Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3637: Taizun returns

"If you want to pass the news from here down, you probably won't be able to do it." Jian Chen stared indifferently at the seriously injured Immortal Emperor in front of him, without giving the other party any time to breathe, and killed him without a trace. The sword cut out.

The Immortal Emperor was at the center of the explosion of the Immortal God Thunder, and his injuries were already extremely serious. His body was destroyed and dilapidated. At this moment, he was hit by the Wuying Death Sword again, which immediately made his body on the verge of collapse. Unable to hold on any longer, it exploded in mid-air.

However, his primordial spirit was protected by the power of Qingtian City, resisting all of Jian Chen's attacks.

"Changyang, I am Yu Motian, the first elder of the Yuwan family. If you treat me like this, my Yuwan family will never let you go." Roaring, his physical body is destroyed and cannot be reshaped in a short period of time. Even if the remodeling is successful, the new physical body and soul will not be able to perfectly integrate, and it will take a long time to get familiar with.

It would be fine if he was outside, but he spent a lot of resources to come to the eighth floor of the holy land, but suffered such a blow, which is not a small loss.

At this moment, Yu Motian felt a strong hatred towards Jian Chen in his heart.

"Could it be that your Yuwan family is one of the twelve heavenly courts in the fairy world?" Jian Chen stared at Yu Motian expressionlessly, and immediately grasped his palm, the space around Yumotian Yuanshen instantly solidified, causing Yumotian's yuan God was imprisoned there and could not move.

Yuanshen was imprisoned, Yu Motian just wanted to get angry, but suddenly he was taken aback, and then remembered that the person in front of him was someone who dared to offend even the Immortal Feather Sect, one of the Twelve Heavenly Courts. , is quite famous in the entire fairy world, but compared with the Twelve Heavenly Courts, it is much inferior.

"You just stay here until we leave. Since you are willing to come to the eighth floor, you must have exchanged a lot of holy land training time." Jian Chen said lightly, preparing to imprison him with the law of space. Yumotian.

If Yu Motian had a physical body, with his attainments in the laws of space, he would definitely not be able to imprison a strong Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but at this moment, he only has the primordial spirit left, which is extremely fragile, so it is not difficult to imprison him.

But only relying on the law of space to imprison him, Jian Chen still felt unsafe, so he arranged a layer of space barrier outside.

Ye Qingyun also came from a distance, and outside Jian Chen's space barrier, he arranged another five-element barrier formation, and muttered: "With the space barrier separating him, he should not be able to see the formation I arranged."

They couldn't kill Yu Motian's primordial spirit, so they had to trap his primordial spirit here and not let him run out, otherwise, once he leaked the situation here, it would arouse the coveted eyes of the strong in the Immortal Venerable Realm, Then don't even think about harvesting Wugou Qi in a safe way.

As for the space ring worn by Yu Motian, it is also impossible to take it under Qingtian City's rules.

In all the territories that Qingtian City belongs to, except for Wugou Qi, nothing can be snatched, and the other party can only take it out on their own initiative.

If there were no such restrictions, the Holy Land of Qingtian City would have been messed up long ago.

After all, some of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortals who entered the Holy Land could climb to a higher level than the Immortal Emperor with the resources in their hands. If there were no restrictions, how could the weaker Immortals dare to bring a lot of resources with them.

"Fellow Daoist Changyang, I'm really sorry for letting you waste such a precious Immortal Extinguishing Lightning." Ye Qingyun said apologetically, he knew that if he made a move by himself, the two of them could easily suppress Yumo together God, but if Jian Chen is alone, although he can defeat Yu Motian with his immortal body, the two of them will have to fight for at least several hours, and it is still difficult to prevent Yu Motian from escaping.

However, Ye Qingyun's family really didn't dare to provoke the Yuwan family, which was in the late stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm.

After all, this is not a battle for the position of the Thousand Immortals!

"It doesn't matter. Although the Immortal God Thunder is precious, for me, its effect is not as great as I imagined." Jian Chen didn't feel sorry for Mier God Thunder. If he didn't hide his strength, the help of God God Thunder It's really not big, even if it's kept, it's only for the people below.

