Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 975: Battle of the Holy Emperor

Although the strength of Ruijin and Blackfish is only in the realm of the Holy Emperor, and there is a qualitative gap between the two emperors, but they have seen strong confidence from the faces of both of them.

However, the words of the two of them made everyone in the field amazed. Whether it was the Holy Emperor of the ancient family or the elders of the guardian family, the eyes of Ruijin and Blackfish were full of Weird, that look, as if looking at an idiot.

Although the strength of Ruijin is strong enough, it is limited to the realm of the Holy Emperor. In front of the Holy Emperor, there is still no resistance.

Because the Holy Emperor is already the supreme in another field, it is not the hostile of the Holy Emperor, not to mention the human desire that the Lord has entered the realm of the Holy Spirit for many years, and its strength is strong, even the Tiger Emperor of the Beast God Wolf Conleys are not opponents.

The words of Ruijin and Blackfish both made people want to stay in one of them. They stared at Ruijin with unbelievable eyes and confirmed: "What do you say, you two will fight with me."

Ruijin and the black fish looked at each other, and they seemed to have a heart and soul. There were two huge momentums emanating from them, and the vastness of the circle was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The perfection of the Holy Emperor is the realm above the Holy Emperor's nine heavens. The great perfection is the infinite surplus that is close to the existence of the Holy Emperor. It is stronger than Jiuzhongtian. The momentum that emanates from them is suddenly given to the field. Many of the weak and powerful emperors brought a huge pressure.

The human desire shook his head in disappointment and said: "If you only have this strength, then you are not qualified to be the main player. Today, you will also have a hard time getting out of here. The lord only needs to move his fingers. You can make both of you die."

The words of the lord want to make Ruijin look angry, his body is the golden dragon, the dragon's emperor, naturally has its pride, how to be so humiliated by the human desire.

"St. Dragons." Ruijin screamed in the sky, and suddenly there was a mysterious and powerful force emanating from him. Immediately, a dazzling golden light was shot from Ruijin, and the whole person was wrapped in Ruijin. Through the rich golden light, it is faintly visible that a set of incomparable armor has been worn on Ruijin.

Looking at the armor on the surface of Ruijin's body, the human face finally changed, and lost the voice: "This... This is... no... impossible..."

"St. Dragon Gun." Ruijin was a shout, and he saw his hands raised above his head. A silver-white pistol with a length of seven meters suddenly appeared in his hand, giving off a strong silver-white ray. All give a shining white.

With the emergence of the holy dragon gun, a huge and incredible energy fluctuation immediately flooded the void, this energy did not tear the space, but let the space solidify in an instant, this moment, as if in this world The time and the air are all stuck in stillness.

With the appearance of the holy dragon gun, including the guardian family, all the emperor's face changed, and they stared at the silver-white rifle on the top of Ruijin's head with horror, and the scent from the rifle. Pressure, so that all of them feel a chill.

"This...what is this weapon? It turned out to be so terrible, even more terrible than the emperor artifacts that we have guarded the family through dozens of emperors." A guardian family's elder elder trembled.

"The orc strong are simply not good at using weapons. How can they have such powerful weapons in their hands? Is this also an emperor artifact cast by dozens of saints?" Said, full of shock.

The human desire can no longer remain calm, and an incredulously staring at the holy dragon gun on the top of Ruijin’s head, lost the voice: “The source is actually the source, I actually feel the source, how is this possible, even if it is In ancient times, there have been no weapons with their origins."

It was also a vast wave of energy fluctuations. I saw a set of armor with a cyan glow on the black fish. In the hand, there was a silver-white mountain knife, which was not weaker than the holy dragon. The horror of the sword.

The beast **** continent, located in the center of the beast temple, in the 98th floor space, a middle-aged man in black suddenly stood up, suddenly a wild breath emerged from him .

"The source, this is the atmosphere of the source, the Tianyuan continent has a natural atmosphere..."

On the 97th floor of the Beast Temple, the Peng National Emperor of the Xianfeng Road also stood up from the ground, staring at the Tianyuan Continent, Shen Sheng said: "This is the breath of the source..."

On the 96th floor of the Beast Temple, the tiger emperor Conley also stopped practicing and suddenly stood up from the ground and exclaimed: "The source, this is the source, how can there be a source of the Yuanyuan continent."

Tianyuan Mainland, the human face has changed and changed. I can’t believe it, staring at the black fish, exclaiming: “It’s actually the source. How is this possible? With the weapon of the source, where did you come from? Since ancient times, such powerful weapons have never appeared."

