Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3691: Over-plucking

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, this matter should be left to this deity. This deity devoured the primordial spirits of several Supreme Elders, and obtained some useful information from their primordial spirits." Qian Hun Demon Lord appeared in front of Jian Chen, he took a token from Jian Chen, and said to the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower in the distance: "Those little elephants, you have devoured so much, you probably haven't fully digested them in such a short period of time." Finish it, give me a physical body, at least in the Immortal Sovereign Realm, it would be even better if there is an Immortal Emperor."

The Immortal Devouring Demon Flower opened a big dark mouth, and the next moment, the flesh body of an immortal emperor flew out.

A part of the primordial spirit of the Thousand Soul Demon Lord directly took over the body of the immortal emperor, and then moved his limbs stiffly and clumsily, as if he was adapting to this new body.

"Hey, this deity is too weak. It's just a temporary manipulation of the immortal emperor's body. It's going to be so difficult, but it's not a big problem just to use the secret technique." He made a hoarse voice, his eyes glowed strangely red, and he looked extremely evil.

The next moment, he made a seal with both hands, and hit the main command with a seal, and then used the command to lightly swipe on the formation of the treasure house.

The formation guarding the treasure house fluctuated slightly, quietly opening a door.

"Okay, you can go in, but the authority in this treasury is divided into several levels. The immortal emperor who I devoured has not yet mastered the highest authority, so you may not be able to enter the highest level." Qianhun Mozun said .

Jian Chen cupped his fists at Thousand Soul Demon Venerable, and said: "Thousand Soul Demon Venerable, you should go in with me."

"It seems that you are still worried about this deity. The deity's life and death are all in your thoughts. Don't worry, this deity will not do anything to harm you anyway." Qianhun Mozun laughed, and then stepped into the formation first middle.

Jian Chen took the Immortal Devouring Fey Flower, and followed Qianhun Mozun into the gate of the treasure house.

"Thousand Soul Demon Lord, now you are my servant, but you don't seem to have the consciousness to be a servant?" Inside the treasury, Jian Chen stared at Thousand Soul Demon Lord with a cold light in his eyes.

The body of the Immortal Emperor controlled by Qianhun Mozun paused, he hesitated a little, then turned his head to stare at Jian Chen, and said seriously: "You have mastered the life and death of this deity, and logically speaking, this deity has indeed become your servant , but can you promise me one thing?"

"Say it!"

"That is, before you became an immortal, we were friends of the same generation. Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, I will obey any order you give. It's just that before you become an immortal, whether it is in private or in public In front of you, the deity will not call you master."

"After all, this deity is also a fourth-level demon master. Whether it is in the fairy world or the demon world, he has a certain reputation. If he is asked to call an immortal emperor his master, it will indeed make him feel embarrassed."

"Although I know that you have a good background and you have three supreme artifacts on your body, but the current you are after all a bit short of realm." Qianhun Mozun said, the gap in realm eventually became a hurdle in his heart.

"If it's just like this, then I can promise you. But I hope you will keep in mind that if you disobey my order at any time, then you don't need to live in this world. Although I am only an immortal emperor now, But if you pay some price, it's not impossible to kill at the fourth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm." Jian Chen said expressionlessly.

"Please don't worry, such a thing will never happen in the future." The immortal emperor who was manipulated by the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable immediately apologized.

The treasure house of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect is filled with all kinds of immortal artifacts.

The first floor is a low-grade fairy artifact!

The second layer is a middle-grade immortal artifact!

The third floor is a top-grade fairy weapon!

The fourth floor is the ultimate fairy artifact!

The fifth floor is a low-grade artifact!

Jian Chen and Thousand Soul Demon Venerable went all the way up, and they didn't stop until they reached the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor, there are hundreds of middle-grade artifacts of various kinds.

In the end, the entire treasury was emptied, causing Jian Chen to have hundreds of middle-grade artifacts and nearly a thousand low-grade artifacts!

As for the immortal artifacts of different ranks, Jian Chen didn't even bother to count them.

In the end, Jian Chen stood at the entrance leading to the seventh floor, looking at the dark passage above, he had no choice but to give up.

Although he concluded that the seventh floor must be a high-grade artifact, but in his current state, it is no longer suitable for the second combination of two swords.

After leaving the treasure house, Jian Chen soon came to another important place, where the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect recorded various exercises.

It's just a pity that the exercises in it are all monster clan exercises, and only the elephant clan can practice them. Some exercises even have extremely high requirements on the blood, so Jian Chen is almost useless.

But Jian Chen still took away all the exercises that could be taken away like garbage.

More than ten days later, in the entire Giant Elephant Sect, apart from the seven ancestral pagodas and a pair of dragon blood fish in the distance, the huge Giant Elephant Sect did not have any high-value items.

Elder Nong and Chen Shifang have been arranged by Jian Chen in the Temple of Absolute Beginning, and the many spiritual mountains, spiritual veins and medicine gardens obtained from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect have been handed over to the two of them to plan and arrange.

In the Temple of Absolute Beginning, the sect of Zixiao Sword Sect expanded hundreds of times at once, and all the disciples became busy and began to rearrange the sects.

Jian Chen brought the Thousand Soul Demon Lord and the Immortal Eater Yaohua to the water pool where the dragon blood fish was fed.

At this moment, due to the loss of Juling Mountain and the fact that all the spirit veins have been dug away, this pool, which should have been thick with aura, has become exhausted in an instant.

The pair of dragon blood fish were lurking at the bottom of the pool, with their eyes closed, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Sect Master, this dragon blood fish is a treasure. It would be a pity if you don't take it away." Qianhun Mozun stood by the pool, staring at the pair of dragon blood fish with shining eyes, salivating endlessly: "The Giant Elephant Sect has been able to cultivate so many strong men in this short period of one million years, and this dragon blood fish has played a big role."

The light in Jian Chen's eyes flickered, showing hesitation. He was indeed very excited about this pair of dragon blood fish. If Zixiao Sword Sect had this pair of dragon blood fish, then the strong would definitely be enthusiastic in the future.

But Venerable Tianfu's warning seemed to be in his ears, once the dragon blood fish was touched, it would be tantamount to provoking the holy beast clan.

The holy beast family has completely inherited the background of a great world. Although they are not so respected, their abilities in some aspects are already comparable to those of a great being.

"For the time being, don't move this pair of dragon blood fish. The holy beasts can't provoke them yet." In the end, Jian Chen sighed lightly, and gave up all thoughts about dragon blood fish.

When Jian Chen said these words, the tense state of the pair of dragon blood fish living at the bottom of the pool seemed to relax a little.

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