Simon Yu was stunned, but still slowly turned around, looked at Jingjing and said coldly: "since I was a friend, why didn't we even have the most basic honesty? Imagine what I've been hiding from you? "

Jingjing thinks about it carefully. In addition to knowing something later every time, this guy really doesn't hide himself and never tells a lie.

"Ximenyu, I I didn't mean to hide it, I just I'm embarrassed. I can't say it! "

"Hum!" Ximen Yu turned around and was about to leave, but the manager Zheng said at the right time: "Ximen sanshao, old general Ximen, is waiting for you And the king

"Heaven..." Jingjing screams in secret. Well, all the people are here. What should we do later? It's a little troublesome!

Now she's falling out with ximenyu. I'm afraid Yejin can't find out her plan. She has to discuss with her elder martial sister quickly. She can only see her elder martial sister

But At the thought of that pair of blue pupil, she was surprised, so long since the difference, how much she miss, until this moment just dull feeling, she wants to see that person, crazy like!

This kind of feeling that she repressed, as if mushroomed, faster than the plague.

However, she fantasized about meeting for thousands of times, but she never thought it would be like this. She looked at her dress. For a moment, she couldn't see it

Steward Zheng seemed to know their way, but he just reminded them: "today, your behavior has violated the emperor's principle. Don't be embarrassed. Come to camp with me quickly!"

Jingjing sighs helplessly and looks at ximenyu. They follow Zheng Guanshi and go there together.

The main tent was not far away from the place where the weapons were placed. A few people walked for a while and then they came to the tent.

Before the ceremony was over, ximenkui's hot voice said, "ximenyu, how can you dress like this? You, you, are you going to piss me off? Who, who made you like this? Are you out of you mind? You, you... " Simon Kui was speechless and would faint at any time.

Ximenyu listened to ximenkui's rebuke, just like a gentle deer, standing on one side.

Jingjing shrank for a moment, just wanted to refute for ximenyu, but felt that two sharp lights came from one side, just like an arrow stabbing at her, and she couldn't help but stab her back.

Jingjing turned her head slightly, and saw the familiar figure coming out of the inner tent.

The pupil of blue color falls on oneself closely, the facial expression is apathetic, there is no expression on handsome face. The figure that haunted him was full of tents. He walked up to him in three or two steps. His eyes never left him. He just asked her coldly, "what a coincidence!"

Light two words spit out, Jingjing's eager to see through, but only in exchange for these two words. Don't open the eyes to cast on just that door, what the ear spreads is the west gate Kui's scold voice, but the eyes just to go up the night the pansy then comes out of voice.

Seeing Jingjing's appearance, he was also stunned.

Jingjing looks embarrassed. She reaches out and wipes the beard off her mouth, takes off her hat, smiles and looks at Liyue. She doesn't dare to look at his Bitong, but says dryly, "yes, what a coincidence!"

Night pansy's eyes flashed for a while, and the smile on her face was far fetched: "it's rare for you to meet again. It's better to explain it in private, so as not to have any misunderstanding!"

"No, it's not necessary..." Jingjing quickly refused.

Her heart has not been so firm at the beginning, just afraid to get along alone, three or two sentences from Yue, plus the current situation, she will change her original intention, and return to the side of Li Yue.

However, no matter how serious the action is now, she can't do that. She can't stay at Liyue's side to help him and accompany him.

Because the difference now is just for the eternal reunion in the future. She took a deep breath, held back the feeling of pain in her heart, and said indifferently: "I have said for a long time that the love between you and my husband and wife is here. Now I happen to meet you by chance. I don't need to care too much. Now I have met you, so I'll leave here!"

Simon Yu, who is listening to Ximen Kui's reprimand, seems to have heard Jingjing's words. She looks back at her strangely. Then, under Ximen Kui's louder reprimand, she turns her head and continues to be scolded.

"Come, follow me!" From Yue simple spit out a few words, cold voice, seems to bear great anger.

Jingjing just wants to turn around and walk away, but her hand is pinched by Liyue's eyes and hands. She doesn't move at all. She just comes to her ear and says like a threat: "if you don't want me to hold you in public, come here obediently. I just want to say a few words to you!"

Jingjing weighs it, and finally decides to compromise, and then goes ahead with Liyue.