Ruijin looked serious and said: "The Terran emperor, I didn't expect you to have some insights. You know the existence of the source. You said it is good. From ancient times to now, such powerful weapons have never appeared in this world. But now it has appeared, I don’t know if we can have a fight with you now."

It is difficult for the Taoist to keep the peace of mind, and he said, "Tell me, where did you come from this weapon? Do you know that there is a place where the power of the source exists." There is a hint of excitement in the tone of the human desire. Because the source is the key to breaking through the Holy Emperor, and since there is no original source between heaven and earth, from the ancient times to the present, it is possible to break through the Holy Emperor and become only the four strongest surpassing the Holy Emperor. The imperial leader of the Emperor Fengfeng broke through hopelessly, and only watched the end of the tens of years and turned into a bone.

"The Terran Emperor, you know that we will not tell you this, you still can't fight." Ruijin said quietly.

The human desire to take a deep breath and calm down, slowly staring at Ruijin: "If you tell the lord where there is a source, the lord can do anything for you." Suddenly, all the great emperors in the field were shocked.

"The Terran emperor, you still die this heart, the world today, there is no source, now, I will use your weapons to challenge your Terran emperor." Rui Jin did not move, decisively said.

The human eye was staring at Ruijin and the black fish closely. The light in the eyes flickered. After a while, he said: "Although the weapons in your hands are very powerful, they contain the power of the source, but the two of you Strength can't control this kind of power at all. If you want to rely on them to compete with the Taoist, it is simply an idiot to dream. Now let you see and see the power of the Holy Emperor, and go to the extraterrestrial war with the Taoist." The Lord flew away from the sky with lightning.

Ruijin and Blackfish are not far behind, and they follow the human body and go to the sky.

The Eight Gods Temple became the size of the fist and fell into the hands of Jian Chen. The left hand of Jian Chen held the Eight Gods Temple, and the right hand took the Emperor Artifact and flew into the sky, rushing to the sky.

Later, the strongest of the top ten guardian families and the holy emperor of the ancient family also followed, and they would not easily miss this wonderful performance. They all wanted to know that the two great emperors of the Holy Emperor were relying on two powerful weapons. Can you overcome the desire of the people?

Changyang Zuyunyu was escorting a group of Changbo people back to Changyang Prefecture before they rushed to the outside world.

The sword dust grew higher and higher, and the flat land under the foot gradually became a huge sphere. This is the first time he has flown to such a high altitude.

As the height continues to increase, the air gradually becomes thinner, and people can't breathe at all, but this does not affect them.

When Jian Chen rushed out of the atmosphere of the planet and arrived outside the sky, a sense of weightlessness suddenly came, so that Jian Chen lost his ability to judge the position. In this cold universe, there is no direction at all, even if it is up and down. Unclear.

Jian Chen alone occupies a void and hangs in the sky, staring at the distant Ruijin and Blackfish, and around the sword dust, is a group of ancient emperors and guardian family of the Holy Emperor, each occupying a void, and The eyes are gathered without exception for the three of them.

Suddenly, the dark universe of the darkness of the universe was so beautiful that I saw the long guns and the mountain knives in the hands of Ruijin and Blackfish exudes a very strong white brilliance, rendering this endless void into a white, horrible energy. Come, let the space of nothingness in the sky be constantly twisted.

Both Ruijin and Blackfish shot at the same time. They attacked the human desires with one shot and one knife. As the weapons of the two of them spurted out, the surrounding space was rapidly frozen and spread to the human desire. The horror of the two weapons, the horror of the two emperors around the scene, is a sigh of relief.

The human body has no expression on the main face, and there is a layer of horrible energy in the body shaking, and the hard-solid space is blocked in front of himself, and immediately his palm is caught in the void, and the majestic energy is captured by him from the void. Come, all in the palm of his hand, this energy is beyond the limit of this void can bear, the void will be broken, and can not heal.

"People have seven passions and six desires. The lord has seven passions and six desires to create the seven emotions and six desires. There are sixteen styles in this move, which are divided into seven emotions and seven moves, six desires and six moves, seven emotions and one love, and six desires and ones. And the last move is the unrequited love of the seven emotions and six desires." The human desire whispered, and then the palm of the hand gently pushed out, and spit in the mouth: "I am in the palm, greedy."

The horror energy gathered in front of the palm of the human hand quickly rushed toward Ruijin and the black fish, and finally collided with the weapons in their hands, and suddenly a loud roar broke out.

The palm of the human desire is not a pure energy attack. After the energy attack, an invisible idea also hits the gods of Ruijin and Blackfish, causing them to suddenly change their face. The clear eyes also became a little muddy.

The desire of the Taoist lord has already triggered the greed of the two of them, disturbing their minds.

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