Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3710: Who loses and who wins

"Is this the end? But... but who wins?"

"It doesn't matter whether we win or lose..."

Gong Qingtian, many powerful people in the Immortal Realm were confused. Because of their own strength, none of them could see the specific details of Lu Wuwu's fight with Lord Riekong.

"If Lu Wuwu fails, the Liuhe Immortal Sect will definitely perish. Let's see the outcome of the Liuhe Immortal Sect..." Youxian Zun said in secret.

"Has Wuwu been defeated?" In the sky above Liuhe Immortal Sect, Mo Zhi and his wife's faces were full of worry. Their eyes sometimes looked towards the sky, sometimes towards the direction of Qingtian City.

But then they seemed to have figured something out and sighed: "It doesn't matter if we lose, at least we won't offend the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to death. If we win, it will be a troublesome thing."

"Lu Wuwu has obviously been defeated and retreated to Qingtian City. Liuhe Immortal Sect, let's see who else can save you today." Opposite, the spiritual ancestor of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect sneered.

At this time, the figure of Lord Riekong appeared quietly in front of them, showing no joy, anger or joy.

"Brother, can we take action against Liuhe Immortal Sect?" Behind Venerable Riekong, Zong Zong showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face and was already ready to make a move.

Lord Liakong did not speak, but looked deeply at Mo Zhi and his wife, and then shouted to the six people behind him: "Let's go!"

Without any extra explanation, Lord Riekong left the Liuhe Immortal Sect directly with several people from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

His move immediately shocked several members of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, with only Patriarch Tayun showing a thoughtful look.

Their departure also made Mo Zhi and his wife from the Liuhe Immortal Sect look stunned, showing signs of astonishment.

The couple's hearts were already filled with despair and they were ready for a desperate fight, but unexpectedly, the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect turned around and left.

"Could it be that Xiao Jin won? Did he win against Lord Riakong?" Mo Zhi, the ancestor of Liuhe Immortal Sect, said with a look of disbelief on his face.


"Brother, what is going on? Could it be, you were defeated by the rising star Lu Wuwu?" Yuezu, one of the seven clans of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, said cautiously.

Upon hearing this, Venerable Liakong's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he said: "Defeat is not inevitable. Even if he has the Chengdao Sword of Daodaoyuan in his hand, there is absolutely no way he can use the realm of the Sixth Heaven to defeat him in one move." Defeat me within. But there is no need to provoke such a powerful enemy just for the sake of an insignificant Liuhe Immortal Sect."

"Brother, there is nothing to worry about. We have the Holy Beast Clan behind us. At worst, we can ask the strong ones from the Holy Beast Clan to take action." Zhan Zu said nonchalantly.

However, his words angered Venerable Riakong. Venerable Riakong slapped Zang Zu on the face with his backhand. The slap caused Zang Zu to do some somersaults in the air before he could stand still. A look appeared on his face. Bright red palm prints.

Buried Ancestor was completely stunned.

After all, he is also the ancestor of the Immortal Realm of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, with a distinguished status. Even if there is a big quarrel between them, they have never been slapped in the face like they are now.

As a result, now, his dignified Immortal Realm ancestor was slapped in front of several other ancestors.

This is unprecedented.

"Idiot, a junior from the sixth level of heaven still needs to alarm the holy beast clan? You are shameless, don't I have any shame?" Venerable Riekong didn't care about Zong Zu's mood at this moment, and he cursed again. .

"Brother, calm down..." The other five ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect hurriedly begged for mercy, their eyes flickering, and their expressions became a little complicated.

Lord Kong Kong rarely gets angry with them, and even if he does get angry, he has never been so furious as now.

"In the fight with Lu Wuwu, the eldest brother may have suffered a big loss." At this moment, several ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect had such thoughts in their hearts.

The buried ancestor who received a slap remained silent and silently followed a few people, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist Likong, please stay!" At this moment, a spiritual message from the Immortal Lord came from a distance, and immediately he saw the Wudao Immortal Lord from the Xianyu Sect, approaching quickly with a dozen local strongmen from Gong Qingtian. .

Except for Wudao Immortal Lord, the dozen or so local strong men following him were all in a state of confusion and full of anxiety.

None of them wanted to have close contact with the Venerable Riekong who had experienced the pain of annihilation of his sect at this time.

Several ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect were hovering in the sky, looking at Wudao Immortal Lord and others. However, when they saw the Immortal Lord realm behind Wudao Immortal Lord, a sharp cold light suddenly flashed in their eyes. .

"Don't these people think that they can sit back and relax after finding the Immortal Feather Sect to speak for them?" Ancestor Tayun sneered.

The next moment, Wudao Immortal Lord led a dozen Immortal Lord Realm experts to the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, while Buried Ancestor quickly used his cultivation power to clean off the palm prints on his face.

None of the members of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect spoke, and they all stared at Wudao Immortal Lord with expressionless expressions.

Wudao Immortal Lord didn't care about their indifferent attitude, and immediately smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Liekong, I am sending you a message. I may have important clues about the murderer of your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect."

Upon hearing this, the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect were shocked.

"Seriously, do you really have important clues there?" Lord Liakong asked impatiently. He took a step forward and closed the distance with Immortal Wudao. His tone was a little excited: "Wudao, if you will The important clues you have tell us that our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect will definitely thank you."

"There is no need to thank you very much." Wudao Immortal Lord smiled faintly and said: "The value of the clue is not as huge as imagined. Besides, what do I, the Immortal Feather Sect, need? I don't lack that little resource. I have full authority to treat it as I’ll give you a favor.”

"I, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, can't thank you enough!" Lord Riekong clasped his fists at Wudao Immortal Lord with a solemn expression.

"If you want to track down the murderer who destroyed your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, you only need to follow the clues of the Zixiao Sword Sect. I believe you will find clues soon." Wudao Immortal Lord said.

"What? Zixiao Sword Sect? Is this all done by Zixiao Sword Sect?"

"Impossible, fellow Taoist Wu Dao, are you mistaken? How can the Zixiao Sword Sect have this ability?"


The dozen or so local strong men following Wudao Immortal Lord all looked shocked and felt unbelievable.

The seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect also looked at each other. They also had doubts about the Zixiao Sword Sect, but they were quickly rejected because the Zixiao Sword Sect simply could not do this with its strength.

On the contrary, they believe that the various coincidences that overlap with the Zixiao Sword Sect are the unknown real murderer who is confusing the situation and deliberately diverting their attention.

After all, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has been running rampant for so many years, and it is not without its enemies in the immortal world.

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