Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 860: Punch

The words of Nubis have suddenly made the great elders of the Dar tribe look stiff, revealing a dilemma. .

Noticing the look of the elders, Jian Chen asked: "What is wrong with the elders?" The tone of Jian Chen is somewhat low.

Perhaps I have noticed that the two minds of Jian Chen have already had unpleasant feelings. The elders immediately said: "The two warriors, do not know how many stars have you reached?"

"It seems that the elders are worried about our strength. I also ask the elders to rest assured that if the Menghuang tribes really only have the strength on the bright side, then the two of us can easily cope with it." Jian Chen said vowedly. .

"Is it true that the strength of the two warriors has reached the fourteen-star stage?" The elders were unable to control themselves, and there was an ecstasy in their looks.

Jian Chen and Nubis showed a mysterious smile on their faces and did not speak.

The great elders of the Dar tribe stood up and said: "The two warriors please, later, I will go and bring in the patriarch, come and give me a good respect for the two distinguished warriors." Said the elders with excitement The mood is leaving in a hurry.

After the elders left, only Jian Chen and Nobis were sitting there in the vast temple.

"There are three saints in the Dahl tribe, one of whom is the patriarch of the Dahl tribe, and the other two are also to help the Dar tribes deal with the Hai nationality of the Menghuang tribe." Jian Chen said softly. The look is extremely dull.

Nobis nodded and said: "I also sensed it. It seems that they are all our competitors. We can deal with the Mengran tribe. We don't need to let the extra people participate. Otherwise, we can The crystal coins that get the hand are getting less and less, and those competitors, we have to get rid of them all."

"It's a good saying." Jian Chen has the same feeling.

Soon, the patriarch of the Dar tribe came to the hall together with the elders. The patriarch of the Dar tribe was a burly middle-aged man with a bare head and a resolute face. He wore a blue water on his upper body. The colored vest, bare out his thick arms, the sharp muscles on his arm give a strong visual impact, while the lower body wears only a pair of shorts that only cover the knees. He dressed up in this way, but let the sword dust can not help but think of the mercenaries running on the Tianyuan continent.

"Ha ha ha, welcome two powerful warriors to visit my Dar's tribe. My Dar tribes are full of glory because of the arrival of the two warriors." The patriarch of the Dar tribe just entered the hall and said, very laughter, very Heroic.

After Jian Chen and the patriarchs of the Dar tribe chilled a few words, they entered the topic.

"On the way, I have already heard the elders say, the two warriors want the full share of the 10 million best crystal coins, but I don't know if it is true?" The patriarch of the Dar tribe said with a stern look, his eyes sparkling with shrewd eyes. Staring at the sword dust two people.

"Yes, 10 million of the best crystal coins, we all want it, the four strong men of the Menghuang tribe, we both help you to resist." Nubis slang, did not put a few holy kings of the Menghuang tribe In the eyes.

"Can the two warriors know the strength of the Menghuang tribe, and really have the confidence to deal with them?" asked the patriarch of the Dar tribe.

"You can rest assured that as long as the strength is less than fifteen-star sea **** warriors, and there is no mastery of the heavenly battle holy law, it will not pose a threat to us." Nubis is full of confidence and has a good foot.

The patriarch's look of the Dahl tribe suddenly showed a hint of happiness, followed by a bit of a dilemma. "The strength of the two warriors shocked me, but we have two thirteen stars and fourteen star warriors. And have already negotiated with them..."

"It's not easy. It's not enough to drive the two people away directly," said Nubis.

"Get rid of, hey, I have to see who is so arrogant, dare to say such a big word." Nubis's voice just fell, an angry old voice came from outside, with the voice, a body The old man in black robes strode from the outside with a look of anger.

Behind the black robe old man, he was followed by a middle-aged man in a blue dress. At this moment, the middle-aged man was filled with anger.

These two people came here one step ahead of Jian Chen and Nubis to help the Dar tribes fight against the two strong men of the Menghuang tribe.

The patriarch of the Dahl tribe immediately stood up like two people, and they were very polite. Both of them were weaker than others. As a tribal patriarch, they had to think about the tribes, but they would not easily offend any one. Wang Qiang.

Moreover, the two holy kings are still assistants who come to assist the Dar tribes against the Menghuang tribe.

Nubis, who has always been proud of his attitude, is not polite to treat these two people. His eyes glanced at the old man in black robes, and his eyes showed a trace of disdain. Cold voice: "Dare to use this tone to follow me." The great Nubis speaks. It seems that you don't know how the dead words are written. The old man, the acquaintance immediately gives me a long distance. Otherwise, I will destroy your god."