Ye Qingyun sighed softly, and said: "Now some people know that we have the means to gather Wugou Qi. If this matter is publicized, I'm afraid no one will believe it even if I explain it clearly. The value of this jade bottle is far away. Far surpassing the Immortal Venerable Pill, it can arouse the covetousness of many Immortal Venerables."

"Fellow Daoist of Changyang, how about we discuss it, anyway, you have offended many people now, and you don't feel ticklish if you have too many lice, how about letting you fight the matter related to the jade bottle?"

Jian Chen thought about it for a while, and said: "Yes, but I also have a request. I will take more Wugou Qi." know his true identity.

"Five ways of Wugou Qi, how about you take three and I take two?" Ye Qingyun said, he was getting closer and closer to the breakthrough, and his reliance on Wugou Qi was not as strong as before.

The two quickly reached an agreement, and then they continued to absorb Wugou Qi through the jade bottle.

As for the Qianxian General Yu Motian in Yuanshen state, he has been imprisoned here by the law of space.

Next, as more and more Wugou Qi was absorbed, Jian Chen could clearly feel the artifact spirit of the Temple of Absolute Beginning, and the signs of awakening became more and more obvious.

The Wugou Qi not only stimulated the awakening of the artifact spirits in the Temple of Absolute Beginning, but also added some extremely weak power to the Temple of Absolute Beginning.

Finally, in the first millennium of the Holy Emperor's opening, a huge aura suddenly erupted from Ye Qingyun. I saw that he had stopped pushing the jade bottle, his eyes were closed, and his body was sitting cross-legged. There.

He finally broke through the shackles of the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Emperor Realm, and began to formally step into the Immortal Venerable Realm.

It's just that his breakthrough obviously cannot be completed in a short period of time. It is a kind of transformation between an immortal emperor and an immortal venerable, and it takes a certain amount of time to complete this process.

"Jian Chen, I don't want the Wugou Qi from behind." Ye Qingyun sent a message to Jian Chen, and then began to sink into the breakthrough with all her heart.

In order not to affect Ye Qingyun's breakthrough, Jian Chen took the jade bottle away, and then started to activate the jade bottle's ability alone.

Fortunately, the first layer of the jade bottle only needs ordinary energy, so although Ye Qingyun is missing, Jian Chen can still activate the second layer of the jade bottle with his own power. With Xuanhuang Qi, Jian Chen is helpless.

Jian Chen was cultivating in the Holy Land of Qingtian City, completely unable to perceive the changes in the outside world.

At this moment, in the vast void of the fairy world, the intricately intertwined three thousand roads suddenly vibrated violently, as if there was an unimaginably powerful force that shook the rules and order of the entire world.

I saw a huge crack appearing in a distant void outside Taihuang Tian, ​​through this crack, the violent and terrifying chaotic energy could be clearly seen.

Beyond the crack is the chaotic sea that divides the six worlds!

Immediately afterwards, two blazing light clusters flew in from the sea of ​​chaos, and directly entered the void of the fairy world, exuding a shocking aura.

At this moment, countless strong men in the entire fairy world were alarmed. Even some old monsters who had been in seclusion for many years and whose cultivation had reached the ninth level of the fairy world all turned their eyes to the direction of Taihuangtian.

Miaocheng Tianjie, in the underground secret room of the Great Tomorrow Palace, the eldest princess Fang Jing suddenly opened her eyes, she grasped the void with the palm of her hand, and the Tianxia Brush appeared silently, and she held it firmly in her hand.

She stared at Taihuangtian's direction with strong hatred in her eyes, and gritted her teeth: "Old man, you are back, what is hateful is why you didn't die in the holy world..."

But soon, Fang Jing seemed to have noticed something, she frowned suddenly, and then she gloated, and said: "The breath is vain, and the rhyme of the Tao is disordered, old man, it seems that your situation is not optimistic, and you have suffered serious injuries .”

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