Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3617: dust settled

The fellow Daoist Qian Ge mentioned by Jiang Pingtian obviously has a strong deterrent effect on Immortal Venerable Wu Dao.

Therefore, when he heard that Jiang Pingtian was going to send a letter to Patriarch Qian Ge, Immortal Venerable Wudao could no longer say any harsh words.

After standing there for a while, his expression changed, he finally let out a cold snort, turned around and walked out of the City Lord's Mansion without saying anything.

In the City Lord's Mansion, a group of Thousand Immortal Generals and Hundred Immortal Captains gathered here were originally waiting to rely on Wudao Immortal Venerable for their support, but Wudao Immortal Venerable's departure immediately made many of them ashamed.

"Since the matter has been resolved, everyone should leave." Jiang Pingtian, who was sitting on the throne of the city lord, waved his hand, and immediately looked at Jian Chen, with an inexplicable expression flashing in the depths of his eyes, and said: "Changyang, what's next? You don't want to challenge them for no reason, after three days, if they still haven't handed over the two million Five Colored Immortal Crystals to you, you can come to Jiang, and Jiang will uphold justice for you."

Jiang Pingtian's words undoubtedly extinguished the last trace of luck in the hearts of these generals of thousands of immortals and captains of hundreds of immortals.

Jiang Pingtian actually began to pay attention to this matter himself, so they would have to find all kinds of excuses to renege on their debts.

Even though the two million five-colored fairy crystals were shared by so many of them, and they could all take them out, it still made their hearts bleed.

Jian Chen showed joy, and thanked Jiang Pingtian again.

Next, Jian Chen returned to the General's Mansion behind closed doors, waiting patiently for the result after three days.

The eight Baixian captains who were shouting for Jian Chen also returned one after another, and they were staying in their respective attics with ugly expressions on their faces.

But all of them occasionally glanced at the mansion in the center with a strong sense of dread and fear.

Challenging the four great immortal emperors one after another and wantonly destroying the bodies of the four great immortal emperors made all of them deeply understand a truth.

Immortal Emperor Changyang is not a person who is easy to bully.

On the second day after Jian Chen returned to the General's Mansion, Elder Wen Shan from Xianyu Sect came to the General's Mansion and handed over a space ring to Jian Chen with his own hands.

"There are a total of two million five-colored fairy crystals in here, and I will return them today." Although Elder Wenshan is only an immortal monarch, he did not show any timidity when facing Jian Chen, an immortal emperor, and his tone was a bit cold: " Immortal Emperor Changyang, those Thousand Immortal Generals and Hundred Immortal Captains don't owe you anything now."

Jian Chen was playing with the space ring in his hand, his divine sense had penetrated into it, and he found that the immortal crystals inside were piled up like a mountain.

But five-color fairy crystals only account for a small part of them, and the rest are four-color, three-color, two-color, first-color and top-grade fairy crystals.

The sum of all the fairy crystals is indeed equivalent to the value of two million colorful fairy crystals.

"I thought you Xianyu Sect really wanted to take my two million five-color fairy crystals all by yourself, and let the people behind that gambling shop pay the bill, and let them pay for my losses out of their own pockets." Jian Chen sarcastically said .

"It's only two million five-colored fairy crystals. Our Immortal Feather Sect really doesn't care about it. Immortal Emperor Changyang, the ancestor asked me to give you a word. After leaving Qingtian City in the future, you have to be careful. Anyone who dares to offend People from Xianyu Sect will never end well." After putting down these words, Elder Wenshan turned and left.

"Hmph, Xianyumen!" Jian Chen sneered, and he looked at the direction where Elder Wenshan disappeared, a strong killing intent flashed from his eyes.

For the next period of time, Qingtian City was completely calm, while Jian Chen stayed behind closed doors and stayed in the General's Mansion all day long to cultivate quietly, waiting patiently for the opening day of the Holy Land.

But even though he fell silent, the shock he caused to the hearts of the thousand immortal generals in Qingtian City was deeply remembered by everyone.

But what everyone is more concerned about is the secret on him that can almost instantly recover from his injuries.

Thousands of Immortal Generals in Qingtian City gathered in private more than once, and invited the Immortal Emperor Broken Soul, Immortal Emperor Juyun, Immortal Emperor Senyang, and Immortal Emperor Can Ye who were in the primordial spirit state, and asked them about their relationship with the sword. The course of the dust battle.

Not only them, even Jian Chen's superior, Wei Qi Xianzun, was visited by many immortals, and even the Wudao Patriarch of Xianyu Sect personally approached Wei Qi Xianzun to ask what happened.

"I don't know what the secret treasure on Changyang's body is, and I'm not even sure if it is a secret treasure, or it may be something else. In short, when I fought with him, I felt as if he was covered by a Covered by a layer of fog, no matter what method I use, I can't peek into the real secrets in his body. However, in the battle with him, I am indeed not sure that I can defeat him, because he is almost impossible to kill... .”

Weiqi Immortal Venerable also made no secret of the details of the battle between himself and Jian Chen, and answered like this to every Immortal Venerable who tried to inquire about Jian Chen.

However, the tranquility of Qingtian City only lasted for a month, and the fire of enthusiasm was once again ignited by a sensational news.

The quota for Thousand Immortal Generals is vacant again, and Qingtian City will start another battle for Thousand Immortal Generals in ten years' time.

Jian Chen, who was in secluded cultivation in the General's Mansion, was also alarmed by this news, but when he heard the news, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ye Qingyun!

Ye Qingyun obtained the ancient inheritance from the previous era, and he had also expressed to Jian Chen that he was determined to win this year's Qianxian General. In addition to his already outstanding strength, when the position of Qianxian General was vacant, , Jian Chen thought of this person in an instant.

"The next thousand immortals will compete. If there is no new peerless immortal emperor, then Ye Qingyun will most likely win the championship. As for Xia Mingtian of Xianyumen, I destroyed his body. In such a short time In time, there is absolutely no possibility of recovery." Jian Chen thought to himself, the light in his eyes was flickering.

Ye Qingyun was so anxious about this year's Qianxian General, he couldn't wait for thousands of years, even if he paid a huge price, this immediately made him curious.

After all, it is not an easy task to make a Thousand Immortal General abdicate, and the price is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

A few years later, the battle for the title of General of the Thousand Immortals officially started, and as expected, Ye Qingyun also participated in the battle for the position of General of the Thousand Immortals.

Jian Chen also walked out of his general's mansion, and came to the gambling house again, wanting to bet on Ye Qingyun, in an attempt to make another fortune.

But when he saw Ye Qingyun's odds, he really gave up.

Because Ye Qingyun participated in the last battle for Thousand Immortal Generals, allowing everyone to witness his strength, so in every battle he fought, countless immortals called, which directly led to the betting on Ye Qingyun. The odds are pitifully low.

Thousand Immortals will be in full swing, and Qingtian City has once again become full of voices. Many immortals even made a special trip to enter Qingtian City at the cost of immortal crystals, just to watch the battle in the Immortal Emperor Realm, hoping to gain some kind of inspiration.

Jian Chen has been sitting in the general's mansion, paying attention to this battle from a long distance, and at the same time, he has seen more peerless immortal emperors.

Finally, after many years, the battle for the Thousand Immortal Generals has officially come to an end. As expected, in the last battle, Ye Qingyun once again swallowed a elixir similar to the Holy Pill of Flesh and Flesh, and has the ability to temporarily step into the ranks of immortals. The power of the environment won the final.

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