The instrument spirit has been standing in the distance for the sword dust protection method, whispering in a low voice: "The owner's light sacred teacher has a high potential, and his three-day absorption of the light of the Holy Power has far exceeded any one in history. The seventh-order Guangming sage, even the president of this Guangye Priest Union, can never absorb so many bright sacred forces within three days.-<>-. However, the president of the Guangyi Priest Union absorbed The limit of the light power of the Holy Power has never been able to accommodate more of the original strength. Therefore, he can't break through to the eighth-order Guangshi Shengshi in his life. Is he not aware of the limits of his master?"

"But the owner is very human. Otherwise, it will not let the two great adults who follow the big ones follow. It is estimated that the master will become the second eighth-order Guangming sage on the Tianyuan continent, and continue to belong to the eighth-order light in the ancient times. The glory of the sage."

Time is slowly passing, and soon three days have passed. In the partial hall, the cracks in the seal are slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, there is a strong suction that will spread away. The force slowly sucked in.

Jian Chen knows that the seal is about to heal again, and he can't help but feel a little anxious. He knows that this opportunity will only be met once every 50 years. I don't want to miss it easily. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to absorb some of my original strength.

"That's too late!"

Feel the ever-decreasing power of the temple, the sword dust bites his teeth, and does not care for the original power that is not fully integrated in the soul. The powerful gods are all out of the power, forming a source of power that will bring hundreds of bright forces to the sun. Enveloped, and then forcibly pulled into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of the seal to **** the light of the Holy Power.

After doing all this, Jianguang’s brain flashed, and immediately took out a purple gold from the space ring and threw it at the spirit. “This purple gold can save the original power of the light and the spirit, and go inside. Install some source power."

This Zijin Lingjian is the token given to Jian Chen by the elders of the Guangming Shengshi Trade Union.

The instrument took the token and looked at it. There was a strange look in his eyes. "This purple gold has a strange stone hidden inside the arrow. It can really save a small amount of original strength, but there is already a person left in the stone. The root of the power, I will erase it."

The spirit of the elders erased the original strength left by the elders, and then a wave of hands, immediately dozens of sources of power that are about to enter the seal flew over, and then all the drills disappeared.

"It is a pity that the source of power to save is too little. The power of dozens of sources is already the limit that it can withstand. If you can find a bigger one, it is estimated that you can save more of the source power." The card, the instrument spirit makes a slight sigh.

The seal was finally completely closed, and the power of the bright and holy forces that had drifted around all had disappeared, and there was no trace left. The entire temple was once again returned to calm.

Jian Chen did not wake up, still sitting on the ground and refining the power of the light of the Holy Power. Finally, he absorbed hundreds of original powers. Now these powers are floating in the soul of Jian Chen, and have not been attacked by Jian Chen. Refining is fully integrated into the soul.

Gradually, the slightly darker temple is gradually filled with an invisible pressure. This pressure is not the pressure of the momentum. It comes from the pressure of the soul and can directly affect this power. To the soul of the other party.

Jian Chen is now a seventh-order Guangshi sect, but the gap between the seven-story Guangshi sect is also very large, and the only way to enhance the strength of the seventh-order Guangshi sect is to refine the original strength of the light and the Holy Power. The more power of the light and the Holy Power that is incorporated into the soul, the stronger the strength.

Although Jian Chen is a newcomer who has stepped into the seventh-order Guangshi Shengshi, the power of the light and holy power he has absorbed in these three days has far exceeded any newcomer.

Therefore, when he became a seventh-order Guangsheng sage, the strength of Jian Chen has far surpassed that of all newcomers, and even surpassed some elders of Guangming Shengshi Trade Union.

Jian Chen’s awareness of the power of the hundred bright sacred forces in the sea is constantly being refining, and the soul pressure that he permeates is constantly increasing. After a small half-hour, Jian Chen finally puts the strength of the hundred sources. Complete refining.

At this moment, Jian Chen feels that his soul has become more powerful than ever, and that the perception and control of the light and the Holy Power between heaven and earth have also risen to a very terrifying level, and that he can use his mind to move in the blink of an eye. The light of the gods attacks, there is no need to spend time to brew.

"The Guangming Shengshi Trade Union is divided into ten levels for the strength of the Guangsheng Holy Division. Among them, the fifth and tenth grades are the seventh-order Guangshi Shengshi stage. I don't know if my current strength has reached several levels." Jian Chen whispered.

"Master, your strength has reached six levels." The voice of the spirit was introduced into the ears of Jian Chen.

Hearing the words, Jian Chen looked like a hi, muttered: "I didn't expect that I just broke through to the seventh-order Guangming Shengshi, and I skipped the level of the fifth-level to the sixth level. Unfortunately, the three-day time is too short. If you give me some time, the strength of my sacred teacher will not stop. I don’t know if I can become an eighth-order Guangshi sage in the future."

