Jingjing thought for a moment.

I seem to understand something in my mind.

But I can't catch the point quickly.

Just listen to Li Yue's words.

He nodded and said, "OK, I'll listen to you!"

Li Yue was a little relieved.

Maybe it's because they didn't sleep well last night.

At the moment, the two people hugged each other.

But never had a good sleep.

Before Jingjing sleeps in a daze.

Just thinking of one thing.

When I wake up.

Where do you want to try Jingjing God palm

I dare not try to follow Li Yue.

Although Li Yue is equal to his internal power.

But it's very quick.

If one palm goes down, one will die.

That's amazing.

And in the palace.

You can't try it.

If found by the king of the western regions.

Every day, I try my hand.

If he wants to teach himself.

That's very sad.

In fact, she had a little prejudice against the king of the western regions.

Another point.

I think of my childhood.

Every time the master forced himself to practice his gun, he stood by and saw the shadow.

I will not mention that.

Besides, after they fell asleep here.

It's hugging and breathing.

Until the visitor gave the nine princesses "please go" who were not aware of the "prison visit".

After Jingjing came out of the palace.

He went back to the mansion alone.

One man got into the room.

Study the things that come from the dead bodies in the restaurant.

These things.

Professional people can't test it.

What can she do?

The bodies are there.

On the surface, there is no clue.

They use tea.

No poison.

So, what kind of technology does the poisoned person use.

They should have died of poisoning.

So you can't see a clue?

Jingjing is silent.

I can't think of it.

At this time If you can google about it.

Think of it here.

Jingjing's brain suddenly came to light.

She doesn't have Baidu on her computer.

But you can ask Master.

Master, you can go up.

Where is the long abandoned communicator?

It can be used several times.

Think of it here.

Jing Jing then a burst of search.

Finally found out in the corner of a concealed wardrobe.

Jingjing holds the messenger.

He breathed heavily.

And constantly blame their own carelessness in the heart.

Such an important thing.

She put it in a corner like this.

What if it's lost?

She's holding the messenger.

After a long sigh.

Just looking at the messenger.

Fumbled for a while, opened the communicator

The familiar "Zizi..." The sound of the music began to ring.

I haven't heard anything about modern civilization for a long time.

Jingjing depresses the excitement in her heart.

After a while.

I heard the sound.

Someone over there said, "jing'er, is that you?"

Master's voice came from there.

I haven't heard master's voice for a long time.

Jingjing feels so excited.

"Yes, master!"

Jingjing talks to the communicator.

The voice was also excited.

"How about jing'er? Have you found jing'er?"

Master's voice trembled and asked Jingjing.

"And you? What about? There's no difficulty, is there? "

I was asked this by my master.

Jingjing's face turned a little white.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "master, I have found my elder martial sister, but because of some things It will be two days before we meet. "

The master said earnestly: "jing'er, the time for the FBI to give your elder martial brother is almost up, you..."

The voice from the master's side stopped: "I haven't contacted you for so long. I thought something happened to you."

Jingjing was silent for a moment.Facing the messenger, he said, "master, something happened to me. When it's settled, I can see elder martial sister immediately and go back to modern times."

The master said, "what?"

Jingjing hesitated for a moment and said, "master, I need some information now. Can you tell me how to find out how a person was poisoned before he died and what kind of poison he was poisoned?"

After a moment's silence, the master said, "where's your bag?"


When master asked, Jingjing remembered what master said.

It's the bag that the masked man took when he was detained. Is there a mystery in the bag?

Jingjing said, "that bag It's not convenient for me to take it now. "

The master said, "there is a kind of serum in it, commonly known as muscle dissolving agent. As long as it is injected into the muscles of the human body, no matter the dead or the living, they can know what kind of poison it is!"

Jingjing's eyebrows couldn't help jumping.

I don't want to say anything to master.

Just continued to say: "master, I know."

She didn't want her master to worry about anything.

So I didn't make it clear to master.

Master, listen to him.

I didn't say much at that time.

Smile to Jing Jing and say: "OK, you go, as long as there is that serum, your trouble may be solved."

"Thank you for your advice!"

Jingjing said that and hung up the communicator.

Think about it.

Jingjing put the communicator back in place again.

Put it back in place.

Jingjing immediately calls Manqing in.

He said, "where's your son? Ask him to see me at once. I'm in a hurry

Manqing has changed.

