Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3606: five marshals

In a marshal's mansion in Qingtian City, there are five figures sitting cross-legged in the void at this moment, talking to each other.

Although the five of them were restraining their auras, there were still wisps of palpitating coercion emanating from them occasionally, filling the entire palace.

And the intensity of this coercion has reached the realm of the immortal.

These five people are all experts in the Immortal Venerable Realm!

"I still have to give the Immortal Yumen's face. Wudao Immortal Venerable wants to find out how many times he can recover from the treasure on Changyang's body, so why not let us do it for him? The secret treasure on Changyang’s body can almost heal injuries infinitely, and everyone here must be very curious about it.” Among the five great immortals, one of them said, his voice was old, but he was full of energy.

This is an old man with white hair and a childlike face, known as Zhenyan Immortal Venerable, the first level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, and also one of the five marshals of Qingtian City.

"That Changyang is a casual cultivator. He has no worries and no restraints. He is not even afraid of the Immortal Feather Sect. From this, it can be seen that this is a person who is not threatened. Now we want him to reveal his secrets. What do you say? Will he agree?" Another immortal spoke, this is a middle-aged man with a gentle face, wrapped in a simple white robe, with a bit of bookishness.

His name is Ji Yun, the second heaven of the Immortal Venerable Realm, one of the five great marshals of Qingtian City.

"This is Qingtian City. Qingtian City has the rules of Qingtian City. In this extremely special city, many things are beyond his control." The third person sneered. A hideous and terrifying scar, with sharp eyes, looks like a fierce aura.

His name is Sha Xue, he is the Second Heavenly Level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, and he is also one of the five Marshals of Qingtian City.

The remaining two marshals, Ye Beifeng and Wei Qi, sat there silent.

"By the way, Ye Beifeng, Ye Qingyun seems to be your younger generation. He didn't know what he ate in the final finals, so that his cultivation base and realm completely stepped into the realm of immortal venerables. And it can make the immortal emperor I have lived for a long time, but I have never heard of the divine pill that briefly stepped into the realm of immortal venerable." Sha Xue turned his eyes, and smiled at Ye Beifeng, "I think your junior is also Got a great inheritance."

"Everyone has their own chances and fortunes, and Qingyun's child is no exception, but I really don't know what inheritance he has acquired, and I don't want to know." Ye Beifeng said calmly. He didn't dare to offend anyone, because among the five marshals, apart from him, each of the other four had a background, and there was a stronger immortal standing behind them.

He was the only one who held up the sky of the Ye family by himself!

Even if there is such a relationship as Master Huode, Master Huode is not a member of the Ye family after all.

"As for the elixir that Qingyun took at the last moment, although this elixir is extremely powerful, allowing the Immortal Emperor Realm Jiuchongtian to step into the realm of Immortal Venerable for a short time, but the same, the price of taking this elixir is also It's very serious, you have seen what happened to Qingyun, just the backlash of the pill almost caused Qingyun to lose his body."

"Moreover, this pill must be in Qingyun's hands, and it is absolutely impossible to take out a second pill."

Ye Beifeng went on to add that his heart was clear, and he naturally understood that someone was eyeing the elixir in Ye Qingyun's hand.

"Report to Marshal, Immortal Emperor Changyang is waiting outside the mansion." At this moment, a waiter ran in from outside, knelt down on one knee, and spoke respectfully.

"Are you finally here? Weiqi, this is your territory, and it's up to you next." With a faint smile on his face, Zhenyan Immortal Venerable turned his head to look at Weiqi Immortal Venerable at the side.

Weiqi Immortal Venerable nodded slightly, and said to the waiter, "Let Changyang come over."

"Yes, Marshal!" The waiter took the order and retreated respectfully.

Soon, Jian Chen in plain clothes appeared in the marshal's mansion. His eyes swept over the five figures sitting cross-legged in the air in front of him. His heart sank slightly, but he remained calm on the surface. He clasped his fists and said, "Younger Changyang, I have seen you seniors!"

Weiqi Immortal Venerable first introduced the other four Immortal Venerables to Jian Chen, and then said to Jian Chen: "Changyang, with the strength of the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm, you can win the official position of Thousand Immortals, but It really opened my eyes.”

"Senior Liao praised it, this junior can go to the end, it is all relying on external force." Jian Chen clasped his fists and said.

"External force is also a manifestation of strength, such as various external force factors such as various celestial artifacts, artifacts, and various elixirs. How many of the immortals in the fairy world will give up." Wei Qi Xianzun said in a flat tone, and then paused, The gaze that looked at Jian Chen suddenly became radiant: "Changyang, the strange item on your body that can heal your injuries in a very short time is not only curious in the heart of the deity, but also the other four fellow Taoists are very curious. , I wonder if you can satisfy our curiosity and open our eyes."

Zhen Yan, Ji Yun, Sha Xue, and Ye Beifeng are all staring at Jian Chen with piercing eyes. They can recover the injuries of an immortal emperor in an almost unlimited instant. I was so curious in my heart that I even salivated.

Jian Chen had expected such a scene a long time ago, and said with a normal expression: "Seniors, I am afraid this matter will disappoint you, the strange object that can restore my injury cannot be shown to all seniors yet. "

Jian Chen's refusal made Immortal Venerable Wei Qi's face stiffen immediately, his brows were slightly wrinkled, revealing a sense of displeasure.

"Changyang, Marshal Weiqi is your immediate superior. According to the rules of Qingtian City, as a subordinate, you must never disobey the orders of your superiors. Do you know what it means to you to reject the Immortal Venerable Weiqi?" Zhenyan Xianzun faced Staring at Jian Chen expressionlessly.

"Qingtian City does have such rules, but Qingtian City's rules do not include prying into other people's secrets. The issue of recovering from my injuries has already touched my greatest privacy, so I have the right to refuse." Jian Chen said confidently. Said, even though the five people in front of him are all powerful in the Immortal Venerable Realm, he is not afraid.

Because this is Qingtian City, not to mention the five marshals here, even the lord of a city can't do whatever he wants, everything must abide by the rules of Qingtian City.

"Changyang, you have just assumed the position of General of Thousand Immortals in Qingtian City. There are still thousands of years to come. I hope you can think about it carefully. You won't do any good." Weiqi Immortal Venerable threatened tepidly.

"On the first day you came to Qingtian City, you offended all of our five marshals, Changyang, then you will really have trouble moving an inch in Qingtian City from now on." Immortal Venerable Shaxue also spoke.

Jian Chen smiled calmly, looked towards the five great immortals without fear, and said: "Seniors, in fact, this junior is also very curious about your cultivation techniques, supernatural powers and secret techniques, and the details of all the artifacts on your body. Can the seniors reveal these secrets, so that the juniors can open their eyes."

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