Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 895: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (2)

  Chapter 895 Stealing the East and Attacking the West to save the day (2)


  After leaving the prison, Ning Yue went back to Ma's house and asked Dongmei to bring the news to the barracks to find Dongba, to see if she could contact Xuanyin.

  Xuan Yin and Rong Lin have been looking outside for an hour, not knowing how it is going, and whether the address Guo Yu gave will be useful.

  Dong Ba contacted Xuanyin.

Xuanyin and Rong Lin happened to be searching near Lianshan Mountain. Based on the traces of the fight and the witnesses' descriptions, they concluded that Suhuo had taken Rongqing to the west, but they searched the entire mountain and couldn't find them. trace. Just when the two almost thought they were going in the wrong direction, news from Ning Yue came. After reading the route marked on the note, the two people's eyes lit up, and they went through a small cave.

   There is a hidden cave, like a paradise, no wonder the outside can't find it, it is too hidden.

  The two rushed into the farmhouse quickly.

   "Rong Qing!" Rong Lin shouted.

  But there is no response.

The tea in the house is still hot, the sparks under the stove are still burning, the dry firewood outside the courtyard is half chopped, and the hatchet is thrown aside randomly... Everything shows that they left not long ago, and walked very far. Urgent, so anxious that there is no time to put out the fire, this is a big taboo.

  Rong Lin ran away in anger: "You bastard! You're faster than a fish!"

   It's only a little short, if they are faster, they can catch up with Rong Qing!

   Xuanyin patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be angry, look for it quickly."

  The two followed the traces of Su Huo and others fleeing, all the way west.

  Rong Qing has a nice fragrance, the more he chases after her, the stronger the fragrance becomes, Rong Lin knows that they are very close to Rong Qing.

  However, when they were chasing vigorously, Rong Qing's smell disappeared, and there was a swift river lying in front of them.

   "Did they jump into the river?" Rong Lin frowned.

Xuanyin squatted down, pressed the footprints in the grass, and picked up some fine dust, thinking while watching: "Maybe he left on a bamboo raft, and the bamboo raft went down the river at a very fast speed. "

   "Where did they get the bamboo raft?" Rong Lin asked.

   This place looks like a place that no one has developed before. It is absolutely impossible for someone’s bamboo raft to be docked. If those people came here with bamboo rafts, the speed should not be too fast for them to catch up.

The same doubt flashed in Xuanyin's heart. Those people obviously left suddenly. Under such a tense situation, they should have no time to make bamboo rafts, and there is no trace of bamboo rafts in the yard. The bamboo rafts did not come from the yard. Carried here. It should be said that it was originally docked here, but there is no relevant trace here.

  Maybe there was no raft at all, they really dived.

  Maybe there is a bamboo raft, but it floated down from upstream—


   Xuanyin followed the trend and stared slightly.


  Xuanyin called out the Xuanjia army, blocked the entire river bank, and also blocked the four city gates, and asked the recruits from the new barracks to bring well-trained hounds to each city gate.

  Maybe, they have a way to use lightness kung fu to cut off the smell halfway, but this trick doesn't work when they leave the city. As long as Rong Qing passes through the city gate, he will definitely be smelled by the hounds.

  Xuanyin and Rong Lin continued to search in the city. When they passed Ma's house, they went in to see Lin Lanzhi and Ning Yue.

  Lin Lanzhi appeared in that trance state again, always saying that he went crazy a few days ago, Rong Qing didn't come back, it was all his hallucinations, and kept asking Ning Yue if she was hungry, and if she wanted to eat?

   As a last resort, Ning Yue gave her some tranquilizing medicine.

  Ning Yue's own condition is not very good. After running for a whole morning, she was so tired that she almost collapsed, lying on the bed with a pale face, sweating profusely.

  (end of this chapter)

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