The old man in black robes was furious, his eyes suddenly became sharp and he shouted. "I don't know if the sky is so thick, I dare to look like this. Let me see if you have any arrogance." The black robes of the old man's palms were clawed and caught in a lightning bolt toward Nubis. At the same time, the space around Nubis was solidified in an instant. The old black robes had control of the space and imprisoned the body of Nubis.

There was a playful look on Nobis's face, and the body shook gently. The solidified space around him was immediately broken, and the palm of his hand became a fist, with a fierce and violent advance.

When the fists touched each other, a dull sound broke out, and the strong energy from the four shots shook the whole hall violently. If it was not at the crucial moment, the patriarch of the Dar tribe protected the hall with its own strength. I am afraid that the entire hall will collapse.

The face of the old man in black robe became pale in an instant, and the steps of the footsteps retreated a few steps. Each step left a deep footprint under the foot. After a full step back, he stood firm and stood up for a moment. Can not live, immediately a mouthful of blood spurted out of the mouth, has been a minor injury.

On the other hand, Nobis, still calm and calm, standing in the original place, even his body did not shake. The Nobis body is the ancient silver beetle of the ancient animal. The combat power is very powerful. In addition, his strength has reached the realm of the king and the nine heavens. In the same stage, it is already a difficult opponent. It is estimated that only the holy The gigantic power of the imperial realm can press him. In front of this black robe old man is a fourteen-star sea **** warrior, but the strength is to reach the seven kings of Heaven, how to be the opponent of Nobis.

The strength displayed by Nubis not only shocked the old man of the black robe, but even the patriarch of the Dar tribe was shocked. The strength of Nubis has far exceeded the expectations of the Daer tribe.

Soon the patriarch of the Dar tribe returned to God, and immediately ran to the middle to block the two, pleading: "Several warriors please anger, several warriors please anger, why do you want to do something for a little thing, my little On the site, you can't afford to toss two."

Jian Chen stood up from the chair and looked at the old man in the black robe. He said: "Two, offended, let's go, our brothers and two people urgently need crystal coins, so this is the best crystal coin. Our brothers are all full."

The black robe old man’s face was iron blue, and he said to Nubis, and said with a blank expression: “The strength of the warrior made me admire. This time, my crab king did not participate in it, the patriarch, since you invited the strength Strong warrior, then I don't have to stay, leave." Leave this sentence, the old man in black robe turned and left.

The patriarch of the Dahl tribe sighed in the heart, and then took a space belt from the space ring and threw it to the old man in the black robe. He said: "Crab King, this time it is really sorry, there are 100,000 top-grade crystal coins, one The best of the crystal coins, it is our Dar's tribe to give the crab king."

The black card old man did not refuse, took over the space belt thrown by the Daer tribe chief, quickly checked the contents inside, and his face immediately eased, and then he confessed to the patriarch of the Dar tribe, saying: It is."

The patriarch of the Dar tribe was finally relieved. The old man was much stronger than him, and his Dahl tribe could not afford to be offended.

After the black robe old man left, another middle-aged man who came to assist the Dar tribe did not stay for a long time. After leaving a few words with Jian Chen and Nubis, they left and never dared to show a trace on the surface. The unhappiness, the strength of Nubis, has deeply shocked him.

However, when he left, the patriarch of the Dar tribe still presented the same amount of crystal coins to him, in order to resolve some of the unpleasantness between the two sides.

"The elders, you immediately announced the news, my Dar's tribe has found enough strong to fight against the Mengran tribe, and now officially reclaimed the announcement of the heavy employer." The patriarch of the Dar tribe immediately ordered, for fear that there will be a strong king before To help the Dar tribe, but in the end it fell to the ground and returned.

Subsequently, the patriarch of the Dar tribe sent the sword dust and Nubis to the secret room to discuss the specific situation with a more enthusiastic attitude. After seeing that Nubis hit the 14-star Poseidon Warrior with a fist, the Dar tribe The patriarchs were really relieved of the sword dust, and they were sure that they had the strength to fight against the Menghuang tribe.

"The patriarch, I don't know when this Menghuang tribe will attack." Jian Chen asked.

The patriarch indulged the road: "The 100-year auction event in Gass City is about to be held. This time, there will be a map of eight deserts left by the Eight Great Emperors. Many big forces will come to fight for it, and apart from the eight desert maps In addition, there are quite a few very rare babies to be auctioned. I estimate that this Menghuang tribe will wait for the end of the auction to attack our Dar tribe, thus occupying a thread that is controlled by our Dar tribe. I have already taken control of a medium-sized spirit, and I will still see a small vein that will produce 100,000 crystal coins in one year."


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