Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3586: bet

In Qingtian City, one of the Five Marshals' Mansions, Ye Beifeng, the patriarch of the Ye family, was standing in the center of the hall with a serious face, and in front of him was a man in black sitting cross-legged.

This man in black is Ye Qingyun!

At this moment, Ye Qingyun's face was pale, his expression was sluggish, and he was weak. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Opposite Ye Qingyun, Ye Beifeng, the patriarch of the Ye family, stared at him solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "Qingyun, you have already been injured like this, and there are still a few more battles to come. With your current state, you Are you really sure you can make it to the end?"

"Although you have two high-grade artifacts on your body, both offensive and defensive, the opponent you are facing this time is also not weak. The ancestor is really worried that you will not make it to the end."

Ye Beifeng was a little worried, as if he was afraid that Ye Qingyun would fail. After all, the vacant position of General Qianxian was obtained by their Ye family in exchange for the deputy city lord of Qingtian City, Master Huode.

If it was captured by others, wouldn't their Ye Family make wedding dresses for them?

"Grandpa, please don't worry, Qingyun is still sure." Ye Qingyun said weakly.

Ye Beifeng sighed, and said: "Of course I know your strength, patriarch, but this is not a matter of uncertainty, but your opponents are not easy, especially those immortal emperors who have made it to the present. Except for one random cultivator who used some kind of luck to make it up to now, the other nine people have backgrounds bigger than our Ye family. It's great if you can defeat one of these people, but if you can defeat two, Three?"

"Qingyun, grandpa grandpa is really puzzled. Why do you want to compete for this term of official position? Can't you really wait a few thousand years longer? If you can wait until the next term change, then dozens of thousand immortals will If the number of seats is vacant, your chances of winning one will undoubtedly be greatly increased."

"Can't wait, once this opportunity is lost, it will be very difficult for Qingyun to step into the Immortal Venerable Realm." Ye Qingyun shook his head lightly, hesitation appeared in his eyes, but immediately he seemed to make a decision. After making a certain decision, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly a broken white jade bottle appeared in his hand.

This jade bottle looks very old, filled with a strong breath of time, and there are faint cracks on it, which looks like it will shatter at any time.

Ye Qingyun carefully held the jade bottle in his hand, fearing that the jade bottle would break if he exerted force, he said with fiery eyes: "Grandfather, this jade bottle was obtained by Qingyun by chance, not in this era. It is not a thing, but a mysterious treasure that existed in the era that has passed away."

Ye Beifeng stared at the jade bottle carefully, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see anything special, because in his eyes, the jade bottle was just an ordinary broken bottle, and there was nothing strange about it.

"What's the use of this thing?" Ye Beifeng asked curiously.

"Grandfather, even Qingyun can't understand all the functions of this treasure bottle, but one of its functions is that it can condense the energy of innocence. As long as Qingyun enters the holy place of Qingtian City with the jade bottle, it can quickly A large amount of innocence gas has been collected."

"Perhaps a ray of Wugou Qi can't make Qingyun break through the realm, but once he obtains a large amount of Wugou Qi, then Qingyun will definitely step into the realm of Immortal Venerable."

Ye Qingyun's gaze became fiery, with an undisguised expectation and excitement, longing for that day to come.

But immediately, when his eyes fell on the jade bottle again, a look of disappointment flashed across him: "It's just a pity, this jade bottle is too broken, and it has existed for a long time, the power of time is always there It is irreversible to obliterate it, and at this rate, after thousands of years, this jade bottle will be obliterated into a mass of ashes by the power of time."

"So, I can only do my best to compete for this year's Thousand Immortal General, because of it, I can't wait for the next one."

Hearing this, Ye Beifeng was shocked, and murmured: "Although the holy emperors in Qingtian City have the aura of innocence, it is not so easy to obtain it. Some people can't get it for thousands of years." Get a sliver, this tattered jade bottle in your hand, does it really have such a miraculous effect?"

