Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3609: reached an agreement

After consuming two high-grade pills one after another, Wei Qi Xianzun's heart was bleeding, and his flesh was in pain, because he really didn't have many of such high-level pills, and every one had to be used on the blade. waste.

So for Weiqi Immortal Venerable, using the top-grade elixir on a challenge of little significance is really a waste of money.

But if he didn't use the high-grade magic pill to heal his injuries, once the injuries got worse, he would most likely be defeated.

It would be a great shame and humiliation for anyone if a dignified second-level immortal in the Immortal Venerable Realm was defeated by a junior from the sixth-level Immortal Emperor Realm.

Therefore, in order to preserve his dignity, Wei Qi Xianzun could only grit his teeth and use the divine pill to support him helplessly.

"Under the scorching sun of this seat, your life force is depleting all the time, and the rate of this loss is extremely alarming, this seat wants to see how much life force you still have on your body that can be used to recover from your injuries. "

"Hmph, Changyang, I will never give up until the life force in your body is exhausted."

"The sixth level of the Immortal Emperor dares to challenge this seat, and you will naturally have to pay a heavy price..."

Wei Qi Xianzun's eyes showed a cruel look, and the waste of two high-grade divine pills made him feel a trace of hatred towards Jian Chen in his heart.

After all, not every immortal is as rich and powerful as Xianyumen.

In this way, Jian Chen used the source of life to restore himself from his injuries, and from time to time he used the Shadowless Killing Sword to start a war of attrition with Wei Qi Immortal Venerable.

Time passed day after day, and Wei Qi Xianzun not only swallowed three healing elixirs, but also took one elixir to restore cultivation.

After all, maintaining the powerful secret technique of Burning the Sun for a long time, even the like of the Immortal Venerable, cannot help but consume the power of cultivation.

"Damn it, how much life energy is there in Changyang's body to recover from the injury? Why is it still not exhausted?" After swallowing three healing pills, the will of Weiqi Immortal Venerable finally wavered a bit.

The various high-grade pills on his body only add up to about ten pills, but in the end, a small half of them was lost all at once.

This can't help but make him start to doubt himself, is it really worth doing it by himself?

Time was passing by gradually, and soon after several days, when Wei Qi Xianzun swallowed the fourth healing pill, he finally couldn't help it, and made a voice of gnashing his teeth: "Changyang, could it be that the life force in your body is really Can't it be endless?"

"Of course it can't be endless. It will run out sooner or later, but according to this kind of consumption, at least I can last for three months." He is so powerful, the time he can persist is naturally far longer than three months, after all, the life force he consumed when recovering from his injuries is really insignificant compared to the supreme artifact of the source of life.

Back then in the Chaos Sea, even the Wuxin Boy's attack on the Source of Life was able to withstand, let alone the Weiqi Immortal Venerable who was only in the Second Heaven Realm.

"Can you last for three months? Wouldn't it mean that I have to consume more than a dozen high-grade divine pills? If you add up all the high-grade divine pills in this seat's space ring, you can't get a dozen." However, when the sword At Chen's words, Wei Qi Xianzun's heart sank, and his face was extremely ugly.

He didn't know if Jian Chen could really last that long, but he knew that he couldn't continue to gamble, because the longer the time dragged on, the greater his loss.

Moreover, he couldn't last for three months!

After all, this is not a simple fight. If it is just a fight, with the power of an immortal, it would be very difficult for him to be exhausted if he meets an even-matched opponent for tens of thousands of years.

But Immortal Venerable Wei Qi has been under the attack of the Shadowless Death-Slaying Sword. Faced with this strange and mysterious technique that cannot be resisted, Immortal Wei Qi's injuries will aggravate every once in a while.

He doesn't have Jian Chen's strong recovery ability, even if he goes on for a long time, he won't be able to bear it.

The eyes of Weiqi Immortal Venerable shone brightly. After hesitating for a long time, he finally mustered up the courage to say: "Changyang, it doesn't make any sense for us to continue fighting like this. Why don't we just stop here?"

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Jian Chen's mouth, and he said: "In this case, Senior Wei Qi, you take the initiative to admit defeat."

