Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3764: City Lord's Gift

With a sweep of his consciousness, Jian Chen discovered that there were various resources accumulated in the space ring, including elixirs, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, various artifacts, fairy crystals of various levels, etc.

If all these resources were converted into five-color fairy crystals, it would be almost seven to eight hundred thousand.

Jian Chen did not refuse and accepted the resources. There were still hundreds of thousands of Zixiao Sword Sect disciples to cultivate in Taichu Temple. The consumption every day was astonishing, and almost all of these resources could only be obtained from the outside world.

Although the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has obtained an extremely huge amount of resources, the Zixiao Sword Sect has no outside industry and income. If a mountain is empty, it will eventually be exhausted.

Next, Tan Yuxianzun and Jian Chen had a small chat, during which they talked about the Sky Sword Sutra.

"There are a total of one hundred and eight fragments of the Ferris Sword Sutra. Only after all the fragments are released can the Ferris World be opened. Therefore, if fellow Taoists want to enter the Ferris World, they may have to wait for some time." Tan Yuxianzun said solemnly.

The so-called Ferris World refers to the small world opened up by the Ferris Sword Master.

Immediately, Tan Yuxianzun seemed to have thought of something, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "When I enter the sky world this time, I also hope to get a sword seed, so that I can break the shackles that have hindered me for millions of years, and step into it in one fell swoop. In the realm of the third heaven, now that fellow Taoists are involved, Tan's chances of obtaining the seeds of swordsmanship will become extremely slim."

"As far as I know, every time the skyscraper world is opened, it will attract many powerful people from the fairy world, including some ancestors from top forces. Even if I don't participate in the skyscraper world, the city master's hope of getting the seeds of swordsmanship is very slim. Ah." Jian Chen said calmly.

"Hahahaha, fellow Taoist is right. The few times the Sky World was opened before, a large number of strong men came to fight for it, and even immortals died for it. It was extremely tragic. Although Tan got The Sky Sword Sutra has the qualifications to go to the Sky World, but Tan is not completely sure whether he can successfully obtain the seeds of swordsmanship in the end."

"But fortunately, there are more than just kendo seeds in the Ferris World. In addition to kendo seeds, there are also a large number of kendo inscriptions. All the inscriptions are imprinted on a motto. They are all made by the Motian Sword Lord and contain the knowledge of the movement of heaven and earth. Mystery, if you calmly comprehend these sword marks, you will also gain something when the opportunity comes."

Jian Chen and Tan Yuxianzun were chatting. Regarding the skyscraper world, Tan Yuxianzun obviously had a lot more information than Jian Chen. During the conversation between the two parties, Tan Yuxianzun revealed a lot of confidential information that Jian Chen had never mastered.

At the end of his words, Tan Yuxianzun turned his hand and took out something from the space ring.

Suddenly, a coercion originating from a high-grade artifact spread across the air. It was a stove no larger than the size of a palm, blooming with a dazzling and brilliant light.

"This object is called the Soul-Eating Furnace. It is a property of the Huatian Dao Sect. It was borrowed from the Huatian Dao Sect by the ancestor of Dongxu. Now, with the death of a group of strong men from the Dongxu Sect, this object has also fallen into the hands of Tan. ." Tan Yuxianzun first took the initiative to briefly introduce the Soul-devouring Stove to Jian Chen, with a look of sadness on his brows, and said: "Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian, to tell you the truth, this Soul-devouring Stove has become a magic weapon in Tan's hands. It’s a hot potato. It’s neither keeping it nor throwing it away. I really don’t know how to deal with it.”

"So another purpose of Tan's special visit is to seek the opinions of fellow Taoists on how to deal with the soul-devouring furnace belonging to the Huatian Dao Sect in Tan's hands."

Jian Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Immortal Tan Yu with keen eyes, and said: "Don't you even have the guts to return this thing?"

