Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3666: Colorful Skybreaker Talisman

"Master, let him be released, otherwise he will endure the ravages and tortures of the Burning Soul Seal for eternity. Even if you rescue him in the future, his ending will not be changed." Ziqing Sword Spirit's voice came out.

Jian Chen closed his eyes, his heart was full of pain, Immortal Emperor Wuya and Immortal Emperor Taihang were both one of the three great immortal emperors of the Zixiao Sword Sect back then, and they were highly respected. But now he wants to kill Immortal Emperor Wuya's primordial spirit with his own hands, he really can't bear it.

Even if this is just to free Immortal Emperor Wuya.

After all, the person in front of you is not the enemy!

At this moment, in the upper underground space where Jian Chen was located, Jun Yiming took the token he found from Xiang Hong, opened one of the prisons, and rescued the middle-aged man imprisoned inside.

This middle-aged man's name is Jun Tianyi, and he has been cultivated at the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm. But at this moment, his cultivation has been sealed and he cannot use any power, just like a mortal.

"Fellow Daoist, can you save us too? We will never forget your life-saving grace today."

"Fellow Daoist, if you can let me out, then you will be my savior, and I will surely repay you with the spring."

"You rescued me today, and I will give you all I have learned in my life without reservation. Even if you don't need it, the value of an immortal emperor's inheritance is not low."

When Jun Tianyi was rescued, more than a dozen other immortals who were also imprisoned opened their eyes one after another and made prayers.

Their original eyes full of despair and gloom, at this moment, there is even a glimmer of hope.

Jun showed hesitation in his name.

"Hey, we are the same miserable people, in name, if possible, save them all." Jun Tianyi sighed softly.

Jun Tianyi seems to have a very high status in Jun Yiming's heart. As soon as he opened his mouth, Jun Yiming stopped hesitating and went over to open the prisons one by one with Xianghong's token in hand.

However, at this moment, Immortal Emperor He Yu, who had just walked up from the lower space, suddenly changed his face, and immediately exclaimed: "No, there is a strong man from the Giant Elephant Sect. Let's go, or we will be in big trouble."

Hearing this, Jun Yiming, who was about to open the prison for the rest of the imprisoned people, suddenly changed his face, and without any hesitation, he immediately took out a temple of low-grade artifacts, and said eagerly: "Uncle Tian, ​​your cultivation base has been sealed, first let me go!" Go hide in the temple, we must immediately cooperate with Brother He Yu to use the secret method to escape from here."

Jun Tianyi also knew that the situation was critical, so he immediately entered the temple. At this moment, Jun Yiming didn't care about the rest of the people, he quickly came around Immortal Emperor He Yu, and surrounded Immortal Emperor He Yu with the other two immortal emperors of the Jun family in a corresponding formation.

Immortal Emperor He Yu's expression was serious, and he saw his fingers forming seals, and immediately a huge talisman emerged from his body. The seal in his hand changed, and as he muttered words, the talisman suddenly burst into dazzling light, and then projected a huge and mysterious The formation appeared at the soles of Immortal Emperor He Yu's feet.

There are a total of four formations in this formation. He Yu stands in the main formation, while the three great immortal emperors of the Jun family surround Immortal Emperor He Yu and stand on the other three formations.

The next moment, the three great immortal emperors of the Jun family gathered their power, and a huge force crazily poured into the formation under their feet.

Immediately, the formation was activated, and the dazzling light filled the room, as if it was about to tear apart the space.

"Hmph, where is our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect really? Come and leave whenever you want?" At this moment, a piercing voice echoed in the underground space, and the figure of a middle-aged woman was seen out of thin air. Appearing, the appearance is ordinary, but there is a huge aura belonging to the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

This person is exactly Xiang Zhiru, one of the only two immortal emperors Jiu Chongtian in the Giant Elephant Sect.

"Not good!" Seeing the sudden appearance of Xiang Zhiru, whether it was Immortal Emperor He Yu or the three members of the Jun family, their expressions changed drastically.

