Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 847: Return to Sansheng Island

After Jian Chen and Qin Shengtian Witch killed more than a dozen holy kings along the way, they finally left the Xingyue Cave. -<>-.

Standing on the edge of the mouth of the Xingyue Cave, Jian Chen’s face stared seriously at the bottom, and his heart sighed and said: “Fortunately, those corpses did not catch up. Otherwise, we only have the wolverines to escape, are those who exist in the stars? The corpse at the bottom of the cave is unable to leave here!"

Jian Chen thought for a moment, and then gently licked his head, not thinking about these problems, his eyes looked around, but did not find Ruijin and black fish.

"I don't know how the two seniors of Ruijin and Blackfish are doing, I hope they don't have anything to do." Jian Chen muttered, and they felt a little worried about the two. After all, they both helped themselves, especially Ruijin, if not With his help, Jian Chen may not be able to get so many precious dragons and grasses.

Jian Chen stood still and hesitated, and then turned to look at the Qin Shengtian witch, said: "The devil, we have all completed the mission of the Magic Sea, it is time to go back!"

Now Qin Shengtian Witch has calmed down completely, and no longer pursued the dust that Jian Chen made to himself, but Jian Chen felt that the whole body of the Qin Shengtian witch became colder and colder.

When he gave the dragon grass to the Qin Shengtian witch, he could clearly feel that the Qin Shengtian witch had some good feelings for himself, but now this silky feeling has disappeared, which makes the mind of Jian Chen secretly complain .

The quaint heavenly treble piano was re-encueved in the arms by Qin Shengtian witch. It seems that she does not feel the uncomfortable feeling in this hand. Her right hand 芊芊玉指轻抚琴弦, turned back to the back. In front of Jian Chen, he said indifferently: "Remember, I completely forgot that thing. I will not mention it again from now on. Otherwise, I am not welcome to you." After the words are finished, Qin Shengtian Witch is not When the sword dust answered, his feet left the ground and flew low toward the outer edge of the magic sea.

In the heart of Jian Chen, he sighed and sighed, and then his face showed a bitter smile. The memory was unforgettable for him. If he forgot it.

The shape of the sword dust swayed slightly, and the instant illusion was displayed, followed by the sacred witch of the piano. Now the dragon sedge has been found, and he has to return to the illusion of the sea to save the sun.

Jian Chen and Qin Shengtian Witch and the two left the Magic Sea, and now their strength has increased greatly. The thick layer of the Magic Sea has not threatened them, and it is easy to cross the past.

As soon as he passed through the foggy area, the body shape of the Qin Shengtian witch immediately turned into a ghost image and flew away from the distance at an incredible speed. It disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving the dust of the sword dust still floating in the magic sea. Outside.

Looking at the direction in which the Qintian Witch disappeared, Jian Chen shook his head helplessly, and knew that the matter had a great influence on the Qin Shengtian witch. Immediately, the body and the space were combined into one, and the power of space was on the way.

According to the route in memory, Jian Chen returned to Sansheng Island alone and flew directly to Sansheng Mountain.

Two Qian Ying flew from a distance, it is the two disciples of Qin Shengtian Witch, Xiao Qian, Xiao Yue.

"Sword Dust son, you are finally back. You and the island owner are four years away. Let us worry in our hearts for a while, for fear that the island owner will be in the wrong sea." Xiaoqian is far away. Said, the crisp sound is as beautiful as the Lark.

"Right, Jian Chen Gongzi, have you encountered any danger with the island owner this trip to the magic sea? Why did the island owner return when he was so abnormal, and he changed his mind to become a person." Xiaoyue said. Said, the look is full of worries and concerns.

"How is your island owner abnormal?" Jian Chen asked curiously.

"As soon as the island owner came back, he flew back to the mountain and closed the door. I ignored both of us. No matter how we call it, Jian Chen Gongzi, you have been with the island owner for a few years. You must be honest. Tell us what happened to the island owner." Xiaoqian's face is aggrieved. When it comes to the back, his face suddenly becomes serious. The eyes of Jian Chen are with a little threat.

Jian Chen smiled and said: "This time the magic sea trip, your island owner has benefited a lot. The strength has been improved a lot. When she came back, she went to the back mountain to retreat. It must be a stable realm. You don't have to Worried, and don't bother your island owner!"

"It turned out to be like this. It's great. It's so good. Now the strength of Shizun is getting stronger and stronger!"

After listening to the words of Jian Chen, Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue two women immediately became excited.

"Right, Jian Chen Gongzi, the 100,000-year-old dragon sedge you found no." Xiaoyue asked.

"Fortunately, it is not insulting, I have found the dragon sedge, and this can help the ancestors to make a smooth breakthrough to the realm of the Holy King." Jian Chen said.

"That's great, the poor man can finally become a holy king. As long as he successfully breaks through the realm of the Holy King, his suffering can be reduced a lot." Xiaoqian said, his face is a happy look.

"Yeah, these years because of the seal in his mind, it really caused him a lot of pain, so that our two sisters can't bear it. Now, he can finally get rid of it, so let alone, Jian Chen Gongzi You should take the dragon sedge and take it to him, so that he can get rid of the painful torture earlier." Xiaoyue is also very happy, and the smile is a bit innocent.