Weiqi Xianzun seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and the veins popped out one by one on his forehead, and immediately let out a roar: "Admit defeat? You let this powerful Immortal Venerable Realm stand against you, the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm. The younger generation admit defeat? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Since senior refuses to admit defeat, let's continue fighting until the final winner is determined." Jian Chen sneered, showing no face at all.

"Changyang, offending this seat to death will do you no harm, you have to think about it carefully." Weiqi Xianzun said in a deep voice, and at this time, the radiance that bloomed from his body had disappeared, and he took the initiative to stop After using the secret technique, he stopped attacking Jian Chen.

After that, Wei Qi Xianzun's tone paused for a while, and after taking a deep breath, he continued: "Even if you win this seat, it is only a loss of face for this seat. But this seat wants to tell you clearly that if you really develop to that If this is the case, then in the next few thousand years, this seat will try every means and use all connections to let you live a hellish life in Qingtian City, and you don't even want to stay here comfortably. "

Jian Chen's face suddenly sank, he knew that Wei Qi Xianzun did have such a right, because within the scope allowed by Qingtian City's rules, the superiors did have too many ways to target the people under their command.

As for these behaviors, Qingtiancheng Qiling never paid any attention to it. After all, as the supreme artifact, Qiling, it would not pay attention to these trivial matters.

As long as it doesn't violate the rules of Qingtian City, Qi Ling hardly interferes with any secular world.

Seeing that his threat had achieved initial results, Weiqi Xianzun showed a faint smile on his mouth, and his tone of speech became more relaxed, saying: "Of course, if you take the initiative to admit defeat, I can promise you that in the next few days For thousands of years, this seat will let you live comfortably in Qingtian City, and will never intentionally make things difficult for you, let alone interfere with any of your affairs. Besides, if the other four marshals want to suppress you, You, this seat can also block it for you."

"Changyang, what is the condition offered by this seat?" Wei Qi Xianzun stared at Jian Chen with piercing eyes.

"What if Xianyu Sect wants you to target me?" Jian Chen blinked and asked.

"I called you to the Marshal's Mansion because I was influenced by the Xianyu Sect. But I have also given the face of the Xianyu Sect. Next, the Xianyu Sect will not interfere with this seat. Although I dare not offend you The Xianyu Sect does not mean that the Xianyu Sect can command me at will." Wei Qi Xianzun said seriously, in order to save his face, he had no other way.

Jian Chen stood on the spot and hesitated for a while, then a faint smile appeared on his face, he looked at the sky above his head, and said slowly: "I admit defeat!"

The next moment, Jian Chen and Wei Qi Xianzun disappeared in the ancient battlefield at the same time, and when they reappeared, they had already returned to the Marshal's Mansion.

Jian Chen put on a set of clean clothes, except for the burnt hair on his body, he looked the same as usual

As for Wei Qi Xianzun, there was a trace of fatigue between his brows, and the injuries in his body had not yet healed.

"Senior Wei Qi, I will trouble you to take care of him next time." Jian Chen put on a smiling face and politely cupped his fists at Wei Qi Immortal Venerable.

Being able to reach such an agreement with Weiqi Immortal Venerable is already the most satisfactory result.

Because from the very beginning, Jian Chen never thought of defeating Immortal Venerable Wei Qi, because he also understood that if he wins Immortal Wei Qi, he will be able to enjoy a moment of success, but what he will face next is the hysterical revenge of Immortal Wei Qi.

Although this kind of revenge can't threaten his life, it will definitely make his life in Qingtian City extremely miserable.


After leaving the Marshal's Mansion, Jian Chen went straight back to his own General's Mansion.

At the gate of the General's Mansion, Jian Chen saw the two disciples of Xianyu Gate listlessly standing on both sides of the gate.

And these two disciples of Xianyu Sect seemed to have received some news in advance. When they saw Jian Chen's return, they were shocked immediately, with a half-smile expression on their faces, and they clasped their fists pretendingly and said, "Changyang!" Senior, you can be regarded as returning, may I ask if the two of us can go back to practice?"

Jian Chen frowned slightly, his expression displeased: "Didn't I say that? For the next thousands of years, you two have been in charge of guarding the gate."

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