Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3744: Kill at the door (3)

The protective formation was broken, which naturally alarmed everyone in the Huxiao family.

I saw in those buildings or caves, members of the Huxiao family walked out one after another. Their strength was high or low, but they were all under the Immortal Lord Realm. Among them, the Xuanxian Realm and the Nine Heavens Xuanxian Realm occupied the most. most.

At this moment, all of them were staring blankly at the void above their heads, not knowing what was going on.

In Luoyun City, the Huxiao family has been invincible for too long. Their reputation is not limited to this huge city. Even if several nearby fairy lands are included, the Huxiao family is also famous.

Therefore, after years of peace and security, the members of the Huxiao family never imagined that someone would come to kill them.

"Who dares to come to our Huxiao family and act recklessly!" Immediately afterwards, roars came from deep inside the Huxiao family, and the aura of the Immortal Lord Realm seemed to be awakened from a deep sleep. When they erupted like a tsunami, they emitted bright rays of light that cut through the void and appeared in the front yard of the Huxiao family.

The Immortal Lord Realm within the Huxiao family has all been alarmed. Except for the four people who have been killed by Jian Chen, there are still thirteen people left.

Among the thirteen people, five were in a disheveled state, with their upper bodies bare and only wearing a pair of shorts. At this moment, they were covering their bodies with a light curtain formed by the power of cultivation.

But immediately, pieces of low-grade artifact battle armor covered his body, replacing clothes and covering his exposed skin.

Below, many members of the Huxiao family were stunned. These supreme elders were rarely seen on weekdays. They almost all practiced in seclusion in the forbidden area. It was common for them not to show up for thousands of years. But now, such an appearance suddenly appeared. Multiple people.

"With so many Supreme Elders coming out, even if the sky of Luoyun City falls, it will be pushed up by force." Many disciples in the Huxiao family were determined. In their eyes, these Supreme Elders Elder Shang is the Dinghai Shenzhen. No matter how big the storm is, it will eventually be suppressed.

However, no one could see that the expressions of the thirteen Supreme Elders suspended in the sky at this moment became extremely solemn, and their eyes were fixed on the broken protective formation, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Some disciples with low cultivation level didn't understand how powerful this protective formation was, but they, the Supreme Elders, knew very well that even the powerful Immortal Emperor Realm could withstand the powerful protective formation. As a result, at the moment, it actually fell in an instant. Broken.

Soon, more than ten supreme elders from the Huxiao family all locked their eyes on the gate, where they saw Jian Chen slowly walking in with Jingfeng and Jing Mumu.

They are down-to-earth, just like ordinary people, taking one step at a time.

Jian Chen looked calm, but Jing Mumu and Jingfeng's grandson who were following him were trembling with fear, with their hearts in their throats.

"The person coming is at least a powerful person in the Immortal Emperor Realm. Go and notify the ancestor immediately."

"I have sent a message to the ancestor using a secret method. The ancestor should appear soon."

"With the ancestor's ability, he must also know the situation here. To be able to smash the formation of our Huxiao family so easily, this person is so strong that we can't deal with it. Let's wait until the ancestor comes. "

High in the sky, more than a dozen supreme elders of the Huxiao family were transmitting messages to each other. Each of them looked at Jian Chen with expressions full of fear, and no one dared to act rashly.

In front of them, a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe appeared out of thin air. This man had a good temperament and a sense of coercion, but his face looked somewhat feminine.

This is the head of the Huxiao family - Xi Ganglie, a newcomer who has just stepped into the Immortal Lord realm from Jiutian Xuanxian, and his realm has not yet been completely consolidated.

His strength is considered to be the lowest among a group of Supreme Elders, but although his status has not reached the point of being superior to the Supreme Elders, he is still on an equal footing, and he has a vague leadership role.

All this is because Xi Ganglie is the direct descendant of the ancestor, and he is also the most valued descendant of the ancestor of the Huxiao family.

"I don't know where our Huxiao family has offended our seniors to make him so angry. I hope he can make it clear." The head of the Huxiao family Xi Ganglie clasped his fists at Jian Chen with a humble tone.

"Let me tell you, head of the family, those are people from the Jing family, named Jing Feng, and that woman, she is the little sword fairy of the Jing family." At this time, a Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal below recognized Jing Feng The identity of the other person suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face.

The eyes of Huxiao Family Master Xi Ganglie and more than a dozen Supreme Elders had been focused on Jian Chen, and they subconsciously ignored the two people standing behind Jian Chen. It was not until the disciples below reminded him that they turned their gazes. On Jingfeng and Jing Mumu.

Many Supreme Elders did not know the identities of the two of them, but Xi Ganglie, the head of the Huxiao family, recognized them all at once. His expression immediately changed, and he suddenly understood everything.

"It turns out that the Jing family's little sword fairy has been favored by seniors. It is the little sword fairy's blessing and the Jing family's blessing to be favored by such a strong man as senior." The head of the Huxiao family gave Jian Chen a deep sigh. Bye, he continued: "If we had known that the little sword fairy could be favored by senior, then our Huxiao family would definitely not dare to compete with senior. For our unintentional offense before, senior please forgive us."

