Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3758: Ambush and kill the Immortal Lord

Tan Yuxianzun walked out of the City Lord's Mansion in person. His appearance immediately shocked the groups of soldiers patrolling the City Lord's Mansion, with excitement and heat in their eyes.

As a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, although Tan Yuxianzun is the lord of a city, he has long ignored the trivial matters in the city. He rarely shows up during the day, and only a small number of people can meet him.

Soon, Immortal Tan Yu and Deputy City Lord He Luo appeared at the gate. Under the shocked eyes of the soldiers stationed on both sides of the gate, they personally invited Jian Chen into the City Lord's Mansion.

"Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, do you know when we will take action?" Immortal Tan Yu asked impatiently as soon as he entered the magnificent palace.

"You can do it at any time, but you have to ask the city lord to lead them to the wilderness thousands of miles away to the southeast. My people are already waiting there. You can leave all the rest to me." Jian Chenyun said calmly, as if he did not take the two great immortals, the ancestor of the Dongxu Sect and Master Wukun, into his eyes at all.

"Okay, now it all depends on fellow Taoist. If fellow Taoist can really help us resolve this disaster, our Fengxian City will remember such a great kindness forever. If fellow Taoist needs it in the future, our Fengxian City will do our best. All you can." Tan Yuxianzun said forcefully.

Outside the guardian formation of Fengxian City, Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun were sitting cross-legged in the void, chatting while controlling the artifacts to attack the guardian formation below.

They are already discussing how to prevent Tan Yuxianzun from escaping and kill him in one fell swoop.

"Tan Yuxianzun is already seriously injured. In his current state, if I attack with all my strength, I can kill him within twenty moves." Master Wukun said casually. He mastered the laws of swordsmanship and attacked fiercely. , although there is no ancient inheritance, its combat effectiveness is second to none in the same realm.

"The Heaven-Sucking Divine Chain of Huatian Dao Sect was also lent to me. This Heaven-Sucking Divine Chain has the ability to seal the sky and trap the earth. As long as this thing is there, Immortal Tan Yu cannot escape." Ancestor Dongxu had a smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with laughter. Showing anticipation.

Master Wu Kun was moved for a moment and said in surprise: "I actually lent you the chain of gods. It seems that this time, Immortal Tan Yu of Fengxian City is really doomed."

At this moment, Master Wukun and Patriarch Dongxu seemed to be aware of it, and they stared at the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Immediately, a layer of ripples was seen in the protective formation above the city lord's palace, and a portal opened quietly. Immortal Tan Yu, whose breath was weak and whose face was still a bit pale, appeared alone outside the formation.

"Hahaha, Immortal Lord Tan Yu, are you planning to escape? I advise you to give up on this idea as soon as possible, because I am well prepared to deal with your Fengxian City this time, and it will be difficult for you to fly." Ancestor Dongxu sat cross-legged. Standing up, he spread his palms, and the thousand-foot-long tripod immediately shrank in size and fell into his palms.

On his other hand, a golden chain appeared, blooming with brilliant brilliance and filled with waves of heart-stopping pressure.

"This is the Heaven-Suing Divine Chain." When he saw the golden chain, Tan Yuxianzun's expression suddenly changed.

This chain of heaven-locking gods is a thing belonging to one of the three ancestors of the Huatian Dao Sect, the ancestor Jingkong.

Ancestor Jingkong is a strong man who controls the laws of space. His realm has reached the fourth level of the Immortal Realm. As his handy artifact, this chain of heaven-locking gods naturally also has the ability to control the laws of space. It can travel through the void and ignore the void. distance.

As soon as the Tiansuo Divine Chain appeared, Tan Yuxianzun understood that he really had no way to escape this time.

"I don't want the grudges between us to involve those brothers who have been with me through life and death. Old Dongxu, if you want to kill me, I will give you a chance. Let's stay away from Fengxian City and fight to the death in the wilderness. In this way, you don't have to worry that the aftermath of the battle will spread to the city below, thus provoking top forces such as the Xingyao Chamber of Commerce." Tan Yuxianzun stared at Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun with an expressionless face: "As a condition, you must promise me not to attack my brothers."

Patriarch Dongxu sneered and was about to refuse when Master Wukun suddenly sent a message to him: "You promise him first that the eight major families entrenched in Fengxian City don't need your Dongxu faction to take action. Our Kunshan Sword Sect will do it on our own." Deal with them."

Master Wukun's message immediately made Patriarch Dongxu change his mind. He smiled and agreed, saying: "I have long heard that Tan Yuxian is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Now that I see him, he is indeed well-deserved. , actually willing to give up his life for some immortal emperors. However, do you have the Sky Sword Sutra in your hands?"

Tan Yuxianzun turned his hand, and a blazing light suddenly appeared in his hand, saying: "You must also recognize this object, this is the Sky Sword Sutra."

