Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 821: Looking for Tiandi Dibao

? Jian Chen holding a small white tiger to the front of the huge stone, chuckled: "Little white, you are not the most favorite to eat Tiandi treasure, this sunrise flower is a million years of Tiancai treasure, because of this Improve your strength for a lot.-<>-."

Xiaobaihu’s nose sniffed and was quickly attracted to the whole heart by the Chaoyang flower. At the moment, a cheerful exclamation sounded, and a jump came to the front of the morning flower. Zhangkou swallowed the morning sun flower. Chewed up.

Since the strength of Xiaobaihu reached the sixth stage, the role of Tianmudibao in the millennium has been negligible, and only the Tianniandibao of Wannianian can play a huge role.

Looking at the little white tiger's gorging, Jian Chen's face could not help but reveal a smile, jumped onto the boulders, carefully protected the remaining rhizome of the sun flower, and did not dig it together with the roots. The number of Chaoyang flowers is very rare. It is not as popular as the traditional Tianmu Dibao. Jian Chen does not want to completely ruin this rare sunrise flower. As long as the rhizome continues, it will re-grow it later.

After eating the morning sun flower, Xiaobaihu was satisfied with a loud fullness, then jumped lightly to the shoulder of Jian Chen and climbed down. A pair of small eyes closed slightly, and he would fall into a sleepy digestive year. Drug power.

Jian Chen quickly hugged Xiaobaihu from his shoulder and kept shaking his head. He said: "Xiaobai, now is not the time to sleep, there must be a large number of Wannian Tianbao treasures in this magical sea. Even 100,000 years of the year is not without, you must not miss such a treasure, ah, quickly play out your specialties and look for some heavenly treasures, as long as there are a lot of heaven and earth treasures, I believe you are very It will soon become a seventh-order Warcraft."

Xiaobaihu has long been psychic. Although he still can't speak, he can already understand people's words. Hearing these words that Jian Chen said, its small eyes suddenly brightened, and the feeling of drowsiness disappeared in an instant. I became a spirit, and immediately stood up from the shoulders of Jian Chen, sniffing and sniffing in the air with my own nose.

Gradually, the small white eyes of Xiaobaihu became brighter and brighter, and finally became very excited. Then they jumped from the shoulder of Jian Chen and turned into a white shadow and quickly swept away in the distance. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the jungle. in.

Jian Chen’s face changed greatly and exclaimed: “Xiaobai is coming back, it’s dangerous here, can’t run around.” Looking at the little white tiger that has disappeared into sight, Jian Chen’s heart is extremely anxious. He knows the magic sea. The horror, not only has a large number of holy kings, but also many undetectable arrays are hidden everywhere, although the little white tiger is the ancient **** beast, but it is still only a sixth-order Warcraft.

Because of the fear of the safety of the little white tiger in the heart, Jian Chen is no longer able to take care of the other, and the instant phantom is displayed, and the body is turned into a residual image to chase in the direction of the disappearance of the little white tiger.

Just as Jian Chen had just chased a few kilometers away, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. At this moment, the heavens and the earth suddenly became dark. When the sword dust reacted, he found that he had inexplicably came to a vast sky. There are countless stars that fill every void, and the number of densely packed is also unclear.

There is no sense of direction in the vast sky, and the scenes in all directions are exactly the same. There is no difference. When I first came here, Jian Chen found that he was completely lost in the direction, not only could not distinguish between the northeast and the south, and even It is unclear between the top, bottom, left and right.

"This...this is a magical array." Jian Chen whispered in a low voice, but his look became very dignified. He knew that the magical array he had met this time was much deeper, just a illusion of a starry sky image. The ordinary illusion can be compared.

"This is troublesome. I have completely lost my way. It is estimated that I can’t go out. How can this magical array be broken? Look at the magical array of handwriting, it must be arranged by the great dragons of the past, with my current strength. I am afraid I still can't do a strong crack." Jian Chen muttered to himself, and his heart was very anxious. He was not at ease that Xiaobaihu was stalking in the sea of ​​magic stars.

Suddenly, a low roar of noise came into the ear of Jian Chen. When I heard this voice, the face of Jian Chen suddenly showed a hint of joy, and exclaimed: "Little White!"

The next moment, a white shadow flashed in front of Jian Chen's eyes. I saw the little white tiger going back and returning. It suddenly appeared in the starry illusion, and immediately the petite body immediately became a size, directly from the sword dust. Drilled down, let the sword dust sit on its back, and then jumped.

Jian Chen only felt a gust of wind blowing in the face, and then the line of sight suddenly became brighter. I saw that he had left the starry illusion and reappeared in the sea of ​​magic stars. The familiar mountains were all around. Stacked.

After the body became bigger, the little white tiger held the sword dust and jumped between the mountains. He marched toward the depths at a very fast speed. Soon, it held the body of Jian Chen at a height of only three meters. In front of the small tree, the small tree grows very lush. Through the thick branches and leaves, you can faintly see the red fruits of the size of the fists hidden inside.

"Hey...." Xiaobaihu looked at the red fruits with his eyes shining. His eyes were full of coveted look and he was very excited.

Jian Chen's eyes stared at the red fruits. Although he didn't know what the names of the fruits were, the little white tigers knew that it was an unknown Tianbao.