The dozen or so Supreme Elders behind Xi Ganglie did not speak, but all of them felt relieved in their hearts. They all felt that this was just a misunderstanding, not a big deal, and could be easily resolved with a little apology.

Behind Jian Chen, Jing Feng witnessed the Huxiao family's attitude throughout the whole process, and unknowingly straightened his back, feeling a sense of pride welling up.

"Senior, this is a little thought from our Huxiao family. I hope you don't dislike it." The head of the Huxiao family took out a space ring and handed it to Jian Chen in person.

Jian Chen knew that this space ring contained a large amount of colorful fairy crystals, but he ignored it and said: "I am here to seek justice for my disciple, which is only one of the reasons, and the other two."

The head of the Huxiao family and the ten or so Supreme Elders were all listening attentively, but suddenly, Jian Chen's sleeves and robes flashed, and the sword light all over the sky fell like a waterfall, turning into an incomparably bright light that instantly hit the people in the distance. A temple.

"Boom!" The imposing palace burst into pieces in response, and was smashed into pieces by the sword energy like a waterfall. A large amount of gravel flew everywhere, and the place was filled with smoke and dust.

However, among the smoke and dust in the sky, various beautiful bodies appeared. It was a famous female fairy, wrapped in chains, and she was obviously imprisoned here.

There are hundreds of people in this group of female immortals, with varying levels of cultivation. The strongest one is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal. But at this moment, all of them have disheveled hair, haggard faces, and their dull eyes are full of gloom and despair.

Among this group of people, half of them had a huge loss of Yuan Yin in their bodies, which had obviously been replenished.

"Secondly, I am here for them." Jian Chen's voice came out, bone-chillingly cold. He already knew that these hundreds of female immortals were just the tip of the iceberg among the imprisoned female immortals.

In the Huxiao family, they are like livestock in captivity. They are consumables for the improvement of the cultivation of many disciples of the Huxiao family. They live a life of humiliation and death.

Perhaps for them, every minute and every second of living in this world is a kind of painful suffering, and they can't die even if they want to.

The faces of Huxiao Patriarch and the dozen or so Supreme Elders suddenly became ugly. Huxiao Patriarch took a deep breath and said: "Senior, if you like these women, then Seniors can take them away. "

Jian Chen didn't say anything, he rolled up his sleeves, and another sword energy burst out, shattering a palace.

"Boom!" The palace shattered instantly, and hundreds of female fairies appeared inside.

Next, Jian Chen took action one after another, destroying many buildings of the Huxiao family. In the end, thousands of female fairies with varying cultivation levels were exposed.

Even on several jade beds, there were several female fairies lying naked on them, their breaths were like gossamers, their life breath was dim, and the oil and lamps had dried up.

Next to them, several disciples of the Huxiao family who had just finished collecting supplements were sitting cross-legged, still immersed in cultivation.

But before these disciples woke up from the state of cultivation, their bodies exploded into a ball of blood mist. Their physical bodies were completely destroyed by Jian Chen's supreme will, leaving only a ball of soul floating in the void. .

These souls were naturally left behind by Jian Chen on purpose. With a wave of his hand, he collected the souls of the disciples of the Huxiao family and then sent them to the Taichu Temple without any trace.

"Thousand Soul Demon Lord, I will leave these souls to you to deal with. I have only one request from you, let them live worse than death." A thought from Jian Chen was transmitted to Taichu Temple, and he ordered Thousand Soul Demon Lord.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, Sect Master, don't worry, I'm the best at this." The Thousand Soul Demon Lord turned into a black cloud and swallowed up these spirits in an instant.

The faces of the Huxiao family, Xi Ganglie and the dozen or so Supreme Elders all turned livid when they saw Jian Chen smashing the halls one after another.

"Senior, our Huxiao family also has an Immortal Emperor Realm ancestor sitting in charge. I hope that senior will not go too far." Xi Ganglie, the head of the Huxiao family, said expressionlessly while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Why hasn't the ancestor shown up yet? Could it be that he is not in the family at this time?" Those supreme elders were also anxious, looking left and right, in a dilemma.

"Excessive? These are all evidence of the crimes of your Huxiao family." Jian Chen said coldly. He was not in a hurry to kill people, but to rescue the many female fairies imprisoned here one by one.

"Boom!" When Jian Chen shattered a palace again, corpses appeared on the ground inside.

To be precise, there were thousands of female corpses that had been harvested and turned into human corpses.

Not far from a group of female corpses, there was a black hill.

When Jian Chen's eyes fell on the black hill, his pupils suddenly trembled violently.

He recognized the composition of the black hill at a glance. It was the product of burning the female corpse to ashes and then mixing it with some strange liquid.

This hill is a mountain of ashes.

It is really hard to imagine how many female fairy bones it would take to pile up this cone-shaped hill that is about ten feet high.

As for this mountain of ashes, the Huxiao family obviously has another purpose.

"Senior, are you feeling pity for these fallen people? The weak eat the strong. This is just the survival law of the fairy world. Please understand, senior." A supreme elder from the Huxiao family stood up and said seriously.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a beam of monstrous sword light flashed through. This supreme elder with the strength of the sixth level of the Immortal King Realm was instantly beheaded. His body was crushed into pieces by the sword energy, and the soul But was caught in Jian Chen's hand.

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