Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3588: Change the ball

"Changyang, number one, 200,000 colorful fairy crystals!"

Walking on the streets of Qingtian City, Jian Chen looked at the token engraved with characters in his hand, carefully sensing the power inside.

He found that the power of the official seal contained in the token was definitely not only Yu Changkong's. In addition to Yu Changkong, he also felt the power of dozens of other official seals on this palm-sized token.

And these powers have two levels in total.

"The first level, it should be from the Hundred Immortal Captain like Yu Changkong, and the second level, it should be from the Thousand Immortal General."

"There are so many shares of Qingtian City's official power contained in one token, it seems that these people are the backstage of the gambling house."

Jian Chen secretly said in his heart.

Unknowingly, the time for the decisive battle against the top six finally arrived, and five huge projections suddenly appeared in the sky above Qingtian City.

The next battle was obviously different from the previous ones. In the previous rounds of battles, the outside world could not watch the battle scenes.

But starting from this round, every subsequent battle will be open to the outside world.

Jian Chen and the other ten contestants were once again forcibly transported to an independent space by the power of Qingtian City.

In the same place, there were only 173 people in the first place, but now there are only eleven of them left.

Jian Chen subconsciously looked at the remaining ten people, and found that many of them were full of energy and energy. He dare not say that everyone had recovered to their peak, but at least they had recovered to 80% of their peak strength.

Soon, above everyone's heads, eleven light clusters appeared out of thin air.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on the eleven light clusters, all of them showed enthusiasm and anticipation.

Because in this round, there will still be an empty number slot, and if the empty number is drawn, they will directly enter the top six without participating in the battle.

This is also the last empty number.

After the top six, the final battle will be the top three!

And the last three are a melee, in which the final winner is determined.

"I don't know who will win this bye opportunity." Xia Mingtian from Xianyu Sect stared at the eleven light spheres high in the sky, and murmured.

"There is a guy, he was the one who took every bye in front of him. I don't know what kind of luck it is. This time, it can't be him again." A middle-aged man in a black robe said lightly.

He is a Supreme Elder of Shenyin Temple, named Dunxu.

Although the Shenyin Temple is not as good as the Twelve Heavenly Courts, it is not a bit inferior. It is famous in the starry sky.

"Hehehe, if the bye is still that guy this time, then I don't think there is any need for us to fight, he will be the first directly. Because it is already unprecedented to have two byes in a row. If the third time If there is still a bye, then he is obviously the one chosen by default, and we fight back and forth, but it is just a foil." Zi Huaiyu of the Luo family said with a smile.

"Official positions in Qingtian City have always been contested based on strength, there is no such thing as a predetermined decision. Moreover, from ancient times to the present, there has never been any precedent..."

"Indeed, the spirits of Qingtian City are notoriously ruthless and selfless. They have always strictly abided by the rules set by the master of Qingtian City back then. How could they be partial to others..."

"Zihuaiyu, you are worrying too much. The spirits of Qingtian City are different from those of other supreme artifacts. Here, unless they are Taizun's personal disciples and are brought by Taizun himself, anyone can No special privileges. However, how can the direct disciples of Taizun participate in these battles? With their status, they are qualified to directly go to the Holy Land to practice..."

Some immortal emperors were refuting Zi Huaiyu's words, and did not agree with Zi Huaiyu's statement.

Zi Huaiyu chuckled, but didn't take it seriously. After all, she had lived for millions of years, so she naturally knew the rules of Qingtian City, and she just said it casually before.

For a while, everyone stared at the ball of light above, hesitating with each other, but they didn't make a move first.

"Since the seniors don't do anything, let me do it." Jian Chen had an indifferent attitude. The body of chaos made him not need to worry about the consumption of his cultivation base, and the existence of the source of life made him completely ignore any injuries.

Therefore, it really doesn't matter to Jian Chen if he doesn't get a bye.

Jian Chen stretched out his hand to grab it, and randomly picked a ball of light.

