Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3779: The thoughts of the city lord

In another area of ​​Fengxian City, which is also an extremely vast manor, a powerful formation has quietly unfolded, covering the main hall located in the center of the manor from all directions.

This manor is the temporary residence of Huatian Dao Sect in Fengxian City.

At this moment, in the main hall shrouded by the formation, several figures were sitting cross-legged. All of these people were powerful figures from the Huatian Dao Sect. The Supreme Elder Xia Zhilai whom Jian Chen had seen before was prominently among them.

Also sitting next to Xia Zhilai was an old man. He looked to be over seventy years old. He was wearing coarse cloth and his aura was restrained and clean, not leaking at all, making him look like an old farmer.

This person's name is Fang Ziguang, he is at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, and he is also one of the supreme elders of the Huatian Dao Sect!

Except for Xia Zhilai and Fang Ziguang, who are in the Immortal Emperor realm, the rest of the people here are all in the Immortal Lord realm. .??.

The people who came out of the Huatian Dao Sect this time, except for those here, the only ones left are some Jiutian Xuanxian Realm disciples.

But Jiutian Xuanxian Realm disciples are obviously not qualified to participate yet.

"Now that the whereabouts of the Soul-Eating Furnace and the Heaven-locking Divine Chain have been found, our mission for this trip has been completed. It is time to return to the sect. The next thing can only be left to the ancestors to solve." Xia Zhilai He spoke.

"Elder Taishang, but we haven't fully grasped the matter about Ancestor Dongxu yet." An elder from the Immortal Lord Realm said.

"Ancestor Dongxu no longer needs to investigate. He must have encountered an accident. Otherwise, Fengxian City would not dare to destroy the Dongxu Sect, and the Suotian Divine Chain would not fall into the hands of Yang Yutian." Xia Zhilai said.

"Keke is a saint from the Dongxu Sect who has married our Huantian Dao Sect and now has a prominent position in our Huantian Dao Sect. Should we, the Huantian Dao Sect, still have anything to do with the Dongxu Sect's enmity?" Another immortal Elder Junjing asked with embarrassment.

"Ancestor Dongxu and Master Wukun are strong men at the second level of the Immortal Realm. They can do the same thing so cleanly and neatly.

If you kill these two great immortals at the same time, you can imagine how strong the other party is. Therefore, this matter should be left to the ancestors of the sect to decide. Xia Zhilai looked at the elder who spoke with a solemn expression, "But in my opinion, our Huatian Dao Sect does not need to provoke such a powerful enemy just for the sake of a holy girl from the Dongxu Sect." "

"Of course, this is just my own opinion. The specific decision depends on the ancestor of the sect."

Fang Ziguang, the Supreme Elder sitting next to Xia Zhilai, coughed lightly and said, "Old Xia, tell us about the thing called Yang Yutian. You said that the Soul-Eating Furnace and the Heaven-locking Divine Chain of our Huatian Dao Sect are here. In the hands of others, could this person be the Immortal Lord who killed Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun?"

Xia Zhilai showed a look of reminiscence and said, "That Yang Yutian, I didn't see anything false or true about him. He obviously covered himself through secret techniques or some kind of treasure, so in my eyes, he looked like a mortal. But he himself said that he is only a sixth-level Immortal Emperor, and I don’t think he needs to lie about this matter.”

"So, this Yang Yutian is just a role running errands on the table. The mysterious strong man who killed Patriarch Dongxu and Master Wukun is the person standing behind him." Fang Ziguang said.

"It's obvious that both the Soul-Eating Furnace and the Heaven-locking Divine Chain are in Yang Yutian's hands." Xia Zhilai said.

Supreme Elder Fang Ziguang nodded and said, "This matter is beyond our power to solve. Let's go, return to our sect, and report this matter to our ancestors!"

They acted vigorously and resolutely. As soon as they made the decision to return to the sect, they immediately began to gather their disciples. After just a tea break, a group of people from the Huatian Dao Sect all left Fengxian City.

In another area of ​​Fengxian City, Jian Chen was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the pool in the manor, holding a handful of fish feed in his hand and feeding a few spiritual fish in the pool with a casual look.


