Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 875: Two enemy eight

"Jensen, I didn't expect him to come back, and he also led three temple messengers to come over. (_-<Book Sea Court>-)" looked at the four temple messengers suspended in midair, the patriarch of the Dar tribe The face became unsteady and became dignified. The appearance of the messenger of the temple also brought great pressure to his heart.

"What **** messenger, dare to let go in front of my great Nubis, is it impatient to live." Nubis has no fear of the color, with a huge breath rising from the sky, and Jian Chen The two were suspended in a hundred meters high and held a few people in Jensen.

Yansen stared at Jian Chen and Nubis with a cold eyes. Shen Sheng said: "Is it that you two injured my two guardian elders and patriarchs of the Menghuang tribe?"

"What is it, kid, do you want to avenge them, but I am afraid that you have no ability to take advantage of your current strength." Nubis holds his chest in his arms and stares at Jensen with a sneer. His tone is contemptuous. .

Jensen is a cultivator who has never been seen in the world for thousands of years. He has been raised by the elders of the Menghuang tribe since he was a child. After he grew up, he was chosen as the ambassador of the temple. He worshipped an elder of the temple as a teacher. There are also few people in the temple that are high-ranking. Even some ordinary fifteen-star sea **** warriors see him with three points of courtesy. How can he be so arrogant in the status of Nubis? Suddenly, he was so angry that a strong murder had already spread in his heart.

"No matter which family you are, I will marry you today, let you understand the consequences of sinning my Jensen, and the dignity of the temple ambassador is not to be insulted." Jensen had a trident in his hand, and he held the trigeminal戟 Directly stab to Nobis.

Suddenly, the power of the water between the heavens and the earth quickly condensed toward the Trident, and eventually condensed into a huge trident illusion with a majestic imposing manner to Nobis.

Nubis swayed into a shadow and flew away from the distance. He said: "There are too many people here. I don't want to hurt my innocence. Just come and fight with me."

Jensen’s trident stabbed the shadow of Nubis, and the space in that place was violently shocked. There was also a strong force to shoot into the distance, and the mountain peaks more than ten kilometers away were blown into pieces.

Jensen took back the Trident and immediately chased Nubis, while the other three temple messengers followed.

Jian Chen was also a flash of people, followed by Nubis, but at this moment, the space behind him began to violently tremble, and saw a silver-white pistol with the thickness of his arm piercing from behind him. come.

The old patriarch of the Menghuang tribe also shot at this time, quietly launched an almost sneak attack on Jian Chen.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the cold awns flashed, and the power of chaos spread all over the body, bringing the power of chaos to the extreme. **-<书海阁>-*

The silver-white rifle stabbed the back of the sword dust with the majestic energy. The sword dust immediately flashed a layer of golden light. At the crucial moment, the gold silk armor worn on his body played its own defense to resist this. A shot.

However, the strength of the old patriarch of the Menghuang tribe has reached the sacred king's eight heavens, and the power of his attack is not the resistance of the gold silk. The defense of the gold wire was defeated, but the rifle was not lost, and the thorn was stabbed on the back of Jian Chen.

But the next scene made the four strong men of the Menghuang tribe widen their eyes, and their faces were incredible. They saw that the old patriarch had a strong blow on Jian Chen, but he did not wear it as they imagined. Through the body of Jian Chen, but when he just touched the sword dust, he stopped short and could no longer move forward. It was as if the gun was not a person’s body but a hard steel. .

"This... how is this possible?"

"His flesh is a strong defense. Is he a turtle?"


The four strong men of the Menghuang tribe exclaimed that their opponents were not only strong, but the physical defense was also abnormal. This completely exceeded their expectations. For a time, they felt the pressure increased, because with their strength, It is difficult to pose a threat to opponents with such strong defense.

"The people of Mengmeng tribe, since you take the initiative, then don't blame me." Jian Chen looked cold and indifferent, took out the dragon sword from the space ring, and the sword killed the four strongmen of the Menghuang tribe, and they were Fight together in the sky.

Three of the four strong men of the Menghuang tribe are below the Five Kings of the Holy King. Only the strength of the old patriarch reaches the sacred king's eight heavens, and the second layer of Jian Chen's chaos can resist the attack of the Seven Kings. In addition to the defense of the gold wire, the strong man of the Holy Eight Heavenly Realm is not an easy task to hurt him.

On the other hand, Nobis and Jensen fought outside the hundred miles. Jensen was the messenger of the temple. The fighting power was much stronger than the ordinary king. But he only had the strength of the holy king, and it was not Nubis. The opponents, the two sides just played, Jensen was suppressed by Nubis.

"It’s just like you are trying to judge my great Nubis. It’s just an idiotic dream.” Nubis laughed, he couldn’t understand the arrogance of Jensen’s arrogance, a high-spirited attitude, so talk about it. The words are also without giving face.

On the palm of Nubis, he was wrapped in the sacred power of the Holy Spirit. He grabbed the trident of Jensen’s stab in his left hand and slaped his right hand to Jensen.

Jensen wanted to avoid, but the space around him suddenly solidified, and his body was firmly locked in there. Although it was only a moment of effort, Jensen had lost time to avoid and resist.