Soon, eleven light spheres chose their master one after another, but everyone held the light sphere, and no one opened it first.

Obviously, all of them are very eager for this last bye opportunity.

To be able to reach this point, although there are differences in strength between them, the gap is not that big. Every battle must go all out. If they can save one battle, it will play an important role in the subsequent battles. significance.

"Crack!" There was a crackling sound, and someone crushed the light ball in his hand, and a golden number floated out immediately.

"Alas!" The man let out a light sigh full of disappointment.

Immediately, clicking sounds sounded one after another, the light **** were crushed one by one, and golden numbers flew up one by one.

Of the eleven light spheres, nine have been crushed, leaving only Jian Chen and Zi Huaiyu in the end.

All of a sudden, many eyes fell on Jian Chen and Zi Huaiyu.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you'll still have a bye this time." Zi Huaiyu snorted softly, his gaze drifted away from the light ball in his hand, and his mood suddenly became complicated, it was both excited and nervous.

Just when Zi Huaiyu was about to make up her mind to crush the ball of light in her hand, she suddenly raised her head and said to Jian Chen: "Changyang, can we change it!"

"Naturally no problem." Jian Chen chuckled and threw the ball of light in his hand nonchalantly.

He doesn't care if he doesn't have a bye, because it doesn't matter to him.

Zi Huaiyu also threw the ball of light in her hand to Jian Chen, she grabbed the ball of light that Jian Chen still had, and exerted force with five fingers, the ball of light burst with a sound.

Immediately, a dazzling golden light pierced out from the ball of light, and a golden number floated out.

Zi Huaiyu's mind was shocked, and she froze all of a sudden.

Not only her, but also the pupils of the remaining nine immortal emperors constricted, revealing expressions of disbelief. This third bye was actually the same person!

This is absolutely unprecedented.

"I didn't expect me to be so lucky that I would be given a bye again." Jian Chen showed a breezy smile, and crushed the light ball in his hand at once, and it was indeed empty.

"The person who got the bye this time should have belonged to Fellow Daoist Yu, fellow Daoist Rain, I really don't understand what kind of drama you are making..."

"It's raining too much, I really...don't know what to say about you..."

"Hahaha, the bye qualification you got was given away for nothing, Zihuaiyu, this is your own choice..."

The nine immortal emperors in the field were amused by this dramatic scene. As for Zi Huaiyu himself, his face became extremely ugly, and his heart was full of regret.

But in the end, she could only let out a long sigh, admitting she was unlucky, and entered the ancient battlefield silently.

Looking at Zi Huaiyu's figure when he left, Jian Chen shook his head lightly, perhaps only he knew that the result would be the same no matter whether the light ball in his hand was changed or not.

Because no matter which light ball is taken, he will only be the bye.

Three consecutive byes made Jian Chen extremely certain in his heart that it must be the Qingtian City Artifact Spirit helping him in secret.

Soon, ten contestants went to the ancient battlefield one after another, and only Jian Chen was left in the waiting area.

In Qingtian City, the battle projections of the five battlefields also appeared one after another, attracting the attention of everyone in Qingtian City.

When everyone was watching the earth-shattering battle of the powerhouse in the Immortal Emperor Realm, they also talked about the bye this time, and there were voices of amazement.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all. Among the 173 immortal emperors, except for Changyang, all the other immortal emperors are in the realm of the Ninth Heaven. Changyang actually made it to the top six..."

"It's frightening to think that it's only possible to reach this level in the realm of the sixth heaven..."

"What do you know, Immortal Emperor Changyang was able to enter the top six, and his whole body was lucky, and he got three byes alone, which is obviously unfair to the rest of the immortal emperors who participated in the battle..."

Jian Chen didn't know that he had already become a hotly discussed figure in Qingtian City. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the void, his eyes wandering around the five battlefields, watching other people's battles intently.

This round of battle lasted for nearly a month before it all ended. The five winners all left the ancient battlefield with injuries.

Now, the top six candidates have been selected, and Jian Chen became one of them without any effort.

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