Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3714: Nanming Swift

"I'm just here to guard this sacred land. After all, this land is the center and continues to expand outwards, making the Zixiao Sword Sect's sect territory gradually cover the entire Zixiao Sword Domain."

"Nowadays, many sites in the Zixiao Sword Domain have changed hands. I can turn a blind eye to other sites, but I can't watch you destroy this mountain gate that is of great significance to our entire immortal world under any circumstances. .”

"You can say that I do whatever I want, or that my confidence is inflated. In short, if you want to destroy the land under your feet, you must first get past me." The ancestor of Kenshin spoke firmly, and his sharp eyes pierced Suzaku. The strong man of the clan.

The strong man from the Suzaku Clan chuckled: "Jianxin, originally I came here from the clan this time because I heard that the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect was wiped out, so I came here specifically to assist in the investigation and find out what was hidden behind the scenes. The murderer never thought of clashing with you Twelve Heavens. But you should never, never speak like this in front of me, because this is contempt for our holy beast family. "

"In the eyes of our Holy Beast clan, apart from the Daowei family, your so-called heavenly power is nothing. What virtue and ability do you have to dare to speak in this tone in front of me?"

The strong men of the Suzaku Clan became increasingly cold and aggressive in their tone, and their words contained a hint of disdain for heavenly forces.

Jianxin Ancestor's face darkened, and he spoke slowly: "So, the Suzaku Clan, which can represent the Holy Beast Clan to a certain extent, is also preparing to destroy the Zixiao Sword Sect's ancestral land based on the words of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. Landed?"

"Everyone from the Zixiao Sword Sect has left, so what's the point of continuing to keep this wasteland? After all, in the history of the immortal world, many forces have appeared in the Taizun realm. Which Taizun level in history has The forces have not made great contributions to the world, but as a result, they have not been buried in the long years, and even many of the former Taizun-level forces have completely perished even the Taoist lineage."

"Other Taizun-level forces are like this, why is the Zixiao Sword Sect an exception?"

As soon as the strong man from the Suzaku tribe finished speaking, a monstrous force burst out from her body, and in her eyes, two beams of blazing flames spit out: "Sword Immortal, since you want to stop my holy beast tribe, Then let me see how capable you are after taking half a step into the eighth heaven."

Hearing this, the ancestor of Jianxin sighed and shook his head, saying: "When you, I am sitting outside the gate of Zixiao Sword Sect, one of your four royal families, an ancestor of the Qinglong clan, relied on his own strong bloodline to fight with I fought with the same rank, but I finally lost to me and was seriously injured. But unexpectedly, the Qinglong clan, one of the four royal clans, was just a clan that couldn't afford to lose. The leader of the Qinglong clan actually came forward in person to bully the small ones. Beat me seriously."

"Nanming Yuyan, I know that you have pure Tai Zun blood flowing in your body, you practice Tai Zun's skills, you master the secret techniques created by Tai Zun, and you are very powerful. But I am not so different, with all your advantages There is nothing left in front of me, and now your realm is even half a step behind me. You are definitely no match for me." said the ancestor of Kenshin.

Nanming Yuyan is the name of this powerful man from the Suzaku Clan, who is at the pinnacle of the seventh level of the Immortal Realm.

She has stayed in this realm for millions of years.

"Xiao Jianxin, you are too confident!" Nanming Yuyan sneered. She spread her palms and a small red umbrella appeared quietly. Each feather on it contained the strong power of the law of fire. Every feather Yu's masters are all powerful men who have reached the ninth level of the Immortal Realm.

Especially the frame of this small umbrella is filled with a heart-stopping aura of power.

This is too respectful!

A piece of Tai Zun's skeleton is used as an umbrella frame, and dozens of pieces of feathers from the ninth level of the Immortal Realm are cast as an artifact. This makes this artifact extremely powerful. Even if it cannot be called a supreme artifact, it is still inferior to the supreme artifact. It is the most top-notch thing, at the same level as the small bell in the hands of Lord Riekong.

The next moment, every feather of the small umbrella bloomed with dazzling red light, and then formed a terrifying flame that destroyed the world and enveloped the ancestor of Kenshin.

Suddenly, the temperature between heaven and earth rose rapidly. In just an instant, the earth millions of miles around was burned into a piece of charcoal, and all the flowers, plants and trees were turned into ashes.

Nanming Yuyan obviously did not have any scruples or worries in taking action, and she completely ignored the damage caused to the surrounding environment. Just the monstrous aura of the flames had already caused devastating damage to the site.

After all, she has the pure bloodline of Tai Zun, and her strength is simply not comparable to that of Lord Liakong.

Facing the billowing flames, the ancestor of Jian Xin showed no expression. He was holding a divine sword and slashed directly into the void, cutting a huge crack in the void in front of him and burning out all the flames. Inhaled.

"If you want to fight, go to the starry sky. I'll have a good fight with you." The ancestor of Jianxin said a word, then turned into a sword light and shot into the sky, and disappeared in the vast sea of ​​​​stars in an instant.

"Huh, Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect, in the same level battle, you defeated the Qinglong Clan and made our Holy Beast Clan lose face. So this time, let you see how I, Nanming Yuyan, destroyed the seventh-level heaven. Ancestor Jian Xin who is halfway to the eighth heaven."

Looking at the place where Jian Xin's ancestor disappeared, Nan Ming Yu Yan's lips revealed a cold smile that was incompatible with her stunning appearance.

The next moment, Nanming Yuyan shot into the void outside the sky like lightning and disappeared in an instant.

As the ancestors of Jianxin and Nanming Yuyan left, many of the spiritual consciousnesses that followed Gongqing Tianjie also withdrew one after another. Immediately, figures emitting powerful auras were seen walking out from everywhere and walking away in the air.

These are all powerful Immortal Realm experts from the Heavenly Realm, and they are all ready to watch a shocking battle that is rare in the world.

"Let's go and have a look. This time, we have the Holy Beast Clan supporting us. Even if all the heavenly forces come, we have nothing to fear." Venerable Riekong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and faced the other six The man said.

"Hmph, without the intimidation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Lord, coupled with three million years of weakening, the Zixiao Sword Sect has almost lost its reputation in the immortal world. This time, it is undoubtedly the last step to completely wipe out the Zixiao Sword Sect. Good time." Ancestor Tayun sneered. To destroy the Zixiao Sword Sect does not necessarily mean killing all the disciples of the Zixiao Sword Sect. In fact, killing some low-level disciples does not mean much.

As long as the place of honor of the Zixiao Sword Sect is wiped out, the Zixiao Sword Sect will almost cease to exist in name only.

As for making a comeback, this is absolutely impossible in their opinion.

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