Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3633: cooperate

Looking at the second layer of texture engraved on the jade bottle, Ye Qingyun was absent-minded for a while.

Based on his experience, he naturally understood that if the second texture of the jade bottle could be activated, then the power of the jade bottle would definitely be upgraded to a higher level, or some new functions would be added.

At first, he thought that the second layer of power of the jade bottle must be activated at least at the Immortal Venerable Realm, but it was not until he sensed the aura of the power of chaos from the texture of the second layer that he realized that activating the second layer of the jade bottle Power, I am afraid that what is needed is the power of chaos.

For a moment, Ye Qingyun fell into deep thought!

Time passed year after year, perhaps because of the ancient jade bottle in Ye Qingyun's hand, the innocence aura produced by the Holy Land of Qingtian City was even more frequent than ever before, almost every other time. In a few decades, there will be a streak of innocence.

These innocent auras do not always appear on the ninth floor. In the nine-story space of the holy land, each floor has a probability of producing an innocent aura, but the probability is not as good as that of the upper layers.

Therefore, after the fourth layer of the Holy Land, the sixth layer, and the eighth layer also produced a wisp of innocence.

Without exception, all the Wugou Qi crossed the space, as if being fatally attracted, they gathered towards the place where Ye Qingyun was, and then plunged into the jade bottle in Ye Qingyun's hand.

In just over two hundred years, Ye Qingyun collected a total of four of these innocent auras that would not necessarily appear in the Holy Land for ten thousand years.

As for Jian Chen, he has been guarding the ninth floor space, with his spiritual consciousness covering all directions at all times, and his level of swordsmanship has reached his height. Every step forward is difficult, and short-term practice will not achieve obvious results. During these years in the Holy Land, he put all his energy on the Wushui Qi.

Finally, in the third hundred years since Jian Chen entered the Holy Land, another Wugou Qi appeared in the ninth space.

Sharp rays of light shot out from Jian Chen's eyes, and the spatial law of the fifth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm was fully exerted, freezing the entire space on the ninth floor in an instant, and then all kinds of methods were used to capture Wugou Qi.

The solidification of the space does not affect the Wugou Qi, only the Wugou Qi dodges calmly, extremely agile, ignoring all of Jian Chen's confinement methods, and then in a flash, it left the ninth floor and went to the eighth floor.

The two Wugou Qi that appeared before and after all left the ninth floor and went to the eighth floor, which immediately caused Jian Chen's anger to rise, and his face became ugly.

He didn't hesitate at all, and almost as Wugou Qi disappeared into the passage, Jian Chen followed closely, and followed Wugou Qi to the eighth floor.

As soon as he arrived at the eighth floor space, he found the same scene as last time, as if throwing himself into his arms, he took the initiative to bump into the formation formed by Ye Qingyun, and then ignored the obstacles of the formation , disappearing inside.

The same picture, the same result, made Jian Chen more confident in his guess. He had a good understanding of the nature of Wugou Qi, and what happened to Ye Qingyun before him could no longer be explained by luck or chance. past.

At this moment, Ye Qingyun took the initiative to withdraw the formation. He stared at Jian Chen with a complicated expression, and said, "Changyang, you don't go to the ninth floor of the Holy Land to practice, what are you doing on the eighth floor?"

"Two Wugou Qis appeared successively in the ninth floor, and you took them away." Jian Chen stared at Ye Qingyun, and said expressionlessly: "There should be some kind of treasure on your body that can attract Wugou Qi?"

Ye Qingyun nodded, this time he didn't hide anything, took out the simple jade bottle and said: "I got this by chance, I don't know what it's called Just by name, I only know one of its effects, which is the ability to gather the energy of innocence."

There was a flash of light in Jian Chen's eyes, and he stared at the jade bottle without blinking.

The jade bottle is only the size of a palm, very old, filled with a strong breath of time, but it is already covered with fine cracks, it looks like it is in a broken state.

"Changyang, how about the two of us working together?" Ye Qingyun said calmly, holding the jade bottle in her palm.

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation?" Jian Chen looked away from the jade bottle and stared at Ye Qingyun.

"To be honest, with my own strength, I cannot unleash the full power of this jade bottle. I can only unleash the first level of power of the jade bottle, and the second level of this jade bottle requires the power of chaos." Only then can it be motivated."

"The first layer of the jade bottle's ability is activated by me, and the second layer is handed over to you. In return, every one of us will get half of the innocence energy obtained through the jade bottle." Ye Qingyun looked calmly Looking at Jian Chen.

"Okay, no problem!" Jian Chen naturally had no reason to refuse such a good thing, so he readily agreed.

"Since we share the fruit, there is one more thing we need to agree on first. This jade bottle should be able to absorb the Wugou Qi of the entire Holy Land, even if it appears at a low level, it will be absorbed by the jade bottle." Come here, but if you do this, you will inevitably be suspected by other strong people, and there may be someone who is willing to spend huge resources to come to the eighth floor, so we have to fight the enemy together." Ye Qingyun added.

Jian Chen readily agreed to this proposal. There are not so many rules in Qingtian City in the holy land, and free competition can be held here. He also understands that if the other powerhouses discover the magic of the jade bottle, they will naturally take action. snatch.

This is the law of survival in the fairy world. All treasures are housed by the capable, and the weak will never be able to keep huge wealth. All reason and fairness are made with fists.

Only one person can sit on the stone pillar in the Holy Land. If a second person stands on it, both of them will be pushed out by Qingtian City's power. If they want to push the jade bottle together, Ye Qingyun naturally cannot stay on the stone pillar superior.

After he revoked the formation, he floated down to the ground, and sat cross-legged in the void with Jian Chen face to face.

"Just in case, I still need to set up a shielding formation. Otherwise, once someone comes up suddenly, the jade bottle in my hand will be exposed directly." Ye Qingyun said, and then waved the previous shielding formation Arranged on the ground.

The way he arranged the array was very simple, he just threw a few pieces of white jade arrays around, and a layer of powerful array was automatically deployed, covering the space.

However, when Jian Chen saw those white jade formation disks, he was also secretly surprised. He saw at a glance that the white jade formation disks were not simple. Not only was the formation technique quite high, but it also had a very ancient origin and a very long history.

"My formation is not good at defense. It focuses on concealment. Even a strong person in the fifth level of the Immortal Exalted Realm cannot penetrate in with his spiritual sense." Ye Qingyun said casually.

Jian Chen also deduced the effectiveness of this formation, the defense is indeed very weak, and the Ninth Heaven of Immortal Emperor Realm can break through it at will.

In the formation, Ye Qingyun is already injecting energy into the jade bottle. With the continuous injection of huge energy like a vast ocean, the mysterious texture on the jade bottle shines again, interweaving with each other, as if the avenue of heaven and earth is evolving , but it seems to form a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers.

When the jade bottle was activated, Jian Chen obviously felt a special force emanating from the jade bottle and blending into the void.

Jian Chen stared at the jade bottle closely and agreed. After the first layer of texture was fully stimulated, he really discovered that just as Ye Qingyun said, there is a more mysterious texture under the first layer of texture. hidden in it.

From this second layer of texture, he felt a breath of Chaos Power.

"Changyang, it's up to you next." Ye Qingyun said.

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