Chaotic Sword God

Vol 6 Chapter 809: Changyang ancestors

The old man who fell asleep slowly opened his eyes

There is a trace of sorrow and deep exhaustion in the look

Just awake

In his mind, one suddenly

If you can’t help yourself, you’ll have to seduce the heavens and the earth to make a breakthrough.

But immediately pressed by a soft tone

Let it not be able to ignite the heavens and the earth

"Thank you for the help of the island owner.

The big master of the island’s lord did not think

"The old man’s dim eyes look at the piano

Very imaginary


You are a poor one

"Qin Shengtian witch's tone is faint

Then look at the sword

Dao: "If you caress the gods, you can temporarily suppress it.

But not for a long time

The gentle sound of Fu Shenqu is introduced into the sword dust ear

Let the heart of Jian Chen become flat from all

He hesitated a little

Then take out a jade from the space ring and show it in the eyes of the old man.

Road: "I don't know if you know this.

The old man’s eyes fell on the jade in the hands of Jian Chen.

Immediately big face

Exclaimed: "This... this is... this is... no... no

How does it appear here?

The mood of Jian Chen has become a little excited.

But immediately it was tweeted by the piano

His eyes fixed on the old

Tao; "Do you know this jade?" This jade

It is the symbol of Changyang’s identity.

Is divided into many kinds

Up to the Changyang House

Down to the servants and guards hired from outside have a different symbol of the members of the family

Old man's look

There is a trace of remembrance in my eyes.

He recognized the jade at a glance.

Especially the patina on the jade

He personally set

"I don't know why this piece of jade is from you."

"The old man asked

Extremely complex

Jian Chen’s heart has almost confirmed the guess in his heart.

Road: "I am giving it to me.

The old man’s eyes flashed a trace of fine

Staring at Jian Chen

Said: "You are from the Gessen Kingdom of the Tianyuan continent?" The old man's tone has a slight tremor and the Fushen song can not be completely pressed

"Do not

I am from King Gessen.

Is the son of the Changyang House in the city of Gol, the city of Gerson.

"The emotion of Jian Chen has also become excited.

The old man took Yu Pei from the hands of Jian Chen and looked at it carefully.

Muttered to himself: "Lor

Changyang House! "The old man's look reveals memories.

Then two rows of turbid tears flow slowly

Are you the ancestor of Changyang, the ancestor of Changyang, which has disappeared for many years? "The mood of Jian Chen has become very exciting."

"Changyang ancestors!" The old man whispered a whisper

Immediately laugh at one

Road: "The ancestors of Changyang just created the Changyang House in me.

Others respect me

My real name is Changyang Zuyun.


Jian Chen finally completely confirmed the body of the old man

Immediately kneel down immediately

Road: "Changyangfu children and grandchildren Changyang Xiangtian see ancestors

Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue, who are playing the piano, see this

The eyes suddenly showed a deep shock

The sword dust that reaches the realm of the Holy King is actually the son of Changyang Zuyun.

This makes both of them feel very eating.

There is a hint of laughter on the face of Changyang Zuyun’s tears.

Road: "I didn't expect to be born in my life.

I can still see my son in Changyang Prefecture.

This old man has no regrets even if he is dead.

From the carving on the jade

You should be the 17th generation of the Changyang government.

Still call me a grandfather

The name of the old ancestor

My Changyang Zu Yunkong is not qualified to bear



"Sword dust should answer

The heart is both excited and

Excited is that he finally found the Changyang ancestor who has disappeared for many years.

What is worrying is that the situation of Changyang’s ancestors seems to be very

Even if he was set up for a seal, he could not break through to the Holy Land for life.

"I don't know how many years have passed.

What is the situation in Chang'an, Luo'er City?

"Changyang Zu Yunkong said

"grandfather put

Changyang House is now safe.

Has become the largest family in the Kingdom of Gessen

"Sword dust said

“Become the first big family?” Changyang Zu Yunkong’s face showed a gratifying smile.

Continue to say: "So many years have passed

I don't know how often I can still live? ”

"Changbo everything

And the strength has reached six turns to the sky

Only one step away from the Holy King

"Sword dust said

"I didn't expect that the Wuji is still alive.

"Changyang Zu Yunkong looks awkward"

Road: "The often promise is a pity that I saved outside.

He is qualified

Can reach the six-turn sky sage realm because it is already his limit

Hard to break through to the holy kingdom

And his life limit is almost a thousand years.

If you can't break through to the holy kingdom

This often has no remaining life limit.

