Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3696: mysterious material

"To be able to plunder spiritual energy across the heavens, this Spirit Gathering Mountain is really amazing!" Jian Chen couldn't help being amazed when he learned about the various mysteries of the Spirit Gathering Mountain from Ziqing Sword Spirit.

But immediately when he thought that Juling Shenshan was a top-grade artifact, he felt a little relieved.

The power of the large formation composed of eighteen high-grade artifacts is naturally beyond imagination.

Besides, as a top-grade artifact, the Spirit Gathering Mountain is only used to gather spiritual energy, and it has almost no other functions other than that.

A powerful high-grade artifact sacrifices all other abilities and concentrates all its power on gathering spiritual energy. This naturally makes Juling Shenshan almost have a magical method on this road.

"Master, you must be careful when using the projection ability of Juling Shenshan to absorb spiritual energy. If someone with a strong cultivation base discovers it, it will increase the risk of exposure." The voice of Ziqing Sword Spirit came.

Jian Chen nodded. He naturally understood the hidden dangers. Some powerful people with advanced realms could completely track the flow of spiritual energy and find out the final destination of spiritual energy.

In this matter, even if he is isolated by the Illusory Monster Clan mask, the Heaven Escape God Armor and the Supreme Divine Artifact, there is still a risk of exposure.

If it is said that the mask of the Illusory Demon Clan and the Heaven-Scaping God Armor endowed him with night-like abilities, then the aura he absorbed was like candlelight in the dark night, guiding the direction in the dark night.

"If I don't need to hide my identity, then it doesn't matter if Juling Mountain is exposed. With my current strength, no one would dare to say anything even if I absorb spiritual energy with great fanfare. But I want to continue to hide my identity." For a moment, Jian Chen felt like he was bound, and it was inconvenient to do anything.

Next, Jian Chen didn't go to the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm, but advanced rapidly in the vast and endless sea of ​​stars. He followed the law of space, one step at a time, and the starry sky was changing rapidly.

In the end, he stopped in an extremely remote starry sky, settled on a desolate star where the sun and moon could not be seen, and took out a mid-grade artifact-level temple and placed it on the ground.

"Next, I'll just sneak here for a while, and try to arrange a reduced version of the **** formation." With this in mind, Jian Chen stepped into the temple, preparing for a long period of retreat.

This temple originally belonged to a certain elder of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. It was decorated in a luxurious manner, and many ornaments were carved from a special kind of ancient wood.

Today, this temple has been refined by Jian Chen, and all traces and aura have been obliterated, all hidden dangers have been eliminated, and it can be used with confidence.

Not long after Jian Chen entered the temple, with the temple as the center, spiritual energy within a radius of 300 million miles suddenly surged, as if being pulled by an invisible force, and frantically gathered towards the temple.

Jian Chen has activated the Spirit Gathering Mountain to absorb the majestic spiritual energy from the nearby starry sky.

In this lonely starry sky, he wasn't afraid of attracting attention, so he didn't use the spirit-projection ability of Juling Shenshan.

"When the miniature version of the **** array is set up, I will travel through the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm to search for the remaining Spirit Gathering Mountains. But before that, I have to go back to the Zixiao Sword Sect to take away the Spirit Gathering Mountains of the Zixiao Sword Sect." Jian Chen secretly planned in his heart. He took back the three Spirit Gathering Mountains from the Giant Elephant Sect, and sensed them through these three Spirit Gathering Mountains.

It was found that none of the three Spirit Gathering Mountains had the ability to sense the other Spirit Gathering Mountains.

Perhaps, the Spirit Gathering Mountain that existed in the Zixiao Sword Sect and was blocked in the void by the ancestors of Xinghuan is the first of the eighteen Spirit Gathering Mountains, and has some abilities that the other Spirit Gathering Mountains do not have.

Therefore, if he wanted to find the rest of Juling Mountain, he had to take away the one from Zixiao Sword Sect first.

At present, for him, the only way to take away the Spirit Gathering Mountain is to mobilize the gods of the gods, use the power of the gods to chop it down, and separate it from the void.

Inside the temple, Jian Chen sat cross-legged on a white jade futon, and between his hands was a piece of gorgeous multicolored light.

He took out the Divine Creation Jade and looked at it carefully.

"The Divine Fortune Jade is indestructible, only Taizun has the hope of destroying it, but why can I grind a layer of powder from it?" Jian Chen recalled Ziqing Sword Spirit's description of the Divine Fortune Jade again in his mind, and the doubts in his heart had existed for a long time.

Since he was in the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect before, he didn't have time to seriously think about this issue. Now that he has free time, he started to think about it immediately.

At this time, he took out the small ball of powder that had been ground from the good luck jade, and carefully studied its material.

However, soon, Jian Chen's brows suddenly frowned, and his eyes stared at the powder in his hand without blinking. He found that the light of these powders had become a little bit dim compared to the original one.

The power of the divine fortune jade left on the powder was weakening. Although it was not obvious, it was still discovered by Jian Chen, who had a keen sense.

"It seems that these powders cannot be separated from the Divine Creation Jade, otherwise, after a period of time, they will lose all the power possessed by the Divine Creation Jade." Jian Chen muttered to himself, carefully observing the group of powder in his hand.

However, the more he observed, the tighter his frown became, and he seemed to see that the powder in his hand seemed to be a special material.

"Ziying, Qingsuo, Taichu Artifact Spirit, what is in my hand, do you deny it?" Jian Chen secretly contacted Artifact Spirit.

"This is not the God of Fortune Jade, but what it is, I am not very clear yet." Ziying said.

"Master, I seem to have a familiar feeling, but I have never seen this kind of material anywhere since I was born with wisdom." Qing Suo thought.

"It feels familiar, but haven't you seen it in this life?" The old voice of Taichu Qiling came slowly: "Then there may be a situation, that is, in your last life, you probably have seen this kind of material."

Ziqing sword spirits don't have any memories of their previous lives, but one thing is certain, that is, they have existed for endless years, and have even gone through one era after another, and have followed one master after another.

It's just that the years have changed and the times have changed. The Ziqing Sword Spirit's body is immortal, but their spiritual intelligence may have changed more than one.

"Master, I saw the material in your hand once when I was with the Taiqing sage. I don't know what it is called and what its function is, but its origin seems to be related to the chaos and void." Taichu Qiling continued.

"What? Is this thing related to Chaos Void?" Jian Chen was startled, staring blankly at the powder in his hand.

"Well, it is indeed related to the chaotic void. It seems to be produced there, but it doesn't seem to be something important, so the master didn't pay attention to it back then." Taichu Qiling said.

Hearing this, Jian Chen fell into deep thought, staring at the God of Creation Jade for a while in a daze.

The Divine Fortune Jade in his hand, when he was in the Giant Elephant Sect, he found that he could only destroy its four corners. Except for the four corners, this Divine Fortune Jade was really indestructible.

"How could this piece of divine fortune jade be contaminated with these special materials from the chaotic void?" Jian Chen stared straight at the divine fortune jade, his eyes flickering.

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