Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 954: Master's Rage (9)

  Chapter 954 The Rage of the Marshal (9)

"Yeah." Rong Qing nodded, "I see that both Mona and Moni are good-looking, simple-minded, and courageous enough to be intimidated by you. Of course, it's up to you to decide which one you like. You have one night to think about it."

  Rong Lin sat down cross-legged, glanced at him, and asked dumbly: "You really... want to give me to them?"

   "Not Jean."

   "What's that?" Rong Lin asked, with a pair of clear eyes staring at him, full of stubbornness.

  Rong Qing turned another page of the book, and his eyes fell on the page: "You have reached the age of marrying a wife and having children. As your elder, I have made plans for you, that's all."

   "What about you? I'm leaving, what do you do?" Rong Lin looked at him persuasively.

  Rong Qing never looked him in the eye: "When you were not in the palace, I came here myself."

   "Is this your truth, Rong Qing?" Rong Lin pinched his jaw, "Look into my eyes and say."

  Rong Qing's calm eyes looked into the depths of his eyes: "Yes."

  Rong Lin's eyes darkened, he stood up, and walked out of the tent coldly!


  But they said that Guo Yu and Biqing really lived like peasant women after they lived in the farmhouse. They had no income, and her foot was seriously injured, and she needed a lot of golden medicine. The money given by the gatekeeper's wife was soon used up, and they ate every meal without stopping, and they were often so hungry that their chests stuck to their backs.

   As a last resort, Biqing pawned Guo Yu's clothes and exchanged them for some shredded silver and a coarse padded jacket.

  Guo Yu's delicate body was wrapped in bloated cotton wool, walking on the street, no one would recognize her as the glamorous Princess Xuan.

  It would be fine if it was just the quota, but where they live, they are often robbed by hooligans, who collect protection fees every now and then, and if they don't pay, they smash the house to pieces. Although this home is already very dilapidated, if the pots and pans are smashed, even rice can't be cooked.

   In desperation, Biqing bought some red rope and came back to tie the netting, hoping to get a good price before the Chinese New Year.

  Biqing couldn't play fast enough by herself, Guo Yu helped, and after two days of learning to play, she was able to play to a similar level.

   The slender fingers soon developed chilblains.

   When the cold wind blows, the chilblains burst open and pus flows out.

After rubbing Jinchuang medicine on his feet, Biqing scraped the inner wall vigorously with his fingers, and then scraped a little bit of ointment on Guo Yu's frostbite: "Oh, I don't know if this can cure frostbite, dead horse I've become a live horse doctor. I'll set up a stall on the street later, will you wait for me at home, or will you come with me?"

   Thinking of those hooligans, Guo Yu flinched: "Together with you."

  Paused, then said, "Put it... on the corner of the street."

  Biqing understood what she meant, and placed it in a too conspicuous place, lest acquaintances see it.

   After sorting out a hundred nets, the two went to the street together.

  South Street has the largest flow of people, so Biqing chose a place close to the small alley. Although the wind is blowing cold, the small alley behind him is convenient for Guo Yu to hide.

   "Selling Luozi! Cheap and beautiful Luozi! Meihualuo, Haitangluo, Sixiluo..." Biqing yelled in the cold wind.

   After all, she came from the palace, her craftsmanship is much better than those sold on the market, and what she sold was indeed cheap, and she sold most of them in a short time.

   When there were the last few left, Biqing planned to deal with it cheaply, so that he could take Guo Yu to eat a bowl of hot noodles.

"Miss, look, isn't that the pattern I saw in the Wangfu last time? This small stall actually sells it!" A little maid in pink bijia stopped at the stall while holding Sikong Jing's hand forward.

  When Biqing heard the word Wangfu, she secretly felt something was wrong, fearing that she was an acquaintance, so she quickly gestured to Guo Yu behind her.

  Guo Yu ran away!

  Si Kongjing picked out two nets: "Yo, it really is! You girl, you are quite ingenious! You look better than the nets in the palace! What's your name?"

  Bi Qing lowered her eyebrows and said, "The small one is called Gingko."

   "Ginkgo, the name of the dirt." Sikong Jing snorted disdainfully, "It's hard to sell netting in winter, right? Come with me."

   "Huh?" Bi Qing was stunned.

The maid said angrily: "Ah, what? Didn't you understand? My lady has taken a fancy to you! I want to buy you back to be a maid! Do you know who our lady is? The younger sister of Zhongchangshi, the daughter of the Sikong family! After following her, yes Good luck! Why don’t you hurry up and give thanks?”

  Where did Biqing not know about Sikong Jing? It was this hateful poisonous girl who persuaded her princess to deal with Ning Yue!

  Biqing gritted her teeth: "My little one has a seriously ill mother at home, so I can't go with you."

  Si Kongjing threw her an ingot of gold: "This, is it enough for your mother to see a doctor? Eat well with me, and you can make more money. You can just hire someone to serve your mother."

  Bi Qing thought about it, it seems to be the reason, if she can really make money from Sikong Jing, then the life of the princess will be much better than now!

   Thoughts flashed by, Biqing raised her head tentatively.

  Si Kongjing looked at Biqing, she seemed to have seen this girl somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it right now.

   Seeing that Si Kongjing didn't recognize her, Biqing was even happier: "Miss, wait a minute, I'll go discuss it with my mother."

  Si Kongjing played with the net in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it: "Go!"

  Biqing took the ingot of gold, walked through the alley, and came to the place where Guo Yu was hiding: "Wangfei, Wangfei, look..."


   What responded to her was Guo Yu's resounding slap.

  (end of this chapter)

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