"Master, your light sage is very high-spirited. The power of the source and the soul are very fast. It is the fastest of the bright sages I have ever seen. But the strength of the sacred priest is more and more The harder it is, the longer it takes, and the limit of the source of power that everyone can integrate into is the existence of this limit, so that many seventh-order Guangshi sects stop at this end of their lives, unable to break through. The seventh-order boundary becomes an eighth-order Guangsheng sage. For example, the president of the current Guangshi Priest Union, I have already seen that he has reached the limit, so he cannot be a seventh-order Guangsheng sage in his life. Even if they use the partial door method, it is absolutely impossible for him to break through."

Jian Chen showed his contemplation and muttered: "It turns out that it seems that I can succeed in becoming a seventh-order Guangyi sage in the future, but also to see where my soul can accommodate the limits of the source power, if my soul can accommodate The source of the power is too small, even if my talent is strong, it is absolutely impossible to become the eighth-order Guangshi.

The next moment, Jian Chen seems to be aware of what, smirked: "But, I am a warrior, majoring in the body of chaos, the light sage is only an affiliated identity, the seventh and eighth order means to me. Not so big, the reason why I am so eager to become the seventh-order Guangshi Shengshi, the biggest reason is to let the parents of the mother, and to restore the white mother's injury to the original."

The spirit did not continue to say anything, handed the purple gold arrow in the hand to the front of the sword dust, said: "Master, the small has already saved some of the source power in accordance with your instructions, but these sources are not many, only a few dozen ""

Jian Chen took the Zijin Lingjian in his hand and looked at it. Shen Shen said: "I didn't expect that there are materials in the world that can save the original strength of the Light and the Holy Power. It seems that I have to collect some of these materials, but it will be useful in the future. "Sword dust retracted Zijin and made the arrow out of the temple. He saved the dozens of sources of power in Zijin Ling and he did not absorb it."

After leaving the temple, Jian Chen took some seventh-order magic nucleus from the spirit, and immediately returned to the retreat, and continued to practice retreat.

"Now I have become a seventh-order Guangsheng sage, and I have the ability to resurrect my aunt, and the injury of the white mother Rum Guinness. I also have the ability to restore her to the original, and Kend. Undead's son, Ken Xiaosan, the ruined sacred soldier in the body, I only need to pay a source of strength to let him recover and re-cultivate. But it is a knot in my heart."

"But I can't go back to Tianyuan. I have to improve my strength soon. Although I have already threatened the throne of the Holy Emperor, the trick of God's downswing must not be easily applied. It is too big." There are many thoughts in the heart of Jian Chen, and the thoughts of the heart will be turned into power. Immediately, the distracting thoughts in the mind will be thrown away, and immediately closed their eyes and sink into the state of cultivation.

In a blink of an eye, Jian Chen stayed in the space of the sacred space for a year. During this year, Jian Chen kept practicing day and night, and relied on the energy in the magic nucleus to enhance the power of chaos in the body. Under the heap of a large number of high-order magic nucleus, the chaotic inner dan in his body has become the size of an egg. The chaos that was almost exhausted in the city of God finally recovered again, and the power of chaos in his body. Return to the peak of the original.

Despite this, but Jian Chen did not mean to stop, but still shut himself in the retreat, silently endure the boring and lonely, and strive to absorb the energy inside the magic core to slowly expand the chaos inside the body.

His goal is to expand the chaos of the body into the size of the fist, and then the moment to enter the second layer of chaos.

At the same time, outside the sanctuary space, the number of dragon souls wandering between the mountains is more and more, and the depths of the magic star sea have almost become the activity paradise of the dragon soul. Here you can see a dragon soul everywhere like a walk. Generally wandering in the mountains, there is a long, long humming sound.

In the center of the position, a huge portal stands between the heavens and the earth, radiating a dazzling light, dazzling and dazzling, countless dragon souls shuttle back and forth in the portal, in and out.

There, it is the cemetery of the dragons, where the dragon tomb is located.

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful momentum came from the tomb of the dragon. Like the raging waves, it was filled with an unstoppable momentum to the sea of ​​magical stars. In a short period of time, it covered the entire magic sea.


This momentum is not the momentum of the dragons, but spread by the foreigners. When the momentum was just spread, it immediately caught the attention of all the dragons inside and outside the tomb, especially the huge foreigners. In the tomb of the Dragon Sacred Dragon, it immediately violated the scales of all the dragon souls. Suddenly, a deafening dragon scream spread throughout the magic sea.

At this moment, whether it is the dragon soul in the dragon tomb, or the dragon soul wandering outside the dragon tomb, all of them screamed a long shout, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dragon souls, the sound can be described as earth-shattering, Just by sound waves, the void collapses and the mountains collapse.

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