Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3917: Trump card revealed

Listening to the chattering words of the Immortal Lords around him, Jian Chen couldn't help but laugh and said: "Among you, some of you let me go after asking me to hand over the kendo seeds, but there are others, even if I hand over The kendo seeds will still deal with me. Does this mean to me that the result will be the same whether I hand over the kendo seeds or not?”

The immortals gathered around the formation were silent.

Jian Chen looked around and continued: "Since the result is the same whether you hand it over or not, why should I hand over the kendo seeds?"

"Could it be that in the eyes of everyone present, I am really like a turtle in a urn, ready to be slaughtered by you?"

When they heard the words behind Jian Chen, the pupils of many Immortal Lords shrank in unison.

"No, I'm afraid this person still has a trump card. Quickly strengthen the formation..."

"Everyone gathered around. We finally caught him this time, but we must not let him escape..."

All of a sudden, many immortals began to take action. Some people threw out formation disks one after another and began to quickly arrange various large formations. Some people immediately blocked the way and were ready.

"Without the help of the deputy leader of the Guixian Sect, Yang Yutian, I really don't believe you can escape." Master Xuanling's eyes were cold. He opened a large net to cover an area, and the power of cultivation continued to flow. Continuously pouring into the big net, the mesh-shaped high-grade artifact suddenly burst into blazing light.

At the same time, in the formation that besieged Jian Chen, the space suddenly distorted violently, and tens of thousands of immortals appeared out of thin air. The weakest ones were all in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm.

The internal space of the formation that trapped Jian Chen was not large, but when these tens of thousands of immortals appeared inside the formation space, it did not seem crowded at all.

As soon as these immortals appeared, they had formed an array of gods, exuding a terrifying and terrifying pressure.

At this moment, the whole world went silent. All the immortals gathered near the formation were stunned and stared at the tens of thousands of immortals who appeared out of thin air. They all fell into a state of confusion.

After all, this is the Sky World. There are top-level formations from the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. Since the birth of the Sky World, no one has ever been able to avoid the detection of the top formations and sneak in with people. Come in.

But what I saw in front of me was that Jian Chen not only sneaked into the Sky World with people, but also brought tens of thousands of people in at once.

This sight immediately stunned all of them.

Even Master Xuanling looked dull, staring blankly at the tens of thousands of immortals, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

However, Jian Chen did not give them time to react. As soon as the All-Heaven God Formation appeared, he immediately launched an attack. A force that destroyed the world and destroyed the world suddenly exploded, and a huge beam of light brought all the immortals to their knees. The shocking power struck out instantly.

Facing this terrifying attack, even those strong men in the field who had reached the fourth level of the Immortal Realm felt their scalps go numb at this moment, feeling as if they were as weak as ants.

At this moment, the shadow of death enveloped all the immortals present!

They had no time to escape, so they could only be driven by an instinct, or try their best to explode their cultivation power, or reluctantly sacrifice various artifacts to block them.


There was only a shocking explosion, and the extremely powerful blow of the All Heavens Divine Formation instantly shattered all the formations in the area, and then hit everyone with unabated force.

This time, the range of the energy beam erupted by the Divine Array was too large, forming an indiscriminate range attack on the nearby area. Therefore, all the immortals gathered here suffered injuries of varying severity.

Some immortals with weak cultivation vomited blood, and their bodies flew out like fallen leaves, hitting the nearby rocks hard.

Even Master Xuanling, who had cultivated to the fourth level of the Immortal Realm, was also knocked out. His face was extremely pale, and the energy and blood in his body surged violently, and he almost couldn't help but spurt out.

Although this attack from the All-Heaven God Formation covers everyone here, the stronger the person, the greater the damage they will bear.

This blow not only shattered all the formations and traps here, but also injured nearly forty immortals in the field.

"The power this time has increased a lot compared to the last time it was used to deal with Lan Caidie, the deputy leader of the Ghost Immortal Sect." Looking at the achievements made by the gods of the gods, Jian Chen also felt secretly happy in his heart.

