Chaotic Sword God

Vol 6 Chapter 379: Leaving the Changsheng Valley

Chapter 379 leaves the Changsheng Valley

The body of Jian Chen is falling fast toward the ground. Now he has lost the power of the Holy Spirit. If he falls from the sky in the sky of 100 meters, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

Jian Chen was in danger, and immediately controlled the elements of the wind between the heavens and the earth, trying to regain control of his body. Finally, when the body of Jian Chen fell to a distance of 50 meters, he finally regrouped the elements of the wind and carried his body. Ask to pause in midair and stop falling.

Jian Chen took a deep breath, and his heart was also afraid for a while. This air flight seemed to be infinite, but it was not so fun. A control was not appropriate, but there was a worry about life.

Xiaopang’s father, Xiu Mi, also flew to the front of Jian Chen’s air, and looked at Jian Chen like a smile. He said, “You guy, you’re fine.”

"No, nothing!" Jian Chen said with some shocks.

Xiu Mihe smiled and said: "Young man, in the absence of skilled control of the air, it is best not to fly too high, otherwise, once it falls from the height of hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, it is considered the sky. The strongest of the sage class will also suffer from a minor injury."

Next, Xiu Mi taught some experience of the air flight to Jian Chen, and then explained some tricks for Jian Chen and then left, and continued to return to the field to cultivate land. After going through this time, Jian Chen did not dare to fly in the air, immediately lowered the height, and practiced the air flight at a height of ten meters above the ground.

Three days passed by, and in the past three days, Jian Chen spent all his time on practicing the air flight, but fortunately, his comprehension is super strong, and others must be at least one or two months to be fully skilled. Mastering the ability to fly in the air, he only took three days to fully master.

Now, the air-to-air flight for the sword dust, has been skilled to use the feet to walk on the ground, there is no difficulty, even in the high altitude of several kilometers encountered the wind blowing, Jian Chen can do To the point where your body is silky and stable, it will not appear in the scene when it was blown by the wind and the body lost its balance and fell from the sky.

Jian Chen can master the ability of flying in the air for three days, so that the repairing rice is amazed, and the sword dust is constantly praised, because he broke the strength of the sky sage, it also cost two It took only a month to master the air flight.

Early this morning, Jian Chen and Xiaopang’s family were using breakfast at the table. Although the strengths of Shumi’s uncle and Xiu Dabo could no longer be eaten, they still kept the habit of eating three meals a day. Human life.

On the dining table, Jian Chen said to the chubby family: "Little fat, repairing big brother, repairing uncle, repairing the uncle, I have to leave Changsheng Valley for a few days, go outside and take back the things I put there. ”

When I heard that Jian Chen had to go to the outside world, Xiaopeng’s eyes flashed a hint of inexplicable light, but when he looked at his grandfather, the inexplicable light suddenly disappeared, and he looked at the sword dust with envy. Open the door: "Jian Chen, you must come back soon, you promised me to build a house for me, but I just left."

Jian Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry about chubby, I promised you to do something, wait for me to get back my things, I will come back to help you build a house."

"Sword dust, the longevity valley we live in is at least a thousand kilometers away from the outside, and there will be some powerful World of Warcraft from time to time on the road, you have to be careful." Xiaopang's father said with some concern.

Sword dust put the remaining **** in his mouth, and said vaguely: "Don't worry, Uncle Mi, I will be careful."

The chubby grandfather did not speak, and a person was bored with a breakfast there.

After the meal, Jian Chen bid farewell to the chubby family, and flew straight into the sky, flying away from the Changsheng Valley in the direction of the chubby father guiding himself.

Jian Chen flew at an altitude of 500 meters, feeling the gust of wind that passed by his ear and the undulating mountains under his feet. At this moment, he felt that his mood had never been so happy and excited now, and he was flying and flying. Running on the ground is totally two concepts. Although his flight speed at this time is not up to the speed of the display of the magical power and the instant magic, but it is much easier. Now the wind element controlled by Jian Chen is flying in the air. Although the speed is slower than the three elders of Shijia, it is effortless, because with his powerful idea, as long as a small share is given, the wind between the heavens and the earth can be controlled. The elements let themselves fly in the sky, there is no much consumption at all.

For the first time, Jian Chen was flying with the Royal Air. For the first time, he flew on such a high sky with his own strength. It was inevitable that the feeling was very fresh and rare. Look at the east, look at the West, and enjoy the road while enjoying the road. Scenery.

Just then, a small black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky ahead, and it was approaching the sword dust quickly.

Jian Chen discovered the black cloud in the first time. His eyes flashed sharply and he quickly saw the essence of a small black cloud. It turned out to be a team composed of hundreds of birds.

