Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3663: Seal of Burning Soul

Transformed into a giant elephant, her physical strength soared, and with a flick of her long nose, she knocked back the three immortal emperors who were besieging her.

After repelling the three of them, Xiang Hong, who turned into his body, quickly rushed towards the middle-aged man who carved the talisman. At the same time, he swung his huge nose violently, turning into a huge pillar with terrifying power. Take the first step.

But at this moment, Xiang Hong seemed to be exhausted suddenly, his body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

I saw that the dagger stuck on her body became more and more colorful, and the dagger was crazily devouring its blood, making Xiang Hong weaker and weaker.

With every breath, Xiang Hong lost a lot of strength.

"Uncle Lan, Uncle Mo Wen, stop Xianghong quickly, why brother Yu is buying time." A middle-aged man in the second level of the Immortal Emperor Realm said in a deep voice, and he threw himself at Xianghong with all his strength regardless of his injuries.

The other two immortal emperors also showed ruthlessness, and they shot at the same time, gathering the strength of the three to stop Xianghong with all their strength.

Several great immortal emperors were fighting fiercely deep underground. Although the surrounding rock walls were protected by formations and were not damaged, the violent vibration was still unavoidable.

The talisman burning at the entrance of the underground cave can only deceive the exploration of the spiritual sense, but it cannot cover up the shaking of the earth.

If it was normal, the situation here would be noticed by the powerful members of the Giant Elephant Sect immediately, but right now, the Giant Elephant Sect is already in chaos.

This perfectly conceals the movement here.

As for Xiang Hong, at first she was able to gain the upper hand when facing the siege of the Four Great Immortal Emperors, but the dagger stuck in her back was continuously devouring her blood, making her weaker and weaker, so after a while of fighting , As a result, when she faced the attacks of the three immortal emperors in front of her, she was gradually showing signs of fatigue and was gradually exhausted.

"Why haven't the strong men from the sect come? If this continues, I won't be able to hold on anymore." Xiang Hong was secretly annoyed, the dagger on her body was very strange, like a tarsal maggot, sticky to death On the wound, it cannot be pulled out at all.

Suddenly, Xiang Hong seemed to sense something, and his gaze suddenly turned towards the surface, and he became serious all of a sudden.

The next moment, she was no longer interested in fighting, turned her huge body, and ran towards the upper exit at an extremely fast speed.

"Xiang Hong wants to escape, we must not let her escape, otherwise we will be exposed in advance." The three middle-aged men all looked anxious and immediately chased after him.

At this time, Immortal Emperor He Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the void and carved the talisman, suddenly said: "Xianghong, how does it feel to be a mount by Zixiao Jianzong's slave?"

Hearing this sound, Xiang Hong's fast-running body suddenly stopped suddenly, his huge elephant body trembled violently, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, don't mention what happened back then, ah, hateful, hateful, I want to kill you!" At this moment, Xiang Hong seemed to be greatly stimulated, and he gave up running away. His eyes seemed to be bleeding, and then he rushed towards Immortal Emperor He Yu angrily.

Immortal Emperor He Yu showed a smile on his face, and said lightly: "You obviously had a chance to escape, but in the end, since you can't get out of the shadow of the past, you will have to die here today."

At this time, his talisman had been completed, and he saw a golden talisman floating in the air in front of him, exuding an inexplicable power.

The next moment, Immortal Emperor He Yu suddenly pointed at Xiang Hong.

Under this finger, the golden talisman turned into a dazzling lightning, and it sank into Xiang Hong's head in an instant.

Immediately, a shrill scream came from Xianghong's mouth, and her eyes had turned red-gold, and dazzling golden light shot out from her seven orifices.

When the golden talisman entered her head, it turned into a ball of golden flames that burned blazingly, burning her primordial spirit.

At this moment, Xiang Hong was suffering unimaginable pain, and the powerful soul belonging to the fourth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm was rapidly dimming.

Finally, after struggling for several breaths in pain, Xiang Hong's body crashed to the ground, her primordial spirit had been wiped out, her huge body had also become dry, and the strange dagger stuck in her body had been sucked dry. blood all over her.

Looking at the huge corpse already lying on the ground, the other three immortal emperors in the field were a little bit embarrassed. With their strength, they were able to kill a fourth-level expert in the Immortal Emperor Realm in such a short period of time. In the past, it was something that I didn't even dare to think about.

Immortal Emperor He Yu showed a bit of fatigue between his brows. He walked up to Xianghong's withered corpse, first pulled out the strange dagger and put it away, then picked up a space ring, and pulled out the space ring. Throwing a token to one of the middle-aged men, he said: "This is the key to unlock the prison. In your name, go and save your Uncle Tian."

"Thank you, Brother He Yu!" A middle-aged man in the second level of the Immortal Emperor Realm showed gratitude, and he took the key and immediately ran to the cave on the upper floor.

Jian Chen, who was hiding in the dark, stared at Jun Yiming's disappearing back, and he was certain in his heart that the person who was hiding in the dark and sending out the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness was exactly this person.

But what caught his attention the most was Immortal Emperor He Yu.

"Fellow Daoist He Yu is really capable. He killed a fourth-level elder of the Giant Elephant Sect so easily. If it weren't for the help of Fellow Daoist He Yu, our Jun family might never be able to rescue the imprisoned here." God's will"

"Your Daoist friend He Yu's kindness today will never be forgotten by our Jun family"

After Jun Yiming left, the other two immortal emperors of the Jun family clasped their fists together to express their gratitude to Immortal Emperor He Yu.

"I'm not as powerful as you imagined. The biggest credit for being able to kill Xianghong easily this time is the blood soul dagger in my hand." Immortal Emperor He Yu said in a flat tone, then he turned his eyes and looked into the distance.

Where he looked, there was a stone pillar standing there, and several iron chains were wrapped around it, binding a primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit was very dim, and he could vaguely see the appearance of an old man, but at this moment his face was distorted and in extreme pain, as if he was suffering unimaginable pain every moment.

In the Yuanshen, one can clearly see the existence of black runes, which have been completely integrated with the Yuanshen.

Looking at the Primordial Spirit imprisoned, Immortal Emperor He Yu's expression became complicated, with sympathy and lamentation, he said: "This is the Soul Burning Seal of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. Burning Soul, the Primordial Spirit will bear it all the time. Suffering from the pain of being burned, but calming the mind, it can stabilize the primordial spirit and keep the primordial spirit immortal."

"Once the Burning Soul Seal is planted, it means that you will live in pain and torment all day long, but you can't die. You can only endure the pain of purgatory forever."

"This Burning Soul Seal was planted by the Immortal Venerable Patriarch of the Giant Elephant Sect. It is extremely vicious. Unfortunately, I can't save him!"

Immortal Emperor He Yu's expression darkened.

"Fellow Daoist He Yu, I don't know who this person is? Judging by the strength of his primordial spirit, he is only in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor Realm like us, but he was taken care of by the Giant Elephant Sect and planted such a vicious spell. And the Giant Elephant Sect The Supreme Elder, Xiang Hong, seems to enjoy torturing this person all day long." An immortal emperor of the Jun family asked curiously.

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