Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3590: Healing Elixir

"Indeed, if this is not what this disciple saw with his own eyes, it would be hard for this disciple to believe it. After all, the cultivation base has reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and low-level healing pills and treasures of heaven and earth are useless. Therefore, if you want to make the Immortal Emperor The injury on the strong man recovered to its original state in an instant, and it is hard for disciples to imagine what kind of heaven and earth wonders have such miraculous effects." Shangqing Daoist exclaimed, and he was still carefully recalling the time when Jian Chen's injury recovered to its original state. A scene, and then added: "Besides, at that time, the disciple didn't seem to have discovered that Changyang had taken any treasures of heaven and earth. It seemed that the thing that healed his injuries was not some kind of treasure of heaven and earth."

"Isn't it a treasure of heaven and earth?" The ancestor of Shangqing Daoist frowned slightly. At this moment, he seemed to have lost interest in the battles in the other two arenas, and his old eyes stared at Jian Chen's battle without blinking. projection.

"Then let's see, Changyang will definitely be injured when he fights with the little guy from Shenfu Immortal Sect. Let's see if his recovery is as miraculous as you said." Shangqing Daoist's ancestor said.

The battle of the top three attracted a lot of attention in Qingtian City. At this moment, in the general mansions scattered in various areas of Qingtian City, there was also an immortal emperor who had obtained the title of General of Thousand Immortals, and was paying close attention to it.

In the mansion of the five marshals, there were three marshals sitting cross-legged on the throne, staring at the three battlefields in the same way.

Because among the six immortal emperors who are fighting fiercely on the battlefield at this moment, there are also their people, either their descendants, or they are from the same power as them.

Among the three marshals, Ye Beifeng was the most nervous. He kept staring at Ye Qingyun intently, as if he was afraid that Ye Qingyun would fail.

"Whether you can win the final and win the position of Thousand Immortals will directly affect whether Qingyun can step into the realm of immortals. Qingyun, you must not let the ancestor down." Ye Beifeng prayed secretly in his heart .

At the same time, in the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord Jiang Pingtian of Qingtian City sat calmly on the throne of the City Lord, looking back and forth at the six immortal emperors in the three battlefields with deep eyes.

This is not his real body, but an avatar condensed with a wisp of primordial power.

His true self had already been cultivating in the holy land of Qingtian City, and he specially condensed a ray of primordial spirit to watch the battle between the six people.

"Among the six people, the identities of five of them have been clarified, but the identity of the kid named Changyang is unknown, and he has come to the present with the strength of the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Could it be that the junior who was taken care of by the master of the Tianji Pavilion , is this Changyang?"

In the end, Jiang Pingtian's eyes fell on Jian Chen, and he secretly became suspicious in his heart.

"The owner of the Tianji Pavilion gave the old man a high-grade artifact that day. This high-grade artifact belonged to the Giant Elephant Sect. Killed by the person behind the current suzerain of the Zixiao Sword Sect. In the end, this lost high-grade artifact fell into the hands of the owner of the Tianji Pavilion, and was used to exchange for the Qianxian general who belonged to Jiang Shaoyi..."

"Dare to use a high-grade artifact in exchange for the Thousand Immortal General, which means that this person must be fully sure of winning the Thousand Immortal General, otherwise, how could he pay such a high price. So that person must be one of the six of them. …”

"In this battle, there were three byes, and in the end all three were won by Changyang alone. Being able to win all the byes is definitely not a matter of bad luck, but a deliberate act by Qi Ling of Qingtian City. Of."

Jiang Pingtian's frown became tighter and tighter, and he remembered the words of the Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion asking him to take care of those who donated artifacts, and his doubts became more intense: "The Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion attaches great importance to him, and the Qingtian City artifact spirits are secretly Help, what is the origin of this Changyang? What is the relationship between him and the current suzerain of the Zixiao Sword Sect..."

"Changyang, show your true strength. It is impossible for you to be so weak if you can defeat Immortal Emperor Lishan and Daoist Shangqing. If you continue to hide your clumsiness, your injuries will only get worse." On the battlefield, Zhou Dan A burst of destructive force erupted from the high-grade artifact spear in his hand, and once again sent Jian Chen far away.