A loud slap in the face, Jensen slammed Nubis slap, the power of this palm is very large, directly hit the handsome face of Jensen, the teeth are interrupted A few.

With a slap in the face, Yasen was stunned and seemed unable to accept such a result. He has always shown great talents. He has always grown up in the care and care of his elders. Even if he enters the temple, he is cultivated as a genius. Even many messengers are polite to him and dare not offend. This also makes Jensen gradually developed a kind of arrogance, and at this moment, Nubis was hitting Jensen’s face and directly attacking Jensen. From small to large, he has never been insulted.

The three messengers who watched the battle saw Yansen slap in the face, and his look was also glanced. His eyes showed an unbelievable look. Jensen was the messenger of the temple, and he was also an apprentice of the elders of the temple. His status was honorable. Some people dare not slap a face to the face of the temple, which makes the three of them feel unbelievable.

Because in the territory of the temple, even the top emperors of the top family do not dare to treat the temple messengers. The messenger of the temple is equivalent to the spokesperson of the temple, and the slap in the temple of the temple, which is equivalent to the slap in the disguise of the temple.

Jensen quickly reacted and felt the really hot pain from his face. He suddenly made him angry, and a raging anger went straight into his head, almost making him lose his reason.

"Ah, I want to kill you, I want to kill you." Jensen's crazy roar, his eyes have become red, and the arrogant of the heavens can't bear such humiliation, and immediately waving the trident is crazy. Bis.

Nobis calmly resisted Jensen’s attack and sneered: “Just rely on your strength and want to kill my great Nubis, dreaming.” Then, Nobis directly punched in Jensen. On the chest, the blood of the entire person who had been beaten by Jensen flew out, and the chest had already fallen into it, and the bone ribs were all planned.

Jensen quickly stabilized his figure, took a healing medicinal medicine from the space ring and swallowed it, then yelled at the other three in a nearly roaring tone: "You all give me up, the temple messenger Dignity must not be for anyone."

It was said that the other three temple messengers hesitated, and finally they took out their own weapons and met with Nubis. The strength of the three of them was not weak. Two of them were in the Eight Kings, and the figure was burly. The cold-faced messenger has reached the realm of the nine heavens, and is in the same realm as Nubis.

The four strong men of Jianchen and Menghuang tribes fought together in the kilometers of the Dar's tribe. The fierce battle scene attracted the eyes of all the tribes of the Dar tribe, and they all watched them with great concentration. For the weak people, it is very difficult to see, and watching them can benefit them a lot.

Three of the four strong men of the Menghuang tribe have been wounded. Only the old patriarch has a complete combat power. Although they occupy the advantage of the number and deceive more, they are still not the opponents of Jian Chen. It has already fallen into the wind and is being pressed by the sword dust.


Jian Chen holds the sword of the king and the dragon sword. He has the strength to be comparable to the holy king of the nine heavens. He swords the rifle in the hands of the old patriarch, then the arm suddenly vibrates. In the blink of an eye, three swords are pierced. The speed is incredibly fast, and the Buddha has split the time and space, breaking through the limits of distance. When the three strong men of the Menghuang tribe did not react at all, they ruthlessly penetrated the chests of their three people and penetrated their bodies. .

The bright red blood lingers from the top of their three strong men. When the dragon sword is worn from their bodies, there is a little chaotic force left in them, madly destroying all the vitality in their bodies. .


The three strong men of the Menghuang tribe screamed, and the power of chaos ran rampant in their bodies, causing them unbearable pains, causing them to lose their fighting power immediately. They fell to the ground and immediately sat down and mobilized all over the body. Power destroys the power of chaos in the body.

Although the power of this kind of chaos is very small, its power is unquestionable. They can't do the rebellion in the body with the strength of the Five Kings. The power of chaos is simply not clear in a short time.

The harsh sound of the broken air came from behind. The silver-white rifle in the hands of the old patriarch of the Menghuang tribe waved in his hand into a stunned phantom that shrouded the sword dust. The sharp tip of the gun spurred with powerful energy fluctuations. The whole body of Jian Chen.

The corner of Jian Chen’s mouth reveals a trace of sneer, his sword is known as fast, the old patriarch of the Menghuang tribe and his speed, it is undoubtedly self-seeking.

Because when the speed reaches a certain level, the body and the arm will also bear considerable pressure. Without the strong physical backing, the speed will not be improved at all, and the powerful body of Jian Chen is destined for him. It is the speed king of the same inoculation.

The right arm of Jian Chen suddenly vibrated, and the dragon sword was spurred by the arm with the incredible speed, and it was pierced thousands of times in a short time. The swords and shadows were densely folded, overlapping and covering the sky. Completely cover a piece of void in front of you.


The sword shadow and the gunshot, which almost become the afterimage, collide in midair, sending out a dense chorus of sounds, and the sounds are completely connected. Each of their collisions will burst into a strong atmosphere. The surrounding space trembled constantly, and the ground below was hit by the aftermath of the aftermath. The pieces began to crack and cracked the cracks in the spider web.

After a few breaths, the shadows of the sky and the shadow of the guns have disappeared, revealing the figure of Jian Chen and the old patriarch of the Menghuang tribe.


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