Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3408: The Secret of the Holy Mountain (2)

"It seems that we need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Wuhun Mountain again." Soul Burial proposed.

"The news about Wuhun Mountain brought by the younger brother this time has really subverted our previous views on it. This time, we must be more careful than ever before." Chu Jian said with a cautious expression. .

"Yes, I agree with this, let's conduct a carpet inspection of Wuhun Mountain..."

Several descendants of the Wuhun lineage quickly reached an agreement, and then the eight of them gathered together and began to conduct a comprehensive and careful inspection of Wuhun Mountain.

The periphery of Wuhun Mountain was directly abandoned by them, because from Jian Chen's remarks, they already knew that there was not Wuhun Mountain at all, but a rock formation formed over time.

In this rock formation area, as long as the cultivation base reaches the top level of the powerhouse, they will come and leave if they want, without any exploration value.

In addition, after learning the true appearance of the Holy Mountain from Jian Chen, the Wuhun lineage made a regional division of Wuhun Mountain.

Today, Wuhun Mountain is temporarily divided into three areas by them, the first layer area, which is the outermost rock formation.

The second area is the depths of the Wuhun Mountain that only the Wuhun lineage can enter. This area can block Taizun from the outside.

The third area is the real core of the holy mountain, the place where treasures are hidden.

In addition to the first-level area, the so-called second-level area is actually only a few caves where you can get involved.

Jian Chen and the others first came to the Holy Land of the Martial Soul, a cave where many ancestors' spiritual positions were lined up.

Each spiritual position represents a descendant that has appeared in the history of the martial soul lineage. From ancient times to the present, the martial arts lineage has been passed down for many generations, and there are thousands of spiritual positions included here.

And here is only a part, there are many ancestors of the martial arts lineage, because of various reasons, their names do not appear here.

But when Jian Chen's eyes swept to these spiritual positions again, his expression suddenly became strange.

Because at the bottom of these spiritual positions, he saw his name!

I don't know when, he actually became one of these many spiritual positions.

"Hey hey, we all thought that the eighth junior brother had already fallen, so we put the eighth junior brother on the spiritual position. The senior brother will go to take it down, and then go take it down." Qing Shan sneered, and immediately stepped forward to take Jian Chen's The spirit is replaced.

Next, several people bowed deeply to these spiritual positions, and then began to carefully inspect every part of the cave. This time, the inspection is obviously more careful than any previous one, and no corner is left, and I hope to find something.

"Nothing found here, let's go to the next place."

After a few hours, they left here and went to every place within Wuhun Mountain that they could set foot in. Before reaching a place, they would conduct extremely detailed inspections of every rock wall and every ground.

Finally, they came to a place rich in spirit stones.

This position was also the deepest area they could step on on Wuhun Mountain.

"This is the last place. If we don't even find it here, it can only mean that with our current strength, we can't explore the true potential of Wuhun Mountain." On the ground, Soul Burial said with a serious look.

After such a careful search, they still did not find the slightest, which made them feel a little lost.

Jian Chen's eyes focused on this cave, and a hint of doubt gradually appeared between his brows. He found that this cave was exactly the same as when he first came to Wuhun Mountain, and there was no change.

"Several senior brothers, senior sisters, haven't you cultivated all these years?" Jian Chen asked subconsciously.

"Hehe, the eighth younger brother refers to the spirit stones here, right? We have of course relied on these spirit stones to cultivate during the years you left, but the spirit stones here are a bit special, no matter how many of us are in our cultivation. Consume it, it will recover itself. Even if a few of us consume a lot of spirit stones in a short period of time, it only needs to wait for a while and it will recover as before." Qing Shan held a purple spirit in his hand. Shi, smiled at Jian Chen.

Jian Chen's eyes fell on the Martial Soul Stone. At this moment, the Martial Soul Stone that was dug out by Qingshan was rapidly losing its Martial Soul Power, and the Martial Soul Power contained in it was returning to the rock wall before it was mined.

Once the Martial Soul Stone is dug out, the Martial Soul Power will be lost uncontrollably. If it is taken out of the Martial Soul Mountain, the rate of loss will be faster.

Because of this, the Spirit Stone could not be brought out of the Spirit Mountain at all.

"Eighth Junior Brother, because you were still weak at the beginning, the information about the spirit stone was not disclosed to you. In fact, our spirit stone is the same as the divine crystal in the Holy Realm, and it also has grades."

"Like Senior Brother, the spirit stone in my hand is of the lowest quality. In the depths of the rock wall, there are spirit stones of better quality. However, because the rock wall here has the ability to repair itself, this The Martial Soul Stone deep in the rock wall is basically only accessible to Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother." Qing Shan explained to Jian Chen.

Jian Chen's eyes lit up slightly and said, "So, this place is really unusual. Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, I don't know how far you can go to the rock wall."

"It's only within the range of two feet. In places that are two feet deep, although the spirit stone will be a little purer than the outside, it is far from achieving the effect of qualitative change. As for the two feet beyond, with our current ability, we can't go there. ."

"Because we continue to deepen by absorbing the martial soul power in the martial soul stone, dig one piece and absorb one, and gradually move forward. The deeper the distance, the faster the recovery speed of the martial soul stone. To slow down the recovery of the martial soul stone, We can only do our best to absorb the spirit power. Therefore, in the space after two meters, the recovery speed of the spirit stone has already caught up with our absorption speed, so we cannot go deeper." Chu Jian said.

"Then if you don't absorb the spirit stone and dig directly into the depths, can you dig directly there?" Jian Chen said.

"No!" Soul Burial shook his head: "We tried it a long time ago. If the martial soul stone excavated does not absorb the martial soul power inside, then these martial soul power will return to the original place. Speed ​​up the self-healing power of the rock wall. To slow down the self-healing speed of the rock wall, the best way is to absorb the excavated spirit stones."

"So, if you want to go deeper, there is only one way at present, and that is to absorb martial spirit power to the best of your ability."

Hearing these words, Jian Chen fell into contemplation. The peculiar recovery ability of the Wuhun Stone made it the most magical place on Wuhun Mountain so far.

Because they have checked other areas on Wuhun Mountain, the space in many places is fixed and cannot be excavated at all. The strength of the surrounding rock walls is terrible, let alone them, even if they are stronger people, I am afraid they can't. Hurt it in the slightest.

Only this place where Spirit Stones are produced can continue to dig deep.

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