Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 851: The arrival of the Guangshi Shengshi Trade Union

"Ha ha ha ha ha, sword dust kid, you can finally come out, not coming out, my great Nubis is going to the magic sea to find you!"

Nubis Jinguang is as glaring as a sun, and there is a vast and majestic energy radiating from his body. The space around it trembles fiercely. -<>-.

Jian Chen looked at Nubis, who was full of glory in the whole body, and chuckled: "Nubis, the retreat in recent years, it seems that you are not a small gain, I feel that your strength has completely surpassed the seven kings. It’s day!”

The golden light of Nubis’s converge slowly reveals the figure hidden under the golden light, perhaps because of the sharp increase in strength, the golden robes worn by Nubis on the body look more dazzling, vague It seems that there is a layer of faint golden glory.

The look of Nubis was full of joy. He came to the front of Jian Chen in a step of hundreds of meters. He punched directly on the shoulder of Jian Chen. Haha smiled: "Sword dust boy, I really didn't expect it, but I went. After a return to the magical sea of ​​stars, you have already broken your body after you come back. Hey, it seems that this time the magic sea of ​​the sea, your kid’s harvest is quite big, you tell me honestly, are you hooking up with the demon girl? It!"

As a ancient animal, Nubis is much stronger than the human being in terms of spirituality. He can see the problem of Jian Chen at a glance.

Jian Chen deliberately avoided this problem and said: "Nubis, let's not talk about this first, or talk about you, how, after a few years of retreat, the harvest must be great!"

"That is of course." Nubis said with excitement, said: "The original essence of the old snake has been absorbed by me for about seven layers. The essence of the old snake has the understanding of the mysterious world. Completely integrated by me, transformed into my own strength, now my strength has reached the seventh-order Warcraft peak, according to your human speech, it is equivalent to the holy king of the nine heavens, just give me some time, when I put that The remaining three layers of the old snake body are completely absorbed, and I will be able to break through the seventh-order Warcraft in one fell swoop and enter the ranks of the eighth-order Warcraft!"

After listening to this, Rao was prepared with the help of Jian Chen, and was also shocked, and Nubis was promoted from the Three Kings to the King of Heaven in just four years. The speed of progress made him a burst of stunned, and compared with Nobis, his promotion over the years is not worth mentioning.

"Sword dust, I can feel that your strength has also increased a lot. It seems that this time, you have made a lot of money." Nubis looked at Jian Chen with a smirk.

"Oh, let's not say this, Nobis, the time we stayed here is not short. I think the people on Tianyuan mainland will open up the search area overseas. We will leave here quickly. A little bit to the sea, it is safer earlier." Jian Chen said.

"Well, let's go to the seas first. If there is a powerful old snake on the mainland of the beast, and call a lot of people to deal with me, then my great Nubis can be dangerous!" ”

Just finished, Nubis looked a glimpse, and suddenly a flash of glare in his eyes stared at the front with a sharp gaze.

When Nubis looked at the space, the space there began to be distorted sharply, and the space was torn apart. I saw a door of space suddenly appearing. An old man dressed in a simple old man took a step from the door of space. .

Seeing the moment of this old man, Jian Chen’s eyes suddenly solidified. This old man is no stranger to him. It was the old man who saw the table in the Shengguang Tower.

Behind the old man, the people and the people walked out one after another, first wearing the costumes of all kinds of costumes, full of eight people, each of them is the strong man of the realm of the Holy King, and finally a group of bright sages wearing white robes, a total of Twenty people, all wearing a purple purple badge without exception, all of them are seventh-order Guangshi sects, including the president and grand elders of Guangming Priest.

It was not easy for the Guangshi Shengshi Trade Union to investigate the whereabouts of Jian Chen. This time, in order to successfully recover the sacristy, they almost came out.

"Yang Yutian, I finally found you." The voice of the old man came from the crowd of the Guangyi Priest Union. With the voice, an old man in a white robe walked out of the crowd. It was the Light Master. The president of the union.

Compared with a few years ago, the president of the Guangming Shengshi Trade Union is more old-fashioned, his face is full of wrinkles, and his face is full of embarrassment. In these years, the sacramental thing is not tormenting him.

The president of Guangming Shengshihui’s eyes looked at Jian Chen with extreme complexity. The heart was full of bitterness. Once he discovered the talent of Jian Chen, he did not hesitate to accept him as his disciple, and he planned to be in him and Yuntian. One person between the two chose a future successor to the Guangshi Shengshi Trade Union.

In the following period of time, Jian Chen’s performance was getting better and better. He even mastered the gods descending with the strength of the sixth-order Guangshi Shengshi, and killed more than 30 Sky Masters in the Fragrant River by himself. This made him feel shocked. At the same time, he also strengthened his thoughts on cultivating Jian Chen into a future successor of the Guangshi Priest Council. Even in his heart, he has already used his other disciple Yun Tian as a chess piece to grind. Practice Jian Chen.

