Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3681: Mozun seizes the house

Thousand Soul Demon Venerable has appeared in Jian Chen's Yuanshen Dimension.

"Thousand Soul Demon Lord, what are you doing?" Jian Chen's deep voice echoed in the primordial spirit space.

"What are you doing? Jie Jie Jie Jie, haven't you seen it yet? I have taken a fancy to your physical body, so I want to occupy your physical body. From now on, everything about you will belong to me." Thousand Soul Demon Venerable Make a strange laugh.

"At present, the Giant Elephant Sect is still alive, and the remaining dozen or so immortal emperors will take action at any time, Qianhun Mozun, you suddenly seized me at this moment, aren't you afraid that the immortal emperors of the Giant Elephant Sect will take advantage of this opportunity to kill me?" You and I suppress you together?" Jian Chen said in a low voice.

"Hahaha, naturally don't worry, it only takes a moment for this deity to take you away. As long as this deity controls your body, you can use your divine armor to completely hide in the Giant Elephant Sect, and no one will be able to find you This deity, after that, this deity will slowly recover through the treasures of heaven, material and earth on your body, as well as the massive resources in the Giant Elephant Sect."

"Don't worry, your great wish to destroy the Giant Elephant Sect will be fulfilled for you. The only regret is that you won't be able to witness the destruction of the Giant Elephant Sect with your own eyes."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, come on, let this deity swallow your primordial spirit, inherit everything from you, and become one with you completely. Don't try to resist, in front of this deity, all your resistance is futile, after all This deity is a strong man of this way..."

Thousand Soul Demon Venerable was about to seize Jian Chen's primordial spirit while laughing loudly.

However, at this moment, a destructive aura that made Thousand Soul Demon Venerable feel extremely frightened rushed towards his face, and in Jian Chen's primordial spirit space, a ray of chaotic power quietly appeared.

"This...this is..." The destructive aura emanating from the power of chaos made Qianhun Mozun tremble in his heart, he stared at the past subconsciously, and his whole body was instantly stunned.

A dignified Immortal Venerable Realm fourth-layer heavenly powerhouse, he naturally knows the power of chaos. Even though he has never seen the real power of chaos, his vision and experience allowed him to recognize the origin of this thing in an instant.

"This... How is this possible? This is the real power of chaos, not those pseudo-chaotic powers. How could such power appear in your primordial spirit."

"'s impossible, it's absolutely impossible..."

The Thousand Soul Demon Venerable exclaimed loudly, feeling unbelievable, because the scene he saw had overturned his cognition.

At this time, two rays of light, one purple and one blue, flashed out, turning into two illusory figures and appearing in front of Thousand Soul Demon Venerable.

It is the sword spirit of the Ziqing twin swords!

"Mozun Thousand Souls, you want to take away our master?" Ziqing Sword Spirit stared at the primordial spirit of Demon Venerable Thousand Souls with a strange look.

Thousand Soul Demon Venerable's eyes widened in an instant, staring at Ziqing Sword Spirit with overwhelming horror, and said in a trembling voice: "Zi...Zi...Ziqing double swords... ...You guys, are you the sword spirits of the Ziqing twin swords?"

Regarding the Ziqing twin swords, Thousand Soul Demon Venerable is like thunder, because this is a supreme sword that can kill Taizun!

For the Ziqing twin swords, the powerhouses of the three worlds of immortals, monsters and demons are all envious, because as long as they have this sword, even if they don't use it, it is a powerful deterrent.

"The fourth heaven of the Immortal Venerable Realm dares to seize the master, and I don't know where you have the confidence." Another old voice came, and the Temple of Absolute Beginning quietly emerged, and Qi Ling's mocking words came out. sound.

The Thousand Soul Demon Venerable was struck by lightning, and he was completely dumbfounded. As a strong Demon Venerable, he could tell at a glance that the Temple of Absolute Beginning was a supreme artifact.

"Big idiot, it's not good for you to seize someone, but you just came to seize him. Are you out of your mind, and you did such a stupid thing?" A pure and sweet voice came out, and the source of life also appeared in the here.

The three supreme artifacts form a triangle and enclose the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable inside.

Thousand Soul Demon Lord's soul body trembled slightly, not because of excitement, but because of shock.

what did he see He actually discovered three supreme artifacts on a person whose primordial strength was only in the realm of the Immortal Emperor!

Not only that, but there is also a real power of chaos that exists in the legend.

"I...I...I...Where did I come to?" Thousand Soul Demon Venerable was in a daze, feeling a little dazed.

But immediately he came to his senses, smiled embarrassingly, his attitude took a big turn, and said: "Dao... Dao... Fellow Daoist, I'm really sorry, it's the deity who went to the wrong place, um... the wrong place Yeah, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding..."

Before he could finish speaking, Thousand Soul Demon Venerable suddenly turned around and flew towards the outside as if fleeing for his life, wanting to escape Jian Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Junior, since you're here, why don't you just stay a little longer." The old voice of Taichu Artifact Spirit came out, and a ray of coercion belonging to the Supreme Artifact suddenly descended, directly suppressing the soul body of Thousand Soul Demon Venerable.

If it was outside, with the current state of the Temple of Absolute Beginning, it is naturally impossible to suppress the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable with a ray of coercion, but this is Jian Chen's sea of ​​consciousness after all, not only Jian Chen's territory, but also the same as the Temple of Absolute Beginning. , the site of the purple and green double swords and the source of life.

The power of the three supreme artifacts has been amplified, while the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable has been weakened. With the ebb and flow of each other, it is naturally difficult for the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable to compete.

Moreover, since the Temple of Absolute Beginning, the Ziqing Sword Spirit has also transformed into two huge sword lights, which are also suppressed on the soul body of the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable.

Under the joint suppression of these two supreme artifacts, the weak soul body of Thousand Soul Demon Venerable was suddenly crumbling.

"Little girl, what are you still doing in a daze? It's such a great opportunity, why don't you act well." Taichu Qiling saw that the source of life was still not moving, and reminded him.

The source of life hesitated a little, but after a little hesitation, he finally gritted his teeth and appeared above the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable with a bit of reluctance to suppress it.

Immediately, under the joint suppression of the three supreme artifacts, Thousand Soul Demon Venerable was tightly imprisoned in Jian Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and it was difficult to break free.

"This venerable... I just lost my mind for a while and went to the wrong place. don't have to do this, you don't have to..." Qianhun Mozun was completely discouraged, without the slightest temper, and kept smiling. welcome.

"You little Demon Venerable, if you were outside, it would be difficult for us to handle you, but you just ran here without knowing your life." Taichu Qi Ling stared at Qianhun Demon Venerable like a fool, and then Said to Jian Chen: "Master, this person's soul is not weak, if the master swallows him back, then the power of the master's primordial spirit will definitely increase."

Seizing the house is a double-edged sword, if successful, it will naturally occupy everything the other party has.

But if he fails and is swallowed back by the other party, then everything he owns will naturally fall into the other party's hands.

The Thousand Soul Demon Lord was suppressed by the three supreme artifacts in Jian Chen's sea of ​​consciousness. His life and death depended entirely on Jian Chen's thought.

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