Over the years, the number of disciples in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm of the Zixiao Sword Sect has increased every moment, so even without the participation of the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower and him, the power of the All Heavens Divine Formation has not decreased but increased.

"Thousand Soul Demon Lord, kill someone!" Jian Chen shouted lowly, and he asked Taichu Temple to take all the disciples back, leaving only Thousand Soul Demon Lord outside.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, Qianhun obeys the order and will not disappoint the sect master!" Qianhun Demon Lord let out a cheerful laugh, like a hungry beast, looking at the group of seriously injured immortals around him with a fierce light. .

The next moment, powerful demonic energy erupted, and he turned into a black mist and in an instant forced his way into the soul of a second-level Immortal Realm.

The Thousand Soul Demon Lord did not attack those high-level Immortal Lords, because the stronger the strength, the longer it would take to deal with them. On the contrary, it was those strong men whose realms were in the first and second levels of the Immortal Lord Realm. It will be easy and can ensure that the opponent is eliminated in the shortest time.

Jian Chen was not idle either. He held the restless Kendo Seed in his left hand and rushed out instantly with the Litian Sword in his right hand. As he swung the Litian Sword, the bright sword light turned into five afterimages and headed towards The most seriously injured person was killed at the first level of the Immortal Realm.

Five overlapping swords!

"When I was trapped before, you were among the people who wanted to put me to death." Jian Chen shouted lowly, taking advantage of the fact that the ancestor of the first level of the Immortal Realm had not yet recovered from the attack of the gods of the gods, The Litian Sword stabbed directly into the latter's head.

At this moment, the Immortal Lord was vomiting blood from his mouth, and almost all the internal organs in his body were shattered. In a short period of time, he could no longer mobilize his cultivation power to resist Jian Chen's attack, which was comparable to the Immortal Lord Realm.

"Poof!" The Litian Sword penetrated his soul without any hindrance, destroying both his body and soul on the spot.

At this moment, the Qianhun Demon Lord also took his hand. The second-level Immortal Realm he chose was also seriously injured. He had not yet recovered from the attack of the gods of the heavens, and was finally killed by the Thousand Soul Demon Lord. An effortless beheading.

"Let's go!" Jian Chen was not greedy for merit. After killing one person, he immediately took away the opponent's body, called the Thousand Souls Demon Lord, and quickly fled far away.

The Divine Array of All Heavens can only launch one attack in a short period of time. If the nearby Immortal Lord waits for him to recover, he will be in a disadvantageous position again.

"Jie Jie Jie, let's go!" Qianhun Demon Lord let out a satisfied laugh, holding his own trophies in his hands, and immediately followed Jian Chen's pace.

In the blink of an eye, Jian Chen and Qianhun Demon Lord had disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this moment, the immortals also adjusted their positions one after another, and everyone gathered together, with lingering fears in their eyes.

"What kind of formation is that? Its power is so terrifying. Fortunately, we are all fighting together. If he uses this formation to deal with any one of us alone, then whoever he wants to die will die. ah......"

"That kind of power is probably not weaker than a full blow from the seventh level of the Immortal Realm..."

"I don't know if there is a full blow from the Seventh Heaven, but it is definitely more powerful than the ghost immortal remains of the deputy leader of the Ghost Immortal Sect..."

"No wonder many immortals disappeared in the past few days. It turns out that they were all poisoned. I didn't expect that Yang Yutian would have such a treasure hidden in his body..."

"The only top-level formations that can hide from the sky world are the legendary ones..."


After a brief silence, all the immortals who survived the disaster burst out with unprecedented fiery light in their eyes. The intensity of greed and covetousness was countless times stronger than when the sword seeds appeared.

"With a supreme artifact and such a terrifying formation, whoever gets it will really rise to the sky and become a being standing on the top of the pyramid..." At this moment, all the immortals were My heart is pounding. Whether it is a supreme artifact or a terrifyingly powerful formation, any one of them can cause countless people to go crazy.

Even some powerful men who have reached the late stage of the Immortal Realm cannot resist its temptation, let alone those who are in the early stage of the Immortal Realm.

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