From the back of the little white tiger, Jian Chen walked slowly to the small tree and went up to pick the fruit.

"呜呜呜呜...." The little white tiger immediately stopped in front of the sword dust, and a pair of front paws kept playing with something, seemingly expressing a message like Jian Chen.

The dust of the sword dust reveals the color of doubt, but soon understands it and says: "Xiaobai, do you mean that this kind of heavenly treasure needs to use jade boxes to save?"

Xiaobaihu nodded immediately.

It is said that Jian Chen’s heart is in awe, and there are many kinds of Tiandi treasures on Tianyuan’s mainland. Some of them do not need to be preserved by any special method. They can be taken directly and will not pass the aura, but the same There are also some unique treasures of heaven and earth that must be stored in a jade box to preserve the aura and not leak, which can be preserved for a long time. The few unknown fruits in front of us are obviously the latter, and they must be preserved with jade boxes to seal the aura inside.

Jian Chen immediately twirled in the space ring, and soon found a one-footed jade box to carefully store the red fruits on the tree. He knows that most of the treasures that are to be stored in jade boxes are some delicate things, which can't be touched at all. Otherwise, the heavenly treasures are equal to ruin.

Looking at the nine red fruits lying in the jade box, the face of Jian Chen also showed a smile. He could feel that these fruits contained an unusually powerful spiritual power, and the years were at least 10,000. The year is the year, even the tens of thousands of years.

"These fruits can enhance a lot of strength for Xiaobaihu." Jian Chen muttered to himself, then gently closed the jade box and placed a space ring in the coveted eyes of Xiaobaihu. Inside.

Looking at the little white tiger's portrait, Jian Chen smiled and reached out and touched the big tiger head of the little white tiger. He said: "Xiaobai, these things belong to you anyway, now you can not continue to eat. Once you are caught in a deep sleep, then you are not going to miss so many natural treasures in vain. Well, continue to look for Tiancai Dibao, although this magical sea is a desperate place on Tianyuan, but why? Not a piece of treasure, you must take advantage of this opportunity to find some high-quality Tiandi treasures."

Xiaobaihu’s gaze became bright again, and immediately left the place with the sword dust, flexible jumping between the jungles, very fast.

"White, you slow down, don't make too much movement to alarm those corpses." Seeing Xiaobaihu's unscrupulous shuttle in the magic sea, Jian Chen immediately sounded a reminder.

However, his reminder was a step later. When the little white tiger crossed the big mountain bag, there were several holy kings under the mountain bag. They immediately noticed the little white tiger that jumped from the top of the head, and immediately made a roar, while Chasing towards the little white tiger.

"This is troublesome, we must solve them as soon as possible." Jian Chen's heart sinks, and the dragon sword immediately appears in his hands, he will leave the back of Xiaobaihu to deal with the sacred corpse behind him.

However, at this moment, a huge tiger whistling sound came from the mouth of Xiaobaihu, and the sound was loud and loud, and it spread almost half of the magical sea of ​​stars. The rolling sound waves reverberated continuously in the mountains.

The tiger's whistling sound of Xiaobaihu immediately fell from all directions, like the beasts of the beasts. Immediately, there were dozens of huge breaths coming from all around, and they were approaching here quickly.

Jian Chen’s face immediately became very ugly. He didn’t expect Xiaobaihu to be so naughty. The sacred king’s corpse was very difficult. He couldn’t hide it, and Xiaobaihu even deliberately attracted them. Almost self-seeking.

"Xiaobai, I knew that I wouldn’t have put you out." Jian Chen said almost as if he was gnashing his teeth. He now enters the central part of the Magic Sea. The chances of meeting the Holy Emperor’s corpse here will be better than the peripheral area. A lot of big.

"Oh..." I noticed the anger in the sword dust tone. Xiaobaihu suddenly snorted, and the voice was full of grievances, but the speed of its running was faster.

The roar of the roar from all directions is getting closer and closer. Jian Chen has seen more than a dozen walking dead in the distance, and is approaching the little white tiger.

The face of Jian Chen became extremely dignified, and the power of chaos immediately spread throughout the body, and he was ready to fight.

At this moment, the scene in front of Jian Chen suddenly changed greatly, and the lush and lush mountain forest disappeared in an instant, even the figure of the dozens of corpses disappeared. Jian Chen and Xiao Baihu have come to a blood red In the world, there is an endless blood sea at the foot, as if boiling water is constantly boiling, but there is no heat.

"The formation method is also the array method." Seeing this scene in front of him, Jian Chen immediately immediately thought of the numerous arrays in the magic star sea.

Suddenly, the **** sea below violently tumbling up, and the waves of the turbulent waves of the Buddha seemed to see a large group of blood emerging from the **** sea, slowly becoming a huge faucet.

"Hey!" The dragon, which is composed entirely of blood, makes a sound of dragons in the sky. The powerful sounds sway the whole blood world. The faucet rushes from the blood to the sky, revealing a blood dragon with a height of 100 feet.

At the same time, the shadows of the surrounding people flickered, and the sacred corpse of only a dozen followers of Jian Chen also entered the battle. They did not look at the blood dragon, and rushed directly toward Jian Chen.

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