I heard that Chang Bo will limit

In the brain of Jian Chen, I can’t help myself.

I feel inexplicable in my heart.

Road: "Grandpa, you put

Chang Bo, he will definitely become a holy king.

"hope so

Often the Promise, although the limit will

But there are still decades of life

If you are serving for ten thousand years,

"Changyang Zuyun Kong took out a beautiful jade box from the space ring.


My mother gives me east

It contains a million years of natural wood.

You bring it back to take

Jian Chen did not go to jade

Concerned; "grandfather

Can you tell me what is going on with your body? Is your brain really being sealed?

Can't break through to the realm of the Holy King? And grandfather, your body.

Is it really a disciple of the ten guardian family Changyang House? ”

Jian Chen seems to say the pain in Changyang Zuyun Hollow

Let his eyes look dark

There is a deep sadness between the gods


Only slowly said: "Zeng

I didn’t expect you to know the top ten guardians.

Changyang Zu Yunkong long sighed

Revealing in the eyes

Grandpa is indeed the top ten guardian family in Changyang Prefecture.


The ancestors of the Qing Sanmai

But that’s already a long time ago.

Now I have nothing to do with Changyang Prefecture.

Because I have been deprived of my family by my family.

"Zu Ye

Why does Changyang Prefecture treat you like this? "The dust in the heart of Jian Chen is climbing."

Changyang Zu Yunkong sighed: "All this is caused by my unintentional stepping into the family's forbidden place.

I did not follow the rules of the family and stepped into the family ban.

Alarmed the emperor **** stored in the forbidden area

Emperor artifact lost control


The virtual void that almost lived in Changyang Prefecture

Knocked down the big sky

I just made this mistake.

Was expelled from home

Deprived my ancestors

Put the name of my Changyang Zu Yunkong from the ancestral home

And the elders of the elders set a powerful seal in their minds.

Let me never break through to the holy kingdom for the rest of my life.

"If there is no seal in the brain, it is forbidden to save.

My Changyang Zu Yunkong has already broken through the realm of the sky sage to enter the sacred kingland hundreds of years ago.

Why do you have to fall to such a broken land?

"I didn't expect the Changyang House in the city of Luoer and the Changyang House in the top ten guardian families on the Tianyuan continent to have such a complicated level.

I wonder if I am a disciple of Changyang House? "The mood of Jian Chen has become very complex."

Think about yourself

Not exactly the oppression of the top ten guardian families

I had to leave the Tianyuan continent to go to the maritime refuge.

I think of killing myself

It’s a family’s

The heart of Jian Chen is a burst of inexplicable acid.

"My grandfather was expelled from the family by the guardian family Changyang government.

The city of Changyang and the guardian family in Lor City

"Sword dust in the heart

Immediate idea

A golden light immediately shot from his eyebrows

That only

"Zu Ye

I may have a way to crack the seal in your mind.

You don’t want to

I will take you to another place.

Voice one

a white light column from the golden pagoda

The body that enveloped Changyang Zuyun’s body disappeared

Has been brought into the holy space by the power of the holy

The body of Jian Chen was also wrapped in a white light into the holy space.

Only leaving that exquisite little pagoda suspended in the air

The Qin Shengtian witch and the two disciples who are playing the Fushen song are all staring at the golden treasure.

There is a deep curiosity in my eyes.


What is this east?

Can actually bring the living income into

Does it still claim to be a world? Xiaoqian curiously asked

Stopped the bomb

Qin Shengtian Witch has a wave of water in the stream

She is also curiously staring at the golden pagoda and gently shaking it.

Obviously I don’t know the coming of the golden pagoda.

The sacred rites of the Guangmingzi Priest’s Union have been wrapped in a strong light of the Holy Spirit for many years.

Don't say it is the piano god

Even the president of the Guangyi Shengshi Federation is flying into the hands of Jian Chen in the holy device.

I only see the original face of the holy device.

An imposing palace in the space of the sacred space

The middle-aged man, who is made by the spirits, is staring at the eyebrows of Changyang Zuyun.

Hesitated for a long time

I said, "The Lord.

The seal in his mind is not only strong

And very deep

Because it is a person who is in the realm of the Holy Emperor

Small can be broken

But one

Will form a battle in his mind

Will inevitably hurt

Let him be tempted

Ps: Some things are in the house these two days.

Caused the update time to be delayed

Here, let’s say a hug

But tomorrow's update can be restored


Happy Society Statistics

Then slowly make up

(To be continued 89 free novels read "")


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