Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 825: Brother and sister meet and escape (2)

  Chapter 825 Brother and sister meet and escape (2)

  The moment Xuanyin got up and went out, everyone thought he was going to ask a doctor or something, but he locked himself next door.

  Dongmei was aggrieved: "What's the matter? Miss is dying, and he's still showing his temper?"

  Even Sun Yao couldn't understand what Xuanyin was doing. She wiped away her tears and called Dongmei aside: "Tell me, what happened to your master and the county king?"

"Miss is poisoned, go to Siye to detoxify, Siye won't let me do this." Ning Yue didn't just say that she was poisoned by Gu poison, Dongmei couldn't help but ran to ask Xiaolou, combined with Ning Yue The conversation between Yue and Xuan Yin and the judgment made by Ning Yue when he returned to Liujinyuan that day, flushed, confused, and in need of ice water.

"Yueyue's poison needs Xuanyin to cure?" Sun Yao was at a loss. Of course, she now understands that Ningyue's poison was transferred from Xuanyin's body, but she has never figured out what the poison looks like when it flares up. Ning Yue has been together for half a year, and she has never seen Ning Yue have a fit.

Dongmei cried and said: "The poison is like the poison of love, and you need to have **** to get rid of it. The young lady came back that day, and she was not quite right. It was a cold day, so I had a lot of ice water prepared, and I just watched her soak in it." ..."

  Sun Yao was stunned, there is such a strange poison in the world, she usually heard that the two of them were playing around in the daytime, but now that she thinks about it, she probably couldn't help herself.

   "Why didn't she go to Xuanyin to detoxify?" Sun Yao asked.

"The servant girl just said that the young lady has gone, but the uncle ignored the young lady! The uncle is angry with the young lady! The young lady obviously did nothing, but he still slapped the young lady! The young lady gets up so early every day to cook him breakfast, and at night give him He still treats Miss like this when making supper!" Dongmei still doesn't know about Sikong Shuo and Ning Yue's dinner, let alone Sikong Jing's sowing discord, she just thinks that Xuanyin's inexplicable neglect of Miss is really scumbag I want to play.

Sun Yao shook her head: "Xiao Yin is not the kind of unreasonable person, there may be some misunderstanding between the two of you. He must have never expected that things would turn out like this. Don't blame him anymore, he must be dead guilty. "

   "Woooo..." Dongmei covered her face, weeping uncontrollably.

   Xuanyin stood in the room, his eyes were cold, his chest heaved, every breath seemed to use up all the strength in his body, and his whole body trembled slightly. After living for twenty-one years, he has never regretted anything, because his father taught him since he was a child, look forward and don't look back. Therefore, since he became sensible, no matter what was wrong, right, good, or bad, as long as he did it, he would never think about it again.

  However, this time, he asked himself more than once, what would happen if he hugged her that day? What would happen if she was "tricked" that day? What would happen if you followed your heart that day? Obviously he was teased by her so that his blood surged up, and he was obviously cute by her appearance of eating melon seeds, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said some hurtful words.

  Reluctant to admit and had to admit, for the first time in his life, he tasted regret.

   Right now, she is lying next door, he can hug her when he walks in, but he can't, he has to hold back.

  In the next four days, no matter how weak Ning Yue was, he never showed up.


   Today is the eleventh day of Ning Yue's illness. On the seventh day, Doctor Zhou gave her an ultimatum. She miraculously survived another four days. In the past four days, Xuan Yin did not appear once. Everyone didn't understand at first, but slowly, they understood Xuanyin's intentions. Xuanyin didn't want Ning Yue to leave contentedly. He just wanted to hang Ning Yue so that Ning Yue could not see him for the last time. Unwilling and unwilling to leave, Ning Yue struggled on the verge of death for four full days with an obsession.

  (end of this chapter)

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