Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3761: The city lord returns

"Clean up the traces of the battlefield, and then you can return to the Taichu Temple. It is not suitable for you to be exposed now." Jian Chen said to the Thousand Soul Demon Lord and the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, after destroying these two immortals, I can recover a lot. I just need some time to digest it." The Qianhun Demon Lord was in a good mood, and the billowing black mist suddenly condensed and turned into a tall man. Xu's tall figure.

Immediately, the Qianhun Demon Lord and the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower started to eliminate the traces of the war here.

Among them, the Thousand Souls Demon Lord is at the fourth level of the Immortal Realm, erasing the remaining traces of the avenue here. Although it is difficult to achieve a watertight level, at least it can block the exploration of most of the magical powers and secret techniques of the Immortal Realm.

The Immortal Devouring Demon Flower is responsible for the disposal of corpses and blood stains. Its processing method is quite simple. No matter what it is, as long as there are traces left, everything will be swallowed up by it.

Therefore, after being treated by the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower, there were several fewer hills in the nearby area.

From the beginning to the end, Jian Chen has always covered all directions with a spatial barrier.

The purpose of the existence of this space barrier is not to block the Immortal Lord's exploration. In fact, with his current level of space law, even if the space barrier is deployed with all his strength, it will be useless in front of the Immortal Lord's consciousness.

The most important meaning of this barrier is to block Tan Yuxian Zun's sight.

In just a dozen breaths, the Thousand Souls Demon Lord and the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower completed the cleaning work of the battlefield. Then, as a Void Gate appeared silently, through this Void Gate, they returned to the beginning of time. In the temple.

At this moment, the Lord of Fengxian City, Tan Yuxianzun, was floating in the air outside the shielding formation, waiting there anxiously and uneasily.

In fact, having reached his level of cultivation, he has already developed a state of mind that will remain calm even if the world collapses. But at this moment, it is really difficult for him to remain calm, and he is very worried about the success or failure of this battle.

Because this battle will directly affect the lives of his group of life-and-death friends, and it will also affect Fengxian City, the eternal foundation that he has worked so hard to build.

"I wonder how strong the helpers invited by fellow Taoist Yang Yutian are? Can they easily take down the two powerful men, Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun?" Tan Yuxianzun walked back and forth outside the shielding formation and glanced at him. When I saw the shielding formation in front of me, I had the urge more than once to observe the situation inside with my spiritual consciousness.

But considering Jian Chen's instructions, he had no choice but to suppress the impulse in his heart again and again.

"There seems to be no movement inside. It seems that they haven't started fighting yet." Tan Yu secretly thought in his heart. In the battle of Immortal Lord, just the aftermath of the battle would destroy the world. Once a fierce battle occurs, the shielding formation he deployed will simply be Useless.

Therefore, through the reaction of the formation, he can determine whether there is a fight inside.

At this moment, the shielding formation arranged by Tan Yuxianzun was triggered. When he subconsciously turned his head and looked around, he saw Jian Chen walking out of the shielding formation in neat clothes. His face was as usual, calm and calm, as if He looked like he was traveling around the mountains and rivers.

Seeing Jian Chen's sloppy posture, Tan Yuxianzun's heart sank slightly, and he had an unpleasant feeling.

Because of Jian Chen's behavior and the calm scene inside the shielding formation, it was difficult for him not to think about other aspects.

"Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, I wonder what's going on inside?" Although he was worried, Immortal Tan Yu still came to Jian Chen and asked with concern.

Jian Chen glanced at Tan Yuxianzun and naturally saw the worries in Tan Yuxianzun's heart. He couldn't help but smile calmly and said: "Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter. Since I promised you, I won't let you down. Now your trouble has been solved." ."

"My trouble has been solved?" Tan Yuxianzun looked startled, and then his eyes flashed and said: "Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, could it be that you have reached some conditions with Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun?"

This was all he could think of. After all, only about ten breaths had passed, and there was no movement coming from the shielding formation. To say that he had killed two people silently in such a short period of time He would never believe a powerful person at the second level of the Immortal Realm.

