Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3689: Strength soared

A smile appeared on Jian Chen's face. He originally intended to subdue the Pill Qi Immortal Sect, let the Pill Qi Immortal Sect merge into the Zixiao Sword Sect, and provide the Zixiao Sword Sect with a long-term and stable supply of pills.

Now that Dan Chenzi took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, he was naturally extremely happy, and there was no reason to refuse.

Therefore, Jian Chen readily agreed to Dan Chenzi's request, and immediately asked Dan Chenzi to summon all the disciples of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect.

Now, the formation of the entire alchemy building has been broken, and the many disciples of the alchemy immortal sect who were imprisoned here have naturally regained their freedom.

Soon after being summoned by Dan Chenzi, all the remaining disciples of the Danqi Immortal Sect gathered on the third floor.

The weakest realm of these disciples is the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, and there are more than five hundred of them.

There are more than twenty people in the Immortal Monarch Realm!

As for the Immortal Emperor Realm, there is only Dan Chenzi alone!

Under the pressure of the Giant Elephant Sect, all of them were in a weak state, each with a sluggish look and a sallow complexion.

As soon as they reached the third floor of the alchemy building, their eyes fell on Jian Chen one after another, with suspicion and curiosity.

"Sovereign, what's going on? And what happened in the Giant Elephant Sect?" A high-ranking official in the Immortal Monarch Realm clasped his fists at Dan Chenzi.

"I'll explain to you later, I will introduce to you first, this senior is..." When Dan Chenzi was about to introduce Jian Chen to everyone, he was speechless for a while, showing embarrassment.

Because until now he still doesn't know how to address Jian Chen!

With a gentle smile on Jian Chen's face, his eyes slowly swept over the hundreds of people in the field: "My name is Jian Chen, and from now on, I will be the suzerain of all of you!"

As soon as Jian Chen said these words, all the disciples of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect were shocked, and even some people showed undisguised anger.

Dan Chenzi seemed to be afraid that some disciples would run into Jian Chen in a fit of rage, so he hurriedly said: "Sect Master Jian Chen is right, from now on, I am no longer the immortal sect of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect, and the Pill Qi Immortal Sect is here to stay." Disbanded, I hope that all the disciples of the sect will be merged into the sect where Sect Master Jian Chen is, and obey the orders of Sect Master Jian Chen!"

"Sovereign, this move cannot be..."

"Sovereign, our Pill Qi Immortal Sect can be regarded as a large sect with a long history, how can we just disband it..."

"Sovereign, think twice..."


As soon as Dan Chenzi's words fell, a famous immortal tried his best to persuade him. Some of them had already regarded the sect as their ultimate affiliation, and they valued it more than their own lives. They didn't want to look at the sect Just die.

With a firm gaze, Dan Chenzi said, "Everyone, the formations in the alchemy building have all been destroyed, you might as well use your spiritual sense to observe the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect outside!"

Hearing this, a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal and an Immortal Monarch released their consciousness one after another. When they saw the face of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect at this time, everyone was stunned.

"You have seen it with your own eyes, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has been destroyed, all the elders of the Immortal Emperor Realm have all fallen, and all of this was done by Sect Master Jian Chen, who saved us..."

"However, although the Giant Elephant Sect is completely dead, their ancestors in the Immortal Venerable Realm are still alive. Once their ancestors in the Immortal Venerable Realm return, do you think it is necessary for our Pill Qi Immortal Sect to continue to exist? Wrathful The ancestors of the Immortal Venerable Realm below will definitely wipe out everyone here."

"So, the only way out before us now is to seek the protection of Sect Master Jian Chen. Since Sect Master Jian Chen dares to destroy the Giant Elephant Sect, he will naturally not be afraid of the revenge of the immortal ancestors of the Giant Elephant Sect."

"To continue living, we have no second choice..."

What Dan Chenzi said caused all the disciples of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect to fall into silence.

It was not until a long time later that a disciple of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm said timidly: "Sect Master, if he continues to enslave us like the Giant Elephant Sect, then we will continue to live a life that is worse than death."

The words of this Alchemy Immortal Sect disciple immediately resonated with everyone in the field. They have been enslaved for too long, and the shadow of fear is almost left in their hearts, and they are very worried that such a thing will happen.

