Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3602: Immortal field

After hearing this, Jian Chen's expression gradually became more serious, and he said: "You even told me what your ancestors hid, just to let me withdraw from the battle for the title of Qianxian General. This position is more important to you than I imagined. It's just a pity, if it's another time, I'd be more than happy to make a deal with you, because I'm really interested in the magic pill in your hand. But now, I can only let you down, because the position of General Qianxian is equally important to me, and I am determined to win it."

Ye Qingyun's gaze turned cold all of a sudden, and he said in a deep voice: "This place for the rank of Thousand Immortals was vacated by our Ye family's careful operation. If you insist on competing with me, then You will only become my Ye Qingyun's enemy. Changyang, I can take out the magic pill of the last era, and you must have guessed that I have obtained an extremely good inheritance. If you want the position of a thousand immortals Be my enemy, you will regret it sooner or later."

"Threat me?" Jian Chen looked at Ye Qingyun playfully, and said, "Ye Qingyun, could it be that you will become stronger than the Immortal Feather Sect? The Immortal Yumen are not afraid of offending, so are you still afraid of you who are only in the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingyun's breathing stopped suddenly!

"If you want the position of Thousand Immortal General, you can take it based on your strength." Jian Chen shouted, and the divine sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out. Combining the law of the sword and the law of space, he once again cast the Shadowless Death-Slaying Sword.

A powerful sword energy completely ignored Ye Qingyun's top-grade artifact armor, and exploded in his body.

Ye Qingyun groaned, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, but immediately his eyes became crazy, his face twisted, and he said ferociously: "Changyang, you forced me, if that's the case, then don't blame me. Even though I, Ye Qingyun, lost this battle, I will still make you pay the price."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Qingyun put the jade bottle in his hand into his mouth. When the top-grade divine pill in the jade bottle rolled down into his mouth, another holy pill similar to flesh and blood in the jade bottle was a magical pill. The medicine was also swallowed by Ye Qingyun in an extremely subtle way.

In Qingtian City, all the powerhouses watching the battle projection subconsciously thought that Ye Qingyun had only taken one top-grade pill, not knowing that the top-grade pill was just a cover-up.

At the same time, a group of faint blood-red rays of light diffused from Ye Qingyun's body, and he began to burn his blood, only to see an aura as vast as the sea erupted on his body.

Moreover, the strength of this momentum quickly surpassed the limit of the Immortal Emperor Realm and entered a higher level!


At this moment, the aura that erupted from Ye Qingyun's body was so strong that it had completely reached the realm of the Immortal Venerable.

Jian Chen stared at Ye Qingyun intently, and he could tell at a glance that Ye Qingyun's burning of blood essence was also just a cover-up method, a reasonable excuse for his next burst of powerful strength.

And it was all because of the existence of that flesh-and-blood elixir that really pushed him to the realm of immortal venerables.

"Like a real immortal? The divine elixir from the last era has such a heaven-defying effect." Looking at Ye Qingyun, whose forehead was throbbing with blue veins, Jian Chen's expression gradually became dignified. Now Ye Qingyun , Whether it is cultivation or realm, they have completely stepped into the realm of immortals.

That flesh and blood holy pill not only contains the cultivation of the fairy realm, but also contains the laws of the fairy realm level. If this flesh and blood holy pill is used as the source of power, then Ye Qingyun will turn into a real fairy, Until the energy of the flesh and blood elixir is exhausted.

"The Realm of the Immortal Venerable! Is this the realm that belongs to the level of the Immortal Venerable?" On the opposite side, Ye Qingyun slowly closed his eyes, and the divine pills in his body continuously transmitted enormous power, allowing him to truly gain a foothold in the realm of the Immortal Venerable. territory.

Even though he was only at the first level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, it still allowed his combat power to undergo a leap-forward improvement.

Of course, he also paid the price, and saw that the skin on his body had already turned red, and countless tiny blood vessels had already emerged, as if they were about to forcefully split his physical body.

The power of the Immortal Venerable Realm is not so easy to bear. If one's own strength is insufficient, one will be exploded to death by the flesh and blood holy pill in an instant.

At this time, the high-grade pill that he swallowed together took effect, and a huge medicinal power was already starting to heal his injuries.

"I have established myself in the realm of the immortal, Changyang. I hope that your ability to recover from injuries can last until the end." Suddenly, Ye Qingyun let out a loud shout, and the spear in his hand burst into a blazing light, with A powerful force belonging to the Immortal Venerable Realm flew out instantly, leaving a hideous and terrifying wound on Jian Chen's body.

But in an instant, the life energy in Jian Chen's wound began to flow, and the injury quickly recovered.

"On the one line of heaven and earth, yin and yang are separated!"

Ye Qingyun yelled loudly, and the majestic cultivation that belonged to the Immortal Venerable Realm erupted from him. He pointed the spear in his hand to the sky, and displayed god-level combat skills.

Immediately, a vast power of heaven and earth descended suddenly, and Jian Chen felt that his energy was completely locked, and a huge pressure like a mountain was exerted on him, causing his body to sink suddenly.

I saw a blazing ray of light appearing in the sky, it was a golden ray condensed by the laws of the golden system, emitting a dazzling ray of light, penetrating the entire sky.

The golden light seems to have the power to divide the heaven and the earth. As the golden light falls, the heaven and the earth seem to be cut in half, and the whole world is divided into two.

After setting foot in the field of immortal venerables, Ye Qingyun also belongs to the Tianjiao level of combat power. Although he still cannot compare with the second level of the immortal venerable realm, the god-level combat skills he exhibited are as powerful as immortals. Those who are strong in the first level of respect can be severely injured.

Jian Chen's eyes were fixed, and his supreme will condensed into an invisible blade, which directly slashed fiercely at Ye Qingyun's god-level combat skills.

The whole world seemed to be shaken suddenly, Ye Qingyun's god-level combat skills instantly lost all divine power, and was easily broken by Jian Chen.

Ye Qingyun's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "I didn't expect you to be able to defeat the god-level combat skills displayed by Lian Xianzun. But so what, you can break the god-level combat skills, but you can't break the secret method."

Ye Qingyun put away the spear in his hand, put his palms together in front of his chest, and suddenly the three laws of gold, wood, and water flashed, and finally condensed into a statue with a height of hundreds of feet behind him, like a **** in the nine heavens Like a mansion, exuding a supreme power.

At the same time, the energy contained in the flesh and blood elixir in his body was also being consumed rapidly.

Stepping into the Immortal Venerable Realm, every time he makes a move, he consumes the energy in the flesh and blood elixir.

At this time, Ye Qingyun moved, and his way of shooting was very simple, just palms from top to bottom, and suddenly patted forward.

Immediately, the huge Dharma figure suspended behind him also imitated Ye Qingyun's movements, and the huge palm intertwined with the light of the three laws fell in the air, and directly slapped Jian Chen with a terrifying force that squeezed the void.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the entire ancient battlefield was violently shaken. Jian Chen's entire body was driven into the depths of the ground by Fa Xiang's palm.

Ye Qingyun didn't stop, his eyes showed a fierce and decisive look, and they merged with the method behind him, and the huge rotating palms slapped down one after another.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Immediately, there was continuous roaring in the ancient battlefield, and this small world shook even more violently. A violent energy storm raged in the void, and the entire land was torn apart, and huge canyons appeared one after another.

Blood flowed from the corner of Ye Qingyun's mouth, and many skins on his body had burst and were bloody, which was caused by the violent energy in the flesh and blood elixir.

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