my consent. Oh, you, you, you are too bullying." The tool spirit of the source of life exclaimed. Heaven and Earth, began to resist desperately.

Venerable Feng trapped this void with the fetal membrane of the world, and all the auras about the source of life were blocked and could not be affected at all.

I saw that the power of the world he transformed directly broke through all the resistance of the source of life, forcibly entered the inner space of the source of life, and the qi spirit was full of grievances, as if he was about to cry.

The current source of life is only in a weak state, and its strength cannot be compared with that of its heyday. Naturally, it cannot resist the invasion of Venerable Feng.

In the inner space of the source of life, Venerable Feng was standing on the edge of a small pool, staring at the liquid in the pool.

This small pond is only ten feet in diameter, and there is some milky white spiritual fluid inside, and the depth cannot be seen.

Jian Chen is standing beside Venerable Feng, his eyes are also staring at the spiritual liquid in the pool, showing a curious color.

The artifact spirit of the source of life is suspended in the air above the spiritual liquid, and it spreads its arms to block in front of Venerable Feng and Jian Chen.

"Don't pay attention here, I will definitely not agree." The tool spirit of the source of life said with a cold face.

Venerable Feng ignored the artifact spirit of the source of life, but explained to Jian Chen: "The spiritual liquid in the pool is called the source of all things, this is a supreme artifact that only the source of life can pass through the absorption of heaven and earth. A special energy condensed from billions of material essences."

"These energies cover everything, including vegetation, gold and stones, and other material essences that have appeared in the world. Therefore, this source of energy has many functions, whether it is alchemy or alchemy, it has miraculous effects."

"But the most amazing thing about it is not these, but the ability to repair any artifact under the supreme artifact."

Hearing that Venerable Feng is all, Jian Chen's heart beat violently, and said, "Senior Feng, what do you mean, let these Origin Qi of all things go to repair the Escape God Armor?"

Hearing this, the artifact spirit of the source of life seemed to be like a cat stepping on its tail, jumping up suddenly, very excited: "No, absolutely not, Jian Chen, you should get rid of this idea as soon as possible, I I will never use the Origin Qi of all things to repair your Heaven Escape God Armor."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Ling secretly glanced at Venerable Feng beside him, and suddenly it was like a deflated ball. I need to rely on the Origin Qi of all things for my use, if you use up the Origin Qi of all things, people will also suffer greatly.”

"The source of life, you help me repair the Heaven Evading Divine Armor, and I will give you a ray of the aura from the beginning, how about it?" Jian Chen suddenly said.

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