Watching their eyes, there are night pansy deep, but also ximenyu thinking.

The two turned and entered a camp next door, which was obviously prepared for Li Yue. Jingjing is familiar with the two guards of the western regions who are guarding the gate. It's obviously a surprise to see Jingjing coming.Li Yue took her into the tent and told the people outside: "watch it, no one is allowed to come in!"

Having said that, the thick curtain of the tent was put down. Li Yue took Jingjing three or two steps to the bedroom inside and threw her on the carpet.

Jingjing leaned over there, kneading the pinched fingers, and said coldly: "what do you want? Don't you just say a few words? " This cold tone, heartless words, did not say a word, just like a knife, in Jingjing's heart, mercilessly stabbed on the general!

Li Yue said coldly: "yes, I do have something to say to you. I have only one question to ask you. You know, as long as you answer me, everything is easy to say!"

Jingjing looks at him, but bites her lips and doesn't speak. Li Yue asked coldly, "what is the real reason for leaving me? Master XingKong, what did you say? "

Jingjing bit her lip and said, "these things have been said many times. I refuse to answer. This time, I don't want to explain any more."

Li Yue snorted coldly, and then he leaned down to Jingjing. There was a very cold light in her blue pupil. She looked at Jingjing and said, "what I need is the truth. You don't have to find those excuses to be rude to me. My intuition tells me that you are lying. Tell me the truth. If I know the truth, if it's really necessary, it's OK Well, we changed the original agreement. If you really need to I'll let you leave me. After that, I will never see you again. I will never pester you again! "

I don't know why. This is what Jingjing should like to hear. However, when she really heard this sentence, her heart seemed to be hit hard. The pain almost made her unconscious

She had to work so hard to hold back her desire to cry. She had to work so hard to make a plain appearance. Her eyes were as calm as water. She just looked at Li Yue coldly and said in a low voice: "I have said the truth many times, and I don't want to Well, well... "

Red lips suddenly from Yue to seal, can only helplessly send out some whimpering sound.

However, at the moment when her lips and teeth meet each other, Jingjing knows how much she misses Liyue. She suddenly remembers a word. Missing is like breathing. It can be stopped temporarily, but it can't be stopped.

She always thought that she could give up. However, the deep missing is like the parasite following you. When you don't pay attention, it has covered your soul, but you don't realize it.

Li Yue closed his eyes deeply, so that he could not be confused by the familiar xiangtian. He took a deep breath and pulled away the distance, and said indifferently: "if you lie again, I don't mind using a more radical method to let you tell the truth!"

Jingjing is stunned. It seems that this man has made up his mind to tell the truth. What should he do? Is Do you really want to tell him the truth? Thinking of what he said just now, Jingjing seems to have a trace of heart

Li Yue seems to see Jingjing's feelings. In silence, he suddenly stretches his arm and takes Jingjing into his arms. He just sleeps his chin on her shoulder. His voice is hoarse: "tell me, OK? We are husband and wife. What's the first thing you should tell me, aren't you? "

Jingjing's body is stiff, that familiar embrace, how she wants to lean past. That embrace, is how warm, how safe, she at that moment, really want to tell everything from Yue.

Li Yue just hugged her tightly and spoke in her ear. His voice was gentle and watery, but he said in a low voice: "I thought you cheated me, I thought You have failed me. I'm so angry. I'm mad. I even went to the Central Plains to ask you for a clear answer. But after you refused, I went back to the western regions and calmed down! "

His voice seemed to bewitch people. Like Sanskrit, it sounded in Jingjing's ear: "you don't know Later, I thought calmly for a long time, I think, you must have difficulties, otherwise, you won't treat me like this. I just blame myself for being too impulsive. I didn't ask clearly, didn't check clearly, I blame you. I said some hurtful words to you. Now I beg you, you tell me what I really want to do, tell me what's going on, if there's anything, we'll solve it together Okay? Promise me, will you? "

Jingjing was stunned for a moment, then nodded and looked at him. With a long sigh, she said, "OK, I'll tell you, I'll tell you..."

When she said this, she seemed to have made a very difficult decision. Jingjing just felt that her tears were staying and her heart was so weak.

Li Yue seems to be stunned. He holds Jing Jing on the carpet and looks at her. He asks seriously: "well, tell me, what's the matter? What's the matter? "

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