Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3694: Arrange the array

But Jian Chen also understands that Chaos Yuanshen can only be regarded as a rough idea at present, whether it is feasible to implement it, or whether there will be some unexpected changes and hidden dangers, everything is still unknown.

And the most important point is that the real power of chaos is not something you can have if you want it. Over the years, he has used the combination of two swords many times, but it has only happened once to integrate a power of chaos into the primordial spirit.

This is a probabilistic event, and judging from the number of times the two swords have combined, the probability is not high.

"Chaos primordial spirit? You really dare to think that your primordial spirit can incorporate a ray of real chaotic power. This is already an incredible thing. It is estimated that even the greatest sage in the world can't explain it clearly. In the end, you are still not satisfied. You still want to incorporate more chaotic power, so that your primordial spirit can completely turn into a chaotic primordial spirit?" Hearing Jian Chen's bold idea, even the artifact spirit of the beginning could not help but speak out.

But as soon as he said this, Taichu Qiling paused and said in a deep tone, "However, if the master's primordial spirit can really completely transform into a chaotic primordial spirit, it stands to reason that the power of backlash can't hurt your primordial spirit."

The affirmation of the Artifact Spirit at the beginning undoubtedly strengthened Jian Chen's thoughts, and he couldn't help but start to move in his heart, looking forward to encountering the second ray of real chaos power as soon as possible, so that he can try it out.

"Master, now is not the time to think about the Primordial Chaos God. At present, you should solve the matter of the spiritual energy supply of the Zixiao Sword Sect as soon as possible. The Zixiao Sword Sect has moved in a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. When these heavenly materials and earthly treasures grow, they consume spiritual energy every moment. Although the spiritual veins have been buried in the ground in advance, it will take a few years for these spiritual veins to support millions of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. The spiritual veins will be exhausted in a few years." Said: "Master, if you are sure that you want to cultivate millions of natural treasures at the same time, at least 80% of the spiritual energy absorbed by the three spirit-gathering mountains will be used to irrigate those natural treasures, and the remaining weak spiritual energy will not be able to restore me any strength."

"It doesn't matter, the three Spirit Gathering Mountains are only temporary, and we will only have more and more Spirit Gathering Mountains in our hands in the future. Besides, in a short time, the All Heavens God Formation will also be able to arrange a smaller version, which can also gather spiritual energy." Jian Chen didn't care about the concerns of the Temple of Absolute Beginning.

Zixiao Sword Sect now has many disciples, without a huge family background, the sect would not be able to develop at all.

Therefore, there is no need to let a large number of natural materials and earth treasures give up their growth for the sake of a short-term supply of aura, and let their grades be permanently fixed at the moment of picking.

Next, Jian Chen temporarily put aside the injury on his primordial spirit and entered the Temple of Absolute Beginning.

Today's Zixiao Sword Sect is changing every day. In the recent period, all disciples have given up their cultivation and devoted themselves to the construction of the sect.

All kinds of Lingshan, Qionglou Yuyu, and white jade steps harvested from the Giant Elephant Sect are being spread out in the Zixiao Sword Sect with a brand new scene. Every arrangement has been carefully set up, consuming a lot of manpower.

"These pavilions are all made of high-quality cyan red stone, which is very valuable. Have you seen those mountain peaks? They are built on the top of those mountain peaks. Remember to be careful and careful, and they must not be damaged."

"These bricks and tiles were all sent to Yunjian Peak, and the elder Nong specially explained that these special bricks and tiles should be used to build an ancient temple with extraordinary significance."

In the Zixiao Sword Sect, similar shouts could be heard everywhere, and hundreds of thousands of Zixiao Sword Sect disciples were extremely busy.

For them, the work in their hands is not only a coolie, but everyone enjoys it.

The Zongmen did not participate in the construction of the alchemy hall. At this moment, everyone in the alchemy hall, including Dan Chenzi, stayed in their own secret room, taking various kinds of pills to restore themselves.

With Jian Chen's permission, the fifteen strong men that Jian Chen rescued from the Giant Elephant Sect occupied a spiritual mountain, locked themselves in secret rooms, and took various resources to recover from their injuries.

In Jian Chen's eyes, these fifteen Immortal Sovereigns and Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouses are all important eyes of the God Formation of the Gods, and whether the power of the God Formation of the Gods is strong or not is closely related to their own state.

Therefore, Jian Chen was not stingy, and smashed down all kinds of divine pills and materials, just to let them return to their peak as soon as possible.

"Even these semi-disabled immortal emperors have become the elders of the Zixiao Sword Sect. Sovereign, should you give me the name of an ancestor?" Qianhun Mozun popped up. He has obtained the materials needed to reshape the body from the elder Nong, and is now hiding in a quiet place to shape the body.

What appeared here at the moment was only a strand of his primordial avatar.

"Although this Demon Lord is currently in a weak state, and his strength is not one in ten, but this Demon Lord has reached the realm of the fourth heaven, and becoming the ancestor of the Zixiao Sword Sect will not humiliate this sect." Qianhun Demon Lord said quite complacently, obviously knowing the strength of the Zixiao Sword Sect, knowing that he is already the undisputed number one in the Zixiao Sword Sect.

"The Zixiao Sword Sect in the past was a famous sect in the fairy world. Thousand Soul Demon Lord, you are the top powerhouse in the demon world. If you join our Zixiao Sword School, it will not be suitable." Jian Chen rejected Thousand Soul Demon Lord without hesitation.

Thousand Soul Demon Venerable curled his lips, but without saying a word, the Primordial Spirit clone disappeared.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the sky above Zixiao Sword Sect, and immediately waved his palm, and the three Spirit Gathering Mountains appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Juling Mountain looks like three big stones one meter high.

"Master, this is the formation method of the Spirit Gathering Mountains. Our Zixiao Sword Sect's Spirit Gathering Mountains only need to find any two of them to form a simple large spirit gathering array. However, compared with the complete eighteen Spirit Gathering Mountains, the gap is a bit big."

"In addition to the formation method, there must be corresponding seals to cooperate with it, so that the Juling Mountain can be fully opened, so that the Juling Mountain can maintain its own operation by absorbing external spiritual energy, and there is no need for immortals to infuse energy."

The Ziqing Sword Spirit's voice came from Jian Chen's mind, and immediately the formation method of the Spirit Gathering Mountain and a set of complicated seals appeared in Jian Chen's mind.

Jian Chen closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and quickly mastered the layout skills of the Spirit Gathering Mountains, and saw his palm lightly pat on the three Spirit Gathering Mountains.

In the three spirit-gathering mountains, it seems that some kind of restriction has been broken.

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