At this moment, Jian Chen had already suffered unimaginably heavy injuries, his body was covered with hideous and terrifying wounds, and there were even multiple penetrating wounds.

But with the power of chaos, even though his injuries are very serious, he still maintains a corresponding combat effectiveness.

Facing Zhou Dan's questioning, Jian Chen remained silent. The next moment, he instantly appeared in front of Zhou Dan with the law of space. The power of chaos and the law of swordsmanship came out together, and he slashed at Zhou Dan with a bright sword light, forcing Zhou Dan to He had to fight back with the high-grade artifact spear in his hand.


Jian Chen was once again sent flying by Zhou Dan's counterattack, and another hideous wound was added to his body.

"Changyang, you can't hold on for long. Since you are still unwilling to show your true strength, then the battle between us will come to an end." Zhou Dan shouted, and directly displayed the god-level combat skills.

He holds a high-grade divine weapon, and every time he makes a move, he needs to spend a lot of cultivation power. If it goes on for a long time, it will also cause serious consumption to him, so he does not hesitate to display the god-level combat skills, wanting to fight quickly, for more recovery time.

Immediately, the might of the vast heaven and earth descended suddenly, and the spear in Zhou Dan's hand turned into a black long rainbow, engulfing Jian Chen instantly with a monstrous might that moved even the strong in the Immortal Venerable Realm.


There was an explosion between the heaven and the earth, and the aftermath of the terrifying energy turned into a world-destroying storm raging on the battlefield, swallowing everything in the sky and the earth.

After performing the god-level combat skills, Zhou Dan stood up with a pistol, and his face was slightly pale, obviously exhausted.

"With your chaotic body, you will never be able to stop my god-level combat skills from above-grade artifacts. However, with the protection of Qingtian City's power, you will not die no matter what, and at the worst, you will leave your primordial spirit behind." Zhou Dan said lightly to the void that was engulfed by energy, and immediately he took out the magic pill from the space ring, and took several middle-grade recovery pills in succession.

At this moment, there was an uproar in Qingtian City, and many immortals who paid close attention to Jian Chen's battlefield were discussing and sneered at Changyang.

"Let me just say, how could someone who got to this point by luck be the opponent of Senior Zhou Dan..."

"I didn't expect Changyang to lose so easily. I thought he could hold on for a few more days..."

"Too bad, I contributed a thousand years of salary to bet on the victory of Immortal Emperor Changyang. If he loses, then I will suffer a heavy loss..."


However, the discussions outside the arena didn't last long, and a beam of sword light flashed away from the energy storm and went straight to Zhou Dan.

Zhou Dan's face changed slightly, and the high-grade artifact spear in his hand swept out directly, smashing the sword light.

I saw Jian Chen's figure walking out of the energy storm, he was covered in blood, and there were countless scars all over his body, just looking at it made people shudder.

"The Body of Chaos really deserves its reputation. It's not bad to be injured like this, but you are not my opponent after all. I see how long you can hold on." Zhou Dan said in a deep voice.

"I will persist for longer than you." Jian Chen grinned and turned his hands, only to see a divine pill containing powerful vitality appear in his hand, and he swallowed it with his mouth open.

The next moment, he saw a strong green light flickering on his body, and the injuries on his body were recovering at an incredible speed.

In just one or two breaths, all the injuries that appeared on Jian Chen's body were completely restored, not even a single scar could be found.

Zhou Dan was also taken aback by this terrifying recovery speed. He stared at Jian Chen in disbelief, and exclaimed: "What kind of magic pill are you? You have such a terrifying recovery ability?"

"The healing effect is so heaven-defying. This pill is regarded as a treasure even for the strong in the Immortal Venerable Realm. It will be used as a life-saving thing, but it is wasted by Changyang like this. It is not worth it." In Qingtian City, Shangqing Zhenren's ancestor also showed surprise.

"Old Ancestor, Changyang is playing tricks. The recovery of his injuries is not due to the effect of pills, but other methods. He is confusing everyone." Shangqing Zhenren said.

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