Suddenly, as if he had realized something, he suddenly looked towards the direction where Huatian Dao Sect and his party were living, with a half-smiling look on his lips, and murmured, "They all left. It seems that it won't be long before Huatian Dao Sect and the Huatian Dao Sect's group of people live." The Immortal Realm ancestor of Tiandao Sect will personally go out."

"After all, with Huatian Dao Sect's background, we can't afford to lose two high-grade artifacts!"

"Jingfeng, you will be responsible for supervising Mumu's training. I will be away for some time."

After a few simple instructions, Jian Chen's figure disappeared into the manor.

"City Lord, all the people from Huatian Dao Sect have left. Judging from the direction they left, they should have gone back to Huatian Dao Sect."

In the City Lord's Mansion, Deputy City Lord Qiu Wanqian stood below and said with his fists clasped, looking obviously relieved.

"Have you finally left? It seems that I made a very wise choice by handing over the soul-devouring furnace to fellow Taoist Yang Yutian." Immortal Tan Yu, who was sitting on the throne of the city lord, showed a smile on his face and said, "Now, The Huatian Dao Sect should be worried about how to get back the Soul-Eating Furnace and the Heaven-locking Divine Chain, so there is no need to worry about the Dongxu Sect."

"Fortunately, at this juncture, Senior Yang Yutian happened to be in our Fengxian City. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for our Fengxian City to survive this disaster." Qiu Wanqian said with a smile, feeling very lucky in his heart. .

Suddenly, Qiu Wanqian seemed to have thought of something. "By the way, Lord City Lord, there is one more thing I want to report to you. I have also investigated the relationship between Senior Yang Yutian and the Jing family in Luoyun City. All the details have been investigated clearly." The information is all in this jade slip, please take a look at it, City Lord."

With that said, Qiu Wanqian sent a jade slip to Tan Yuxianzun.

For Fengxian City, Luoyun City is nothing to say about the Jing family, even the once prosperous Huxiao family. The deputy city lord of Fengxian City, and even the lord of the city, would not look at Luoyun on weekdays. With one glance at the city, the latter's life and death depended on it.

It will not attract the attention of Fengxian City.

But at this moment, when he heard the news about the Jing family in Luoyun City, the Lord of Fengxian City suddenly showed a solemn look, took the jade slip from Qiu Wanqian and looked at it carefully.

After a moment, Tan Yuxianzun fell into silence, lying half on the throne of the city lord, feeling tangled in his heart.

"City Lord, I wonder if we should give the Jing family some help and support?" Qiu Wanqian also felt a little headache and didn't know how to deal with this matter.

With the status and strength of Fengxian City, it is really effortless to help an Immortal Lord-level force. Even if Fengxian City just says a word, it can make the Jing family's position in Luoyun City unbreakable. Dare to provoke.

Even if Fengxian City sprinkles some leftovers, the Jing family will prosper and rise from there.

After all, it is a top force with a powerful person in the Immortal Realm, and its influence is beyond imagination.

However, some of the causal relationships involved in this matter are difficult to control.

"Alas, the relationship between fellow Taoist Yang Yutian and the Jing family does not seem to be what we imagined. Even his disciple Jing Mumu seems to have broken away from the Jing family, and the death of his parents was also related to the Jing family. It's really hard to deal with the incompatibility of the relationship." Tan Yuxianzun said with a headache. He wanted to support the Jing family, but he was worried that it would be self-defeating.

But if some care is not given, if the Jing family is destroyed one day, I am worried that I will become Taoist friend Yang Yutian, or it will be a regret in the heart of his disciples.

Jian Chen resolved a life-and-death disaster for Fengxian City, but in the view of Tan Yuxianzun, just using the quota of Motian Sword Sutra is not enough to repay him. Therefore, Tan Yuxianzun really wants to do something for Jian Chen within his power, so as to To repay the great kindness that day.

Just when Tan Yuxianzun didn't know what to do, he suddenly looked startled and looked at the gate of the city lord's mansion with a smile on his face and said, "Fellow Taoist Yang Yutian is here, let's go, come with me to greet him! "

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