Seeing that the Sky Sword Sutra was really in the hands of Immortal Tan Yu, Patriarch Dongxu immediately felt relieved. This time to deal with Fengxian City, the reason why he was able to borrow the two high-grade artifacts, the Soul-Eating Furnace and the Heaven-locking Divine Chain, from the Huatian Dao Sect was not Because the saint girl of their Dongxu sect married the Huatian Dao Sect, the real reason was that he promised to offer the Sky Sword Sutra with both hands after the matter was accomplished.

If he didn't get the Sky Sword Sutra, it would be hard for him to explain.

"Tan Yuxianzun, you can choose a burial place by yourself. I advise you not to think about escaping. I have the Heaven-locking Divine Chain in my hand. You can't escape from the Tangyao Heaven Realm no matter what, hahahahaha" Patriarch Dongxu laughed. road.

Tan Yuxianzun snorted coldly, said nothing, turned around and flew towards the position agreed with Jian Chen.

Behind him, Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun followed closely.

"Be careful of fraud. I always feel that something is wrong with Tan Yuxianzun's reaction." Master Wu Kun said in a message.

Ancestor Dongxu said indifferently: "The Soul-Eating Furnace represents the Huatian Dao Sect. In this Gongqing Heaven Realm, who dares not to give Huatian Dao Sect face? Since our Dongxu Sect has taken out the Soul-Eating Furnace, everyone with a discerning eye will Knowing that dealing with Fengxian City is also the intention of the Huatian Dao Sect, in this case, do you think there is any force in this Yaotian Realm that dares to help Fengxian City?"

Patriarch Dongxu turned his head and glanced at Master Wukun, and said confidently: "In my opinion, Tan Yuxianzun knew that he would not survive, so he gave up the struggle and prepared to fight for a way out for his subordinates."

In the blink of an eye, Immortal Master Tan Yu, Ancestor Dongxu, and Master Wukun disappeared at the end of the sky.

Fengxian City, the formation portal located above the city lord's palace, is also slowly healing at this moment.

The two deputy city lords, Qiu Wanqian and He Luo, stood in the city lord's palace, looking at the disappeared Tan Yuxian Zun, their brows full of worry.

"What's going on? Why did the eldest brother run out alone?"

"Qiu Wanqian, Heluo, what are you going to do? Is it possible that he really wants to fight to the death with Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun?"

"Brother is really confused. He is seriously injured now. With one against two, how can he be the opponent of those two?"

"The two great immortals have been led away by the elder brother. If we gather our strength and fight out together, even if we die, we will not make it easy for the people of the Dongxu Sect."

"Yes, let's all fight out together and die together with the strong men of the Dongxu Sect. If we want to destroy our Fengxian City, we will make them pay a heavy price."

The ancestors of the eight major families in Fengxian City all gathered in the city lord's palace, each with murderous intent and high fighting spirit, regardless of life or death.

"Everyone, please be patient. Please believe me, brother. When the city lord comes back, it will be the moment when we defeat the Dongxu sect. City lord, he will definitely come back." Deputy City Lord He Luo quickly calmed everyone's emotions, with a determined light in his eyes.

The ancestors of the eight major families looked at each other with doubts. They really didn't understand where He Luo's confidence came from.

But before they could ask, He Luo said again: "Don't ask anyone yet. There are some things that are not appropriate to tell you now. We will tell you everything when the city lord comes back."

When he said these words, He Luo looked confident on the surface, but in fact he felt uncertain in his heart, wondering if the city lord could come back.

Thousands of miles away from Fengxian City, there is a barren mountain. This place lacks spiritual energy and is almost barren of grass. As far as the eye can see, it is all bare rocks.

On this day, in this barren mountain, a vast coercion suddenly appeared, covering the entire wilderness in an instant.

I saw a figure appearing there thousands of feet high in the air as if teleporting. It was none other than the Lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun.

Although his body was seriously injured, he was still a strong man who had reached the second level of the Immortal Realm. The aura that naturally filled his body could shake the sky and crush all the clouds and mists.

Tan Yuxianzun was suspended high in the sky. He glanced around cautiously, and his heart was agitated. He was far from as calm as he appeared on the surface.

"City Lord, you don't have to worry too much. You just need to do what I say secretly. Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun will inevitably die today." Jian Chen's voice floated into the ears of Tan Yuxianzun.

This sudden sound immediately shocked Tan Yuxianzun, because he could not feel the presence of Jian Chen at all, not to mention the breath, not even the slightest trace.

If Jian Chen hadn't taken the initiative to speak out, he wouldn't have been able to believe that at this moment, there was someone quietly hiding not far from him.

"What a brilliant concealment method." Tan Yuxianzun was determined. It seemed that he was really relieved until this moment.

"Tan Yuxianzun, are you planning to choose this place as your burial place?" A loud laugh came, and opposite Tan Yuxianzun, Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun appeared at the same time.

"It's too early to say this now." Tan Yuxianzun suddenly became confident.

"Hahaha, it's not too early at all. The Huatian Dao Sect lent these two artifacts, the Soul-Eating Furnace and the Heaven-locking Divine Chain, to Lao Cheng. The intention is self-evident. In today's Tang Yao Heaven Realm, who dares to come and help you. "Ancestor Dongxu sneered again and again.


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