Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1021: He Hao Xuanyin is here (2)

  Chapter 1021 Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (2)

  Sikong Shuo said with a half-smile, "It was someone from the underground who told me."

   "Oh?" The emperor frowned suspiciously.

  Sikong Shuo said: "Someone tattooed on the poisonous snake, saying it might be at such a deep place."

   "Tattoo? So, someone is indeed alive! Who is it?" The emperor's eyes lit up a little.

   "Ma Ningyue."

  A look of surprise flashed across the emperor's face: "That little girl..."

  He thought it would be Rong Lin, at least, it should be Rong Qing, after all, he is a man! But a little girl who dares to tattoo on a poisonous snake is not afraid of being bitten by a poisonous snake.

   "How did she judge Shizhang?"

   "It should be based on the temperature. The further you go underground, the higher the temperature." Sikong Shuo said.

   "Then the girl can do this..." As expected of Rong Qing's younger sister, she is smart enough. The emperor glanced at King Zhongshan, who was deep in thought, and knew that he hadn't heard their conversation, so he lowered the volume in a wicked way: "Who is alive if she didn't say?"

  Sikong Shuo said: "No, I just said it's underground."

  The emperor smiled wickedly: "Aiqing is very naughty, just now King Yinjun was so anxious, Aiqing didn't tell him that his wife is still alive, is she trying to kill him?"

  Sikong Shuo picked up his teacup and smiled lightly: "I just think that if you give him some pressure, he will look for it more carefully."


  Xuanyin and his party headed north and entered the depths of the jungle. At this time, the night was already dark, and the bright moon was hanging high.

   They held their torches aloft and headed north in high vigilance.

  They could clearly see the pair of cold green eyes dormant in the dark, but they were not worried that they would attack suddenly, because there were torches in—

  As soon as the thought flashed through their minds, everyone heard a rumbling thunder, and then, before they could react, a downpour of rain fell.

  The torch was extinguished in an instant, and the pack of wolves rushed forward, each of them opened their **** mouths, and bit their prey fiercely!

  Xuanyin took the small artillery cart, aimed at their wolf king, and blasted it into a meat paste. There was a mournful howl from the pack of wolves, and they retreated unwillingly while howling. Xuanyin stared at them fearlessly with eyes more ferocious than beasts. Gradually, one wolf turned around and two wolves turned away...

  The wolves were by no means the first wave of danger they encountered, nor would they be the last wave. After the wolves, they encountered miasma and poisonous spiders.

   Xuan Yu on the other side of the forest was also attacked by ferocious beasts. They also encountered a large swarm of poisonous bees. Several shadow guards were stung and had to return to the station for treatment. The team of ten was reduced to three.

   Xuanzhao was the worst. His team escaped the beasts and the miasma, but accidentally fell into the swamp. With the help of Li warriors, it took a lot of effort to climb ashore.

   The most relaxed one was King Xuan. He didn't know what kind of **** luck he had, but he didn't even have an accident.


  In the dark secret room, Rong Lin supported the boulder with his body.

   This is the fourth time he tried to stand up, and it was getting more and more difficult every time. He wanted to push the stone to the side, but he was afraid that Rong Qing would be crushed.

Rong Qing's eyes were bloodshot. He never knew that Rong Lin, who was born with supernatural power, would be crushed by a few boulders and unable to turn over. If he maintained a kneeling position for too long, his limbs would be severely swollen and his veins would be blocked. The strength cannot reach the whole body, which is why it is so difficult.

   "Rong Lin, I'm cold." He said firmly.

  (end of this chapter)

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