Although Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue are the strongest of the Holy King, they have always lived on the Sansheng Island, which has no dispute with the world. They rarely leave here, so that both of them still maintain a pure and kind heart in their hearts. It was not polluted by the harsh environment of the Tianyuan continent, full of disputes and intrigues.

Under the accompaniment of Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue, Jian Chen walked into the cave of Changyang Zuyunkong, and saw that Changyang Zuyun was lying on a stone bed and slumbering.

Xiaoyue said: "In order to reduce the pain he suffered, we have let it sleep with the sound of the piano, and the sword dust son please later." Said, Xiaoyue turned to look at Xiaoqian, said: "Sister, I let him awake Come over, you play and caress!"

"Yes, Sister." Xiaoqian immediately sat cross-legged, and Yuyu pointed gently on the strings to play a light piano sound.

Xiaoyue’s fingers are also placed on the strings, so that the sleeping Yangyang Yunyun is waking up in a unique way.

Changyang Zu Yunkong slowly sat up from the stone bed and said in his old voice: "Hey, how long have I slept this time!"

Jian Chen immediately went over and took out a dragon's sedge from the space ring. He said: "Grandpa, fortunately, I have already found the dragon sedge for more than 100,000 years!"

Changyang Zuyun’s gaze fell on the dragon’s grass, which was half a meter long in the hands of Jian Chen. The look suddenly became excited. He shook his hand and reached the end of the dragon. He said with excitement: Dragon sedge, dragon sedge, this is really dragon grass, great, the seal in my mind can finally be suppressed, I finally hope to be sanctified!"

Changyang Zu Yunkong carefully held the dragon grass in his hand, tears flashed in his eyes, said: "Zeng Sun, I did not expect that you actually brought the dragon sedge from the magic star sea, must have experienced a lot of Danger!"

Jian Chen’s face smiled and said: “Grandpa, my brother, isn’t this safe and unrequited? Don’t you say this, let’s use the dragon grass to suppress the seal in your brain and break through to the realm of the Holy King. You can also get two thousand years of life. In the future, I will find a way to unlock the seal in your mind!"

After Jian Chen and Changyang Zu Yunkong Sun’s two men talked about a conversation, they left Long Cao to leave the cave, waiting for Changyang Zuyunkong to succeed in sanctification, while Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue still stayed in the cave. Play the Shenqu song and assist Changyang Zuyun to break through.

Outside the cave, the sword dust sits on a large rock, and looks nervously in the cave. He can't help the breakthrough of Changyang Zuyunkong. The only thing he can do is to pray in his heart and guard. Here, prevent anyone from going to bother.

At this moment, Jian Chen’s gaze suddenly condensed, and suddenly he looked up and looked into the distance. He saw that a figure was approaching at a very fast speed from a distance, and the target was Sansheng Mountain.

"The Holy King is strong." Jian Chen's face became a bit serious, and the dark said: "Grandpa is in a critical juncture, Xiaoyue and Xiaoqian must play the Fushen song, and they can't pull away at all. This time is absolutely unbearable. The sword dust disappeared after a flash, and when it appeared again, it had already come to the kilometer, and then the footsteps kept moving, and the feet stepped in the void again, and went to the figure flying from a distance.

Jian Chen intercepted the people from the Sansheng Island ten miles away. I saw that the man was a handsome young man in a white robe, and his age seemed to be similar to himself.

When I saw the face of the people, Jian Chen’s heart moved, and immediately appeared in the mind when he entered the holy place in the city of mercenary. The beautiful man who pursued the holy witch of the piano is the shoulder-shoulder, and the young man in front of him It's him.

It was very uncomfortable to be stopped by Jian Chen, but he also saw that Jian Chen is a strong king and is in the same realm as himself.

"Hello, who are you?" The shoulders and eyes were sharply staring at the sword dust, and the tone was very unfriendly.

"Hello, it doesn't matter who I am, but you can't enter Sansheng Island now, please wait outside for a few days." Jian Chen is facing the shoulders and his tone is dull.

Hearing his words, he was thicker than his shoulders. He said: "Let's dare to block me from the shoulder king. You are impatient, and I am older than the shoulder king and the three holy islands. I want to enter the shoulders. The island, you can't take your nameless figure to your fingers, just let me go, otherwise, I will be rude to you!

Jian Chen’s face was so heavy that he said coldly: “Hello, you can’t enter the island now, please wait here for a few days!”

Compared with the shoulders, there are fierce flashes, and coldly said: "I have never heard of Sansheng Island and your character. You have blocked me from entering the island. What happened to Sansheng Island?" Wang seems to be aware of what, immediately no longer talk nonsense with Jian Chen, flying from the dust of the sword to the Sansheng Island.

Jian Chen’s instant illusion was displayed, leaving a residual image in the original place to come forward in front of the shoulders at an extremely fast speed. Once again, it was blocked by the shoulders. “You please stay!”

"Let's open." A burst of shoulders, worried about whether there was a change on Sansheng Island, not with the sword dust nonsense, directly punched toward Jian Chen, see the first ad without ads please -<>-.

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