For Jian Chen, his heart is full of expectations.

So that he did not expect that the sword dust that he had high hopes had another important identity, not only that, but also took away the sacred device of the Guangyi Priest Union, almost letting the Guangming Priest Union fall apart and fall into ruin. This makes him very sad.

At this moment, I once again saw the disciples who had been sent to their high hopes. The president of the Guangyi Priest Union loved and hated in the heart. The love is the talent of Jian Chen’s ancient Shuojin, and the hate is what is done behind Jian Chen. And the terrible consequences of bringing the Guangshi Priest Union into a ruin.

"Yan Yutian, Jian Chen, Changyang Xiangtian, I don't know how I will call you now." The president of Guangming Shengshi Union sighed, his face was exhausted.

"President, you still call me Jian Chen." Jian Chen said.

"Well, I will call you Jian Chen, Jian Chen, the holy device can be on you." The president of the Guangyi Shengshi Trade Union said.

Jian Chen hesitated for a moment and said: "The president, the holy device is indeed on me, but I can't give it to you now!"

"Yang Yutian, the sacred instrument is the material of the sacred sage, you want to take it for yourself, oh my light sage has treated you like that, you actually made these things, it really licked our eyes "The nine elders couldn't help but roar."

"Sword dust, the holy device is very important to our Guangyi sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. With a request.

"Great elders, presidents, adults, I am not returning your holy devices, but the holy devices are spiritual, I have already recognized me as the Lord!"

"What, the holy device has already recognized you as the main, how is this possible." The president of the Guangming Shengshi Trade Union was shocked, apparently knowing the existence of the spirit.

A golden light was shot from the eyebrows of Jian Chen, and fell straight on the palm of the sword dust, turning into a golden pagoda of the size of a palm.

Seeing this golden pagoda, a group of people in the Guangshi Shengshi Union showed their doubtful colors. Although the saints existed in the Guangshi Shengshi Federation for countless years, there are not many people who actually see the true face of the sacristy. There is no one in the middle, even the president is no exception.

"The spirit, you explain it to the president himself." Jian Chen said to the saint.

The spirit of the instrument is to listen to the words of the sword dust, and immediately spread a message and communicate with the president of the Guangshi Teachers' Union.

The president’s face suddenly became respectful. As the president of the Guangming Shengshi Trade Union, he knew very well what kind of existence of the sacred instrumental spirit, but it was equivalent to a strong man of the realm of the Holy Spirit. Although it is only in the holy space, it still has a huge deterrent.

After a while, the respect between the president's look disappeared, and he sighed in the sky, his face was full of helplessness, and the look of Jian Chen became more complicated, and there was deep in it. Shocked.

"The elders, the president, I know the importance of the sacristy to the Guangyi Priest Union. Without the saints, the Guangyi Priest Union has no source of power, but I can help you solve this problem." Jian Chen from space Inside the ring, I took out a purple token and continued: "The elder, this is the token that you gave me that year. Now I have saved dozens of the power of the Holy Power in it, because it can Solve the urgent need of Guangming Shengshi Trade Union!"

Speaking, Jian Chen threw the Zijin token out and stopped in front of the elders. The elders took the Zijin token and felt it. The face immediately showed a hint of joy. "There are dozens of sources in it." power!"

It is said that the unions of the Guangming Shengshi Trade Union have shown a hint of joy.

Jian Chen continued: "I know that this is not a long-term solution. The original strength of Guangli Shengli will be useful for a day, but after fifty years, I will once again fill this source with Zijin Lingjian. I hope you will Can find more artifacts that can accommodate the power of the source!"

"Sword Dust, since the Holy Ghost has already recognized you as the Lord, then let's go, our Guangshi Priest Council will not embarrass you, but hope that after 50 years, you will come as soon as possible to supplement our Guangshi Priest Council. The original strength of the light of the Holy Power." The light of the Holy Master's Union will sigh long, since the sacristy has already recognized the Lord, then this is the only choice he can make.

If the sacristy does not recognize the Lord, then they can also restrain the action of Jian Chen and search for the saints from his space ring, but now this method does not work. Once the saint recognizes the Lord, they only kill the sword. The dust can get back the holy device, but they don't have the guts at all.

Because of the killing of Jian Chen, their Guangyi Priest Union is also a complete offense against the Changyang House and Qingxin Pavilion of the Top Ten Guardian Family, and an Arctic Ice Temple that is very taboo for even the Ten Guardian families.

Ps: I launched a vote to see everyone's opinions. I hope that the sword **** will finish the script and see if there is no advertisement for the first time. Please go to -<>-.

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