Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 879: Strong man

"However, my evil king is following you, what do you want me to do?" the evil king asked again. -

"This will be said later. Next, we have to retreat for a while. You can find a place to live outside of ten miles, and stop the rest of the people from coming here to protect the law for both of us." Jian Chen said.

The evil king nodded and said; "Well, I will do it according to your statement, but I hope that you will not renege on it. For up to fifty years, you must give me the **** of heaven and earth." The evil king turned and flew away, in ten miles. Outside, I opened up a cave and lived down.

"Sword dust, what do you let him follow us? His strength is good, but it seems that it can't help us a lot. And in 50 years, can you really get the gods and gods?" Nobis asked with a puzzled look, and was very puzzled by this move by Jian Chen.

The sword dust looked at the dark blue sky at the top of the head and said: "We have an eight-waste map in hand. I think we are also qualified to enter the Eight Gods Temple, and I am competing for the eight desert maps. It is known in the mouth that only the talents under the realm of the Holy Emperor can enter, and the strength of the evil king has reached the sacred king and the fighting power is not weak. There are few rivals in the same realm. If you enter the Eight Gods Temple in the future, He is a great help to us."

"What, the Eight Gods Temple can only enter the talents under the Holy Emperor. So, can we not break through?" Nubis was amazed.

"Yes, before entering the Eight Gods Temple, we really can't break through to the realm of the Holy Emperor. Therefore, you must restrain your strength growth during this period of retreat."

"Well, you can't break through, you can't break through, but the original essence of the old snake can still absorb another layer, so that I can be halfway into the realm of the Holy Emperor. In the future, if we want a smooth breakthrough, we must be even more It’s easy, well, I’m going to practice first.” Then, Nubis returned to the cave.

Soon after, Jian Chen also returned to the cave to continue to retreat and practice, and with the help of Ziqing Sword Spirit, began to refine the magic nucleus that was taken out from the space of the sacred space.

Now the chaos in his body is the size of the pigeon, and there is still a long way to go from the third layer of Chaos. Now he has to reach the second layer of chaos as soon as possible.

"Master, when your chaotic body reaches the fifth level, it can directly absorb the power of the yin and yang holy stone." The voice of the purple scorpion came, with a hint of urgency in the tone.

"Purple, if I absorb the power of the yin and yang holy stone, then my chaotic body can reach the first few layers. - Jian Chen asked curiously.

"If the energy of the yin and yang holy stone is absorbed, the owner's chaotic body can reach the seventh or eighth layer, or even the ninth layer." Qingsuo cableway, some are not sure.

It was said that the heart of Jian Chen suddenly violently jumped out of control, and a strong urgency suddenly emerged in his heart, making him wish to reach the ninth layer of chaos.

"I don't know, when I absorb the energy of the yin and yang holy stone, what kind of realm will my strength reach? Is it the Holy Emperor? Or is it beyond the Holy Emperor?"

"If I am allowed to surpass the strength of the Holy Emperor, then I must learn the style of Mo Tianyun's predecessors and fall into the holy abandonment, kill him and turn him up, kill him blood, and let them no longer threaten. I am Tianyuan."

Jian Chen’s fist was pinched tightly, and he thought of it in his heart.

A few days later, hundreds of thousands of miles away, a huge temple volley was suspended in a hundred meters high, exuding a majestic momentum. At this moment, there was a roar in a magnificent hall in the temple.

"Waste, a group of waste, it is a bunch of waste, even two people can't find it." The burly temple elder Charlie issued an angry roar.

In front of Charlie, Jensen and other four temple messengers were trembled there, and the look was full of fear. They looked for a few days and found no where the sword dust fell. I had to come back and tell the truth to the elders of the temple.

"Things won't come back. After the lord leaves the customs, you will wait for the demise, oh, a few wastes. How could you send a few of them to perform this task, so simple things are done." Charlie was angry and walked back and forth in the hall, and he was very anxious.

"Charlie, that thing has its own unique atmosphere, and the thing that was taken away is a refining of a great emperor 30,000 years ago, which contains the power of a great emperor, and the power of the emperor is equal to the power of the temple, I see Not so, the two of us joined forces to display water mirroring, borrowing the power of a shrine to see if we could find the whereabouts of that thing," Yansen’s master said.

"Well, now is the only way. We use a little power of the temple and hope that the lord will not blame it." Charlie nodded, then said to the other four: "You are not going out soon."

The four temple ambassadors stood up from the ground in a panic and then left the hall.