"I actually encountered a black feather carving that is good at living in groups!" Jian Chen whispered to himself. The information about the black feather carving was seen in the Kagas Library. This is a group that is good at living in groups and only survives in large scales. The World of Warcraft in the mountains is very large. As long as it is an adult black feather carving, the body is at least adult in size, and the wings are spread out, which is ten meters long.

There are no fifth-order Warcraft in this group of black feather carvings, all of which are fourth-order and third-level Warcraft, each accounting for half of the number.

The speed of the sword dust is not reduced, and the face is quickly rushing toward the black feather carving. When the sword dust is 10 kilometers away from the black feather carving, dozens of big trees under the black feather carving burst into bursts, turning into the sky. The sky, with a faint purple green sword gas as a flying fire meteor like a black feather carved overhead.

The black feathers were caught in the air, and the bodies that had been shot with the purple-sworded wood chips suddenly fell to the ground one by one.

In just a few breaths, the body of hundreds of black feather carvings has been riddled with no resistance, and disappeared from the air.

Nowadays, the dust of Jian Chen is comparable to that of the Sky Master. The black-shelled four-level Warcraft is not a threat to Jian Chen. Now the idea of ​​Jian Chen can control the world and form a powerful attack, and he is not afraid of the other party. The way of sea tactics.

Along the way, Jian Chen met the harassment of three batches of flying World of Warcraft, but the strongest of these flying World of Warcraft are in the fourth order. As for the fifth-order flying World of Warcraft, they have already had a certain amount of wisdom, absolutely Do not dare to attack people who can fly in the air.

After more than two hours, Jian Chen flew nearly two thousand kilometers of road, finally crossed the 100,000 mountains, and then flew hundreds of kilometers. Finally, he came to a place where he and eight people were fighting in the sky a few days ago. Without a moment to stop, he immediately flew hundreds of kilometers in accordance with the memory of the brain, and went to the sky above the wood where he placed the little white tiger.

Jian Chen quickly locked a big tree not far away, and then slowly fell from the sky, only to see that the big tree that he had hit a big hole is still there, but the branches covering the hole have been scattered, and the inside is empty. The little white tiger hidden by him has disappeared.

This result was as early as Jian Chen's expectation. He immediately observed the traces around him, trying to find out the direction of the little white tiger's departure, but after searching for a moment, there was no such thing as a discovery.

Jian Chen's face became a bit serious, but did not show an anxious look, although the little white tiger lost, but he still has the way to find the exact position of the little white tiger.

Jian Chen immediately rose to the ground and flew directly toward Mingyang City. After more than half an hour, Jian Chen finally arrived in the sky above Mingyang City, and then did not hide it, directly flew into the city from the high air of hundreds of meters.

Now Mingyang City has restored the tranquility of the past. Everyone looking for a garrison army holding the cubs has disappeared. The portraits of the nights attached to the gates of the city have also been torn down. The weather that was full of troubles a few days ago The second day after Jian Chen left Mingyang City, he subsided.

The sword dust swayed into the city of Mingyang from the air, and was suddenly discovered by many people below. They looked up and looked at each other, and they talked a lot. And this news also spread quickly in the city of Mingyang, and soon became known to everyone, knowing that a strong man of the sky sage class came to the city.

The city government also received the news at the first time, and immediately dispatched the guards to investigate. In the era of the Holy King's stealth, the Sky Master was already standing on the top of the pyramid on the Tianyuan continent. It is not a trivial matter to come to Mingyang City.

In the Huangpu business, the turmoil experienced a few days ago did not seem to have much impact on Huangpu merchants. The whole family restored the tranquility of the past. A team of patrol guards shuttled through all corners of Huangpu merchants to ensure the family’s Safety.

As soon as a team of guards passed by a house that had been left unoccupied for a long time, a sudden exclamation came suddenly: "Captain, you look at the sky."

Hearing, several guards looked up and looked at the sky. This time, they suddenly let them stay, and their eyes were wide and their faces were full of surprise.

I saw a man in a thick coat slowly descending from the air, and finally stood within 30 meters in front of a team of guards.

"Heaven....Day....Sky Master!" The captain of the guard looked at the young face of Jian Chen with a look of shock. His face was full of horror and an incredible look.

When I was so young, I reached the realm of the Sky Master, which was unseen and unheard of on the Tianyuan continent.

"Respect... Dear strong, I am the captain of the third **** of Huangpu business, I don't know what can help you." The captain of the guard forced to suppress the horror of his heart, and his tone was excited to the sword dust.

Jian Chen’s eyes faintly squinted at several guards and waved: “There is no business here, what should I do?” Jian Chen’s tone, as if he was the head of the Huangpu family.

However, the **** captain did not have any objection, and responded with a respectful attitude, and immediately left with a few guards.

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