Tan Yuxianzun smiled bitterly and said: "Tan has actually thought about returning this object to the Huatian Dao Sect, but he is also worried that it will be self-defeating and misunderstood by the Huatian Dao Sect."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Jian Chen's mouth, and he said unhurriedly: "What you are worried about is not the misunderstanding of the Huatian Dao Sect, but the fear that the Huatian Dao Sect will treat you because of the fact that you destroyed the Dongxu Sect. You launched an attack in Fengxian City. After all, since the Huatian Dao Sect lent the Soul-Eating Furnace to Dongxu Sect, it was obviously supporting Dongxu Sect to attack your Fengxian City. As a result, Dongxu Sect not only failed to capture Fengxian City, but itself was completely destroyed. End."

"Such a result is not a slap in the face for the Huatian Dao Sect. If they think too much, or with the help of some thoughtful people, then the final consequences of this matter will even rise to the level of concern for the sect. Go up to the level of majesty."

"If it really develops to that point, your Immortal City will be in big trouble."

"What fellow Taoist said is absolutely true. This is exactly what Tan is worried about. In the opinion of fellow Taoist, how should Tan deal with this soul-devouring furnace?" Tan Yuxianzun asked humbly for advice.

"Simple, if you give me this thing, I will be responsible for the cause and effect from Huatian Dao Sect." Jian Chen said, he had already seen that Tan Yuxian Zun had the idea of ​​​​giving the Soul-Eating Furnace to him.

Because this thing involves the cause and effect from the Huatian Dao Sect, it is inconvenient for Tan Yuxianzun to directly say that it is a gift to him. He is worried that it will be misunderstood by him as a scapegoat, so he has been waiting for him to take the initiative to speak.

Sure enough, as soon as Jian Chen said these words, Tan Yuxian Zun suddenly showed a happy expression, and his originally tense heart seemed to finally be relieved at this moment.

The deputy city lords Qiu Wanqian and He Luo, who were sitting nearby as guests, also looked relieved.

Next, Tan Yuxianzun hurriedly handed the soul-devouring furnace to Jian Chen. His hurried movements seemed to be afraid that Jian Chen would regret it.

The Soul-Eating Furnace shrunk to the size of a palm bloomed with brilliant brilliance, and Jian Chen casually took it in his hand and played with it.

Jian Chen is also very interested in this Soul-Eating Furnace, because in his opinion, the Soul-Eating Furnace is simply a formation-breaking artifact.

Any formation in the world requires a steady supply of energy to operate. Once the energy is insufficient, the power of the formation will not only be greatly reduced, but it will even collapse directly.

The usual way to break the formation is to attack the formation to consume the energy of the formation. Eventually, the energy of the formation will be exhausted and it will collapse on its own.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the defensive strength of the formation is stronger than the strength of the breaker.

"The Zixiao Sword Sect has many enemies in the fairy world, so the various formations I will face in the future will only become more and more powerful. And this soul-devouring furnace can come in handy, not only can it swallow The speed of the energy of the formation is astonishingly fast, and the energy swallowed can be condensed into high-purity fairy crystals internally, so that it will not be completely wasted." Jian Chen secretly thought in his heart, and he was already inspecting the inside of the soul-devouring furnace. Space, and as expected, a mountain of fairy crystals was found inside.

Although the number of immortal crystals was very large, Jian Chen still frowned.

"At the speed at which the Soul-Eating Furnace can devour spiritual energy, after more than half a month of accumulation, the energy it has accumulated should be far more than this. This pile of fairy crystals as high as a hill can probably only be swallowed by one tenth."

"Was the remaining energy consumed by the Soul-Eating Furnace itself, or can the Soul-Eating Furnace only extract so much?" Jian Chen was suspicious, and he did not think that it was taken away by Tan Yuxianzun.

In fact, the soul-eating furnace has a weapon spirit. Unless it obtains the consent of the soul-eating furnace weapon spirit or recognizes its owner, otherwise, with the current strength of Tan Yuxianzun, it is absolutely impossible to bypass the weapon spirit and forcibly extract anything from it. thing.

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