After Mo's time spent a fragrant incense, the two temples came out of the temple from the elders. At this moment, the two of them looked a little tired, and the master of Jensen held a scroll of drawings and said: "There have been their whereabouts. This map marks their location. Several of you immediately followed two fifteen-star elders to get things back and redeem them."

"Master, this time we will definitely get back the things." Jensen took the drawings and vowed to say, and then the four of them retired at the same time.

Looking at the direction in which the four disappeared, Charlie said in a low voice: "This time I hope they can successfully bring that thing back."

"Oh, that thing is too special. It must not reveal a little bit of wind, and it is even less likely to attract the attention of the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of the Sea. Therefore, we cannot send too many people at all. Otherwise, I have already personally Hands-on." Jensen's master sighed.


A few days later, in a piece of virgin forest a few miles away from the Temple of the Blessed Virgin, the evil king was lying bored in the darkness of the cave, silently fulfilling his duties, for Jian Chen and Nobis. Protecting the law and preventing them from being disturbed by external factors.

"Can he really give me the gods and gods in 50 years?" The evil king put his hands on his head and whispered in the cold land. In the same way, he had already said how many times he had said this time. Second time.

"I think that my evil king is also famous in the sea. I have always been alone, unrestrained, and only do what I want to do. I didn't expect that it would fall to this place and become a **** of others."

"But it is the only hope that I broke through to the fifteen stars. If even this hope is gone, then I will break through to the fifteen-star rating and there will be no more chances. I will trust them once and temporarily grievance. Nothing.” The evil king muttered to himself that with his character he really could hardly yield to others, and he had to comfort himself to calm his heart.

At this moment, the evil king looked at him: "It's not good, someone is coming." The evil king disappeared after a flash, and he had left the cave. When he appeared again, he was already suspended in the outer space of the kilometer.

I saw it in the distance, and the six figures were flying from here, and finally stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the evil king. They stared at the evil king one by one.

"You are the messenger of the temple." Seeing the six people wearing the suit, the face of the evil king changed slightly.

Jensen stared at the evil king and looked at the meeting. He did not pay much attention to it. He glanced around and said: "From the mark of the map that the master gave me, they are here because they are, but they are not this person."

At the same time, the two old men around Yansen looked in one direction, one of them said; "There are two people who are practicing in retreat, but they don't know if they are."

"It's not easy, let them both show up and see if they are the ones we are looking for." Another old man said, and then the palm of the hand caught the sky, the energy between the heavens and the earth quickly condensed and eventually formed. A huge palm with a size of 100 meters slammed the mountain peak where Jian Chen and Nobis retreat.


The mountain peak burst into bursts. Under this palm, it was directly transformed into countless gravel. The enchantment arranged by Nobis was broken like tofu, and it was impossible to resist it.

"The fifteen-star sea **** warrior." Seeing this scene, the face of the evil king suddenly became ugly, and the light in his eyes flickered.

"Who dares to ruin my great Nubis cultivation cave, find death!" An angry roar came from the bursting mountain, and Nubis flew out of the rock in a hurry, and the eyes flickered. , exudes a strong killing.

Listening to this incomprehensible arrogant voice, Jensen and other four messengers brightened their eyes and pointed their fingers at Nubis: "It is he who is him, the two elders, that is, he snatched the thing."

It is said that the two old men have flashed a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and they have a dark heart; "Sure enough, they are less than fifteen stars. It seems that this time the task of completing the service of the elders of the temple is easy."

"Boom!" The splattered stone, a white sword dust carrying the dragon sword also flew out of the rock pile, the gloomy face and the Nubis together flew over to the direction of several people in Yansen. A hundred meters away from each other.

Nubis looked sharply at the opposite side, and finally settled on the two old men. The look of the two men became a little dignified. Shen Sheng said: "I didn't expect to have two fifteen-star classes. Strong."

When I heard that there were two strong emperors, the face of Jian Chen could not help but change. With his current strength, he could only cope with the strong man of the Holy King. If he met the powerful man of the realm of the Holy Emperor, then it was not at all. Opponent.

Looking at the dignified face of Jian Chen, Jensen couldn’t help but laughed: "Haha, you regret it, this is the end of the temple messenger, but now everything is late, even if you It’s useless to regret, and I’m waiting to die.”

: On the 24th, I have to go back to my hometown to reissue my ID card. During the period, I will delay a few days. I will update the chapters one day, and then I will resume after I come back.


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