Jian Chen smiled lightly and said: "Everyone, please rest assured that once you enter my sect, with your strength, all of you will enjoy the treatment of core disciples. If you are an immortal monarch, you will be an elder of the sect with a high status. Immortal Emperor environment, it is the Supreme Elder who can participate in the major decisions of the sect."

Speaking of this, Jian Chen paused, and continued: "Of course, I know that many of you don't believe what I said, so this sect has decided to let you take a look at our sect with your own eyes."

Saying that, Jian Chen took out a low-grade temple from his body. He first collected all the disciples of Pill Qi Immortal Sect into the low-grade temple, and then threw the low-grade temple into the Absolute Beginning Temple.

Soon, together with Dan Chenzi, a group of disciples of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect appeared in the Temple of Absolute Beginning, standing in front of them was a magnificent mountain gate.

"Zixiao Sword Sect..."

When they saw the four simple and simple characters on the mountain gate, all the disciples of the Danqi Xianzong were stunned, and even Dan Chenzi was dumbfounded.

Although Zixiao Sword Sect has fallen, who in the fairy world does not know its reputation?

"Sovereign, this... this... Which Zixiao Sword Sect is this?" Looking at the simple four characters, Dan Chenzi only felt his heart skip a beat. He seriously suspected that someone was treacherous and dared to take a name with the same name as Zixiao Jianzong.

But if you think about it carefully, who in the fairy world would dare to use this name without authorization?

After all, this is a huge cause and effect, and there is a lot involved behind it.

"Except for the Zixiao Sword Sect that exists in the Zixiao Sword Domain in the Gongqing Heaven Realm, there is no second Zixiao Sword Sect in the fairy world!" Jian Chen looked at the Zixiao Sword Sect's mountain gate with ecstasy. Compared with the original, I don't know how many times grander it is, it is simply a world of difference.

Vaguely, through the tall and magnificent mountain gate in front of him, it seems to have witnessed the glorious moments of Zixiao Sword Sect in the past.

Next, under Jian Chen's narration, the disciples of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect finally understood what kind of sect they merged into, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became strange, such as surprise, astonishment, disbelief, etc. Looks intertwined on their faces.

"Zixiao Sword Sect, it turned out to be Zixiao Sword Sect, our Pill Qi Immortal Sect, unexpectedly merged into Zixiao Sword Sect, and became a disciple of Zixiao Sword Sect..." Dan Chenzi also had a complicated look on his face, There are mixed feelings in his heart. He clearly knows the glorious history of Zixiao Sword Sect, but he also understands the decline and risks of Zixiao Sword Sect.

"Sovereign, did your decision bring the disciples of our Pill Qi Immortal Sect into heaven, or into hell..." An immortal monarch said to Dan Chenzi in a daze.

"Whether it's heaven or hell, it's better than us being in the Giant Elephant Sect. Since we have entered the Zixiao Sword Sect, we all bear the karma behind the Zixiao Sword Sect. Xiao Jianzong is prosperous and all are prosperous, and every one is damaged." Dan Chenzi also accepted his fate.

Next, Jian Chen summoned the important disciples of the Zixiao Sword Sect, and officially announced the merger of the Pill Qi Immortal Sect into the Zixiao Sword Sect.

The sect name of the Danqi Xianzong was also abolished, and a new alchemy hall was established in the Zixiao Jianzong. All the disciples of the Danqi Xianzong entered the alchemy hall, and Dan Chenzi was appointed as the hall master.

At the same time, Dan Chenzi also became the Supreme Elder of Zixiao Sword Sect, and all the immortals under his command were elders.

All of a sudden, there was an extra fairy emperor and more than 20 fairy kings, and the strength of Zixiao Sword Sect improved a lot.

Next, Jian Chen released another fifteen people from a temple. These fifteen people were all strong men he rescued from the forbidden area of ​​the Giant Elephant Sect, including seven immortal emperors and eight immortal emperors.

"What? We joined Zixiao Sword Sect..."

"It's over, just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth, I won't live long..."

"The strong ones of Zixiao Sword Sect don't live long, I don't know when it will be our turn..."

When they learned that they were joining the Zixiao Sword Sect, the faces of the fifteen strong men all became extremely exciting.

These fifteen strong men were all arranged by Jian Chen in the Zixiao Sword Sect, temporarily holding the titles of Elder and Supreme Elder.

However, the fifteen of them are just playing names in the Zixiao Sword Sect, and will not gain any real power in a short time.

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