"If this jade bottle didn't have such an effect, then Qingyun wouldn't have paid such a huge price to compete for the position of Qianxian General." Ye Qingyun said.

Ye Beifeng fell into a brief silence, and finally seemed to have made up his mind. Immediately afterwards, he saw that the breath of life in his body became weak rapidly, and at his fingertips, a mass of surging vitality gradually appeared. strength.

"Grandfather, what are you?" Ye Qingyun was startled when he saw this scene, and he naturally saw that Ye Beifeng was pulling away from the source of his life.

After a few breaths, Ye Beifeng's aura plummeted and he became much weaker. He forcibly stripped part of his life source, condensed it into the ball of life force on his fingertips, and then drove that ball of life force into Ye Qing Yun within the body, said: "This vitality can help you recover from many injuries. Qingyun, our Ye family has ups and downs, and now we have such a weak foundation. It is far inferior to those other big forces. Grandfather can only You have helped you to this point, and whether you can get the rank of Thousand Immortals in the future depends entirely on your own performance."

Leaving those words behind, Ye Beifeng walked out of the Marshal's Mansion in a nonchalant manner.

Ye Qingyun got a burst of vitality from Ye Beifeng, and her injuries in her body immediately improved rapidly.

His expression became extremely complicated, because it would take at least hundreds, even thousands of years for Ye Beifeng to recover this part of his vitality.

"Grandfather, you still don't believe in Qingyun's strength after all. If I say nine levels of confidence, then there must be nine levels of confidence, or even higher..." Ye Qingyun murmured.

What happened to Ye Qingyun also happened to the other nine immortal emperors. All of them got the support of their families, and they recovered quickly in various ways.

Jian Chen became the most leisurely contestant. At this moment, he was restraining his aura, shuttled through Qingtian City boredly, and entered a shop selling heaven, material and earth treasures.

Taking advantage of this time, he searched Qingtian City for auxiliary materials for refining the top-grade God King Pill.

After a lot of profligacy, he really collected a lot of auxiliary materials.

Soon, Jian Chen found a very interesting thing on a bustling street in Qingtian City.

It was an ancient tower-shaped building, which operated a game similar to gambling, and the specific gameplay was to place bets on the immortal emperor who was competing for the position of a thousand immortal generals.

If the Immortal Emperor who wins wins the official position of the Thousand Immortals, the bettors will get high bets according to the relevant odds.

Jian Chen walked into the ancient pagoda subconsciously, and found that there were a lot of warriors gathered inside, and above his head, the names of eleven immortal emperors were listed in big golden characters, and Jian Chen's name was one of them. .

"Thirty Five-Colored Immortal Crystals, I bet on Senior Xia Mingtian, Xia Mingtian is from a Heavenly Court-level power, and is the strongest who is most likely to win the position of Thousand Immortal General..."

"Fifty colorful fairy crystals, I bet that senior Zhou Dan can enter the top six. It is said that senior Zhou Dan obtained the inheritance of an unrivaled powerhouse in his early years. His strength can be called invincible at the same level. I dare not say that he will definitely be able to win." As a general of Qianxian, it is no problem to enter the top six..."

"Ten Five-Colored Immortal Crystals, I bet Senior Ye Qingyun can enter the top six..."

"Ten Five-Colored Immortal Crystals, I bet Senior Zihuaiyu will enter the top six..."

"Twenty Five-Colored Immortal Crystals, I bet on the next round of byes..."


Inside the ancient pagoda, there are many immortals of all kinds and strengths betting one after another. Some bet on the top six candidates, some bet on the top three candidates, and some bet on the final candidate.

There are even bets on who the bye will be in the next round.

Jian Chen took a general look, eleven of them walked among the current Immortal Emperors, except for himself, the remaining ten people had people betting on them, and at worst, some people betting on them being able to enter the top six.

As for the loose cultivator Changyang of the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor, there was not a single bet on it.

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