Also at this moment, Xiang Zhiru made a sudden move, and saw her face was as frosty as frost, with a surge of anger and murderous intent in her eyes, and she directly slapped her across the air.

Under this palm, the void suddenly twisted crazily, and countless pitch-black cracks appeared. For Immortal Emperor He Yu and the other four, a powerful and irresistible terrifying force bombarded their unfinished formation in an instant.


There was a sudden roar in the depths of the ground, the talisman condensed by Immortal Emperor He Yu collapsed instantly, and the mysterious formation reflected on the ground disappeared. The four immortal emperors vomited blood one after another, and flew out with pale faces.

In front of a Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm, with their three Second Heavens of the Immortal Emperor Realm and a Third Heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm, they were naturally vulnerable.

"I thought that those who dared to sneak into our Giant Elephant Sect were at least in the Immortal Venerable Realm, but I didn't expect that they were just a few ants in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor Realm." Xiang Zhiru stared at Immortal Emperor He Yu and the others with cold eyes, gnashing his teeth He said: "Blowing up so many spiritual mountains has disrupted the normal operation of the three celestial volcanoes. In this chaos, our Giant Elephant Sect and many low-level disciples have been affected, and there have been many casualties."

"Such a serious sin can't be repaid with the lives of the few of you alone. Say, who is behind you." The last sentence was said to Immortal Emperor He Yu.

Immortal Emperor He Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Although his face became solemn, he could not see the slightest panic in his eyes. He sneered and said, "If you want to know who is behind me, you don't have the qualifications yet. At least you need the ancestors of your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to come forward."

"Don't say? It's ok, wait for the emperor to capture you and let you suffer the pain of burning soul, I want to see if you are still so stubborn under the pain of burning soul." Xiang Zhiru sneered, and immediately probed He stretched out his palm and grabbed Immortal Emperor He Yu.

Suddenly, the void seemed to freeze, and a terrifying force permeated the underground space. As soon as he made a move, whether it was Immortal Emperor He Yu or the three immortal emperors of the Jun family, they all felt as if they were stuck in a quagmire, and their movements became extremely slow.

The gap between the realms of the two sides was so great that even if the four of them teamed up, they would hit a stone with an egg in front of Xiang Zhiru, without the power to resist.

Immortal Emperor He Yu's eyes became sharper in an instant, and he said sternly: "I didn't want to use this hole card, Xiang Zhiru, but you forced me." One of his fingers pierced deeply between his eyebrows, and bright red blood flowed down.

The next moment, he took out a colorful glazed talisman from between his eyebrows. When this talisman appeared, a mysterious aura immediately permeated it.

This talisman did not seem to contain earth-shattering energy, nor did it emit a powerful aura, but when Xiang Zhiru saw this talisman clearly, his complexion changed instantly, revealing a look of horror.

"This is the seven-colored sky-breaking magical talisman. How can you have this thing on your body?" Xiang Zhiru exclaimed. With her strength in the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, she couldn't control herself when facing this seven-colored talisman. Showing a look of fear.

Subconsciously, various legends about the seven-colored sky-shattering talisman emerged in her mind, and the fear in her heart grew stronger.

She is very aware of the horror of this talisman. With her strength in the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm, as long as her breath is locked by this talisman, the final fate will be wiped out, and there is no hope of reincarnation. Zu is here, and he can't save her.

The strong fear of the seven-colored sky-shattering talisman in her heart made Xiang Zhiru no longer care about catching the people in front of her. She turned around suddenly and fled towards the outside at the fastest speed.

But at this moment, a vine stretched out from the void space, stabbing towards Xiang Zhiru with lightning speed.

This sudden shock made Xiangzhiru's pupils shrink suddenly, but the speed of the vine was too fast, and the suddenness of the incident completely caught Xiangzhiru off guard, so facing the attack of the vine, Xiangzhiru If there is no time to react at all.


But in an instant, the vine pierced through Xiang Zhiru's chest and got out from the back.

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