Jian Chen didn't bother to explain any more. He directly took out Master Wu Kun's Litian Sword, and then took out the two high-grade artifacts from Patriarch Dongxu, plus the Sky-Securing Divine Chain from Huatian Dao Sect, and placed it In front of Tan Yuxianzun.

Tan Yuxianzun recognized the origin of these artifacts at a glance, and he was stunned for a moment, dumbfounded on the spot.

"You should understand what this means. You can remove this shielding formation. I will take the first step." After leaving these words, Jian Chen stepped into the air and walked away, as fast as teleporting. In an instant, Then disappeared.

It was only after a while that Tan Yuxianzun finally came back to his senses. He was so excited that he put away the shielding formation immediately, regardless of the state of mind that had already set off a huge wave.

Suddenly, the scene that was previously covered by the formation was clearly displayed in front of Tan Yuxianzun.

The barren mountains are still the same as before. Except for the loss of a few hills, they don't seem to have changed much.

Tan Yuxianzun's eyes slowly scanned every inch of the mountainous area, and his heart became more and more frightened. Various thoughts intertwined in his mind, and finally turned into a deep fear that stayed in his heart.

He himself is a strong man at the second level of the Immortal Realm, so he deeply understands that if he wants to kill Master Wukun and Patriarch Dongxu in such a short period of time without leaving any trace, What a difficult thing it is.

In Fengxian City, a group of Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperor Realm experts from the Dongxu Sect had no idea that their ancestors had been destroyed both physically and mentally. At this moment, all of them were still working together to activate the Soul-devouring Furnace, continuously devouring Fengxian. The energy of the fairy city's protective formation.

"In a few days, the formation in Fengxian City will be exhausted due to exhaustion of energy, and the three major immortal cities in Tangyao Heaven Realm will be reduced by one from now on."

"Hmph, the grudges between our Dongxu Sect and Fengxian City can finally come to an end. I have been looking forward to this day for too long."

"Everyone, please keep an eye on it. Don't let any fish slip through the net in Fengxian City. After the formation is broken, I will bloodbath the eight major families and use the lives of their entire clan to pay tribute to my son's spirit in heaven."

The eyes of these Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperor Realm experts from the Dongxu Sect showed cold murderous intent, with unforgettable hatred and hatred.

In the void beside him, Jian Chen sat cross-legged, his eyes staring at the Soul-Eating Furnace.

He was wearing the Escape Divine Armor, and he was completely hidden between heaven and earth. Not to mention these Immortal Emperors, even some of the most powerful people in the ninth level of the Immortal Realm might not be able to detect his existence.

"This artifact is pretty good. If you encounter some unbreakable formations, and use this furnace to devour the energy of the formations, it will be faster than a full-strength attack by an early Digital Immortal Realm."

"Furthermore, it seems that the power of this furnace has not been reached to its extreme. If it explodes with all its strength, the energy speed of the devouring formation will be at least twice as fast as the current one."

"Moreover, all the energy swallowed by this furnace is not all dissipated between heaven and earth. It is compressed into pure energy crystals and stored in the space inside the furnace."

Jian Chen looked at the Soul-Eating Furnace with a hint of interest.

At this moment, Jian Chen seemed to feel something, and his body immediately retreated, away from the group of people from the Dongxu Sect.

The next moment, a powerful sword energy was seen falling from the sky, carrying a coercion originating from the Immortal Realm. In an instant, it split an Immortal Emperor of the Dongxu Sect in half from head to toe.

I saw Tan Yuxianzun, the lord of Fengxian City, already appearing above the heads of a group of strong men from the Dongxu Sect.

Although he was injured, he was still a second-level Immortal Realm expert, and he could still deal with some Immortal Emperors with ease.

The sudden and shocking change immediately caused a group of strong men from the Dongxu Sect to change their expressions. They were working together to activate the Soul-Eating Furnace and subconsciously raised their heads.

"No, it's the Lord of Fengxian City"

"Damn it, it's Immortal Tan Yu. Why did he suddenly turn back? It's our ancestor. Where is our ancestor?"

The appearance of Immortal Lord Tan Yu immediately caused the group of Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperors of the Dongxu Sect to panic and panic.


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