He knelt down in front of Jingjing and said, "Miss No, girl, as the maid has said, only the master can see us. We can't see the master at all. The master is not easily seen by us

She said that.

Slightly raised the head to see the Jing Jing one eye.

Carefully said: "only when you have a task, you will come to see us. Usually, as long as you do your duty well, you can't see you."

Jingjing has a cold face.

Said: "now only you that childe can save the Lord, you must let him come out to see me."

Let's go.

Looking at Manqing again.

Word by word seriously said: "even if you can not take the initiative to see him, you always know who he is, right?"

Jingjing gets up and looks up at Manqing.

A look of dignity.

Look even some aggressive: "you must tell me his contact information, I must see him, you dare not see him, you just tell me, I go to find it myself!"

Manqing just knelt on the ground and said nothing.

Jingjing looks at the way that she doesn't let in oil and salt.

I was annoyed for a while.

Instead, I'm not in a hurry.

Just a sigh.

Looking at man Qing, he said, "man Qing, tell me, how do I treat you on weekdays?"

Manqing was stunned.

And then I reacted.

Looking at Jingjing, she said seriously: "although she is a master and servant, she never treats me as a servant, and she will not force me to do anything against my will."

Jingjing nodded and said: "well said, then, tell me honestly, how can you let me see your son now, immediately and immediately."

Manqing looks up.

Looking at Jingjing with a serious and devout face.

He said: "Miss, I can't get in touch with you, and I don't know what you are Where do you live? "

Jingjing was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "OK, I believe you, go out!"

Manqing hesitated a little.

In the end, he nodded, should be, and backed out.

Jingjing is alone in the room.

She just curled up on the carpet by herself.

Buried, hairpin fell down.

She had ten fingers in her hair.

Look at Manqing.

She doesn't seem to be lying.

How can we prove the truth?

What on earth To see the masked man?

The serum is in that bag.

If you see a masked man.

There may be a glimmer of hope.

If you can't even see a masked man.

Then there's no way.

But She can't tell her master that she lost her bag.

Master told her at that time.

The way back to the 21st century.

It depends on what's in the bag.What's in the bag.

She didn't even know.

Now I'm sure there's serotonin in it that can be found in the twelve people in the restaurant.

Now There is obviously no way to see the masked man.

Is there any other way?

Jingjing turns her head in pain and suddenly sees a basin of Narcissus out of the window

Something flashed through my mind.

But it's too late to catch the quick ones.

After a while.

Thoughts in my head.

But gradually clear up.

By the way, petals can extract phenol.

Why is she so stupid?!

She was in the 21st century.

When she was ten years old, her elder martial brother taught her.

Using a few rare petals, using fermentation and some chemical reactions.

It produces a colorless liquid called phenol.

These liquids are corrosive and toxic to some extent.

Extracted in different ways.

Some are able to meet special toxic discoloration.

Some of them can detect the poison.

Some can tell which organ is poisoned.

It's just that smelting is more troublesome.

The petals are also special.

Some can't even remember their names.

Some petals are poisonous.

Jingjing needs at least two kinds of training.

One is to try to find out where the poison is.

The other is to try out what kind of poison you have.

But these petals Where is it?

After thinking for a long time.

She just picked up a person.

He called Manqing in and whispered a few words.

Manqing was stunned at first.

Then in the eyes of Jingjing's extraordinary persistence.

He went out at a very slow speed.

After a while, I invited the person Jingjing wanted to see.

I just met in the morning and said those vicious words.

The spirit of the moment.

But there was no sense of shame.

He sat down in front of Jingjing with a smile.

Asked: "how, sister alone in the house lonely unbearable, called me to accompany it?"

Jingjing in Manqing strange surprised eyes waved back from her.

He turned to ling'er and said, "do you want to leave Yue?"

After being asked that.

Ling'er was stunned at first.

And then it came back.

Although she didn't want to make Jingjing feel better.

But to be honest, her love for Li Yue is sincere.

I don't want anything to happen to Liyue.

Jingjing looks at her carefully.

You can understand what she thinks.

Looking at her, I took a sip of tea.

Said: "if you want to save him, go to a place with me!"


Ling'er doesn't want to talk to man Qing.

But still had to ask.

Jingjing's eyes flickered.

He took a look at ling'er and said, "Python mountain!"

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