Jingjing couldn't bear it: "but Li Yue According to the time, if I am pregnant, I will be four months old. Four months' belly is not like this... " Jingjing looks at Li Yue's face and seems to be cooling down a little.

Only listen to him repeatedly asked: "four months of the stomach is not like this? No, you know Every time I see that woman like you, I'm happy! "

Jingjing touched her flat abdomen and said, "Li Yue, you are a man, you don't understand In four months, my stomach has already been swollen, which is definitely not the case, and This kind of evil and happiness began more than a month ago. It's impossible to wait until now! "

Li Yue was shocked: "impossible, impossible how did you know? You've never had a baby. How do you know? "

Jingjing tears suddenly rolled down without warning: "Li Yue, don't do this, this is common sense!"

On Li Yue's face, he put out a reluctant smile and reached out his hand to wipe away Jingjing's tears: "it's OK. Don't cry. No, it's OK. We're still young. After you go back to the western regions, we'll work hard again. The doctor comes to see what's going on. I'm not sad. Don't take it seriously. I'm not sad at all. You can rest assured!"

Jingjing looked at him, just a face of unbearable, after a long time, just a silent sigh, after all, nothing more.

Not pregnant, that's for sure. However She would vomit for no reason, and she didn't eat anything bad. She was afraid that her gaffe would be more serious.

Her heart, suddenly had a very ominous premonition, but can only be buried in the heart, dare not tell from Yue, afraid from Yue worry. Just tightly holding Li Yue's hand, looking at Li Yue, whispered: "Li Yue, I don't think it's a big deal, but I'm sure I'm not pregnant. Since you have something to discuss with Yejin, you'd better leave first. Anyway, it's not a big deal. I can deal with it alone!"

Li Yue's face is serious: "no, I don't know about your character. If there is something, you won't tell me. I'd better ask here. I'll leave when it's OK."

Jingjing's lips wriggled for a while, and she was moved in her heart, but she didn't refuse after all.

Li Yue said: "whether you are happy or sick, I have to know. Remember, you can't hide anything from me in the future!"

Jingjing nodded, took a deep breath, suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, wiped away her tears, and heard someone at the door say, "here comes the doctor, Lord!"

Li Yue patted Jing Jing's arm to comfort her. He said to Jing Jing with a smile: "it's OK!" Then he changed his tone and said to the people outside: "pass it in!"

A moment later, the doctor came in. After a salute, Li Yue said to the doctor, "the ninth princess is a little uncomfortable. Feel your pulse!"

Naturally, the doctor was a little surprised at the Jingjing he saw suddenly. However, he had the ability to deal with changes without fear, who had been serving the royal family for a long time.

After taking out the tools, put a small square pillow under Jingjing's wrist, put three fingers on Jingjing's hand vein, and put it up carefully.

A moment later, the doctor's eyes suddenly opened, a face of incredible, the face became very ugly.

Li Yue asked nervously: "what's the matter?"

The doctor shakes his head slightly, like facing the enemy, and closes his eyes again. Jingjing and Liyue are even more nervous.

The doctor took hold of it for a moment, then looked at Jingjing and asked, "has the princess's body been seriously damaged before

When Jingjing lived near Zen master Tian, some people knew something about it. However, no one dared to say publicly about this kind of court rumors. Even if they knew, they had to pretend they didn't know.

Jingjing nodded and said, "I suffered from internal injury before. Later I woke up and had to be treated by master XingKong. Now I'm taking master XingKong's medicine. What's the matter? What's the problem? "

This doctor is the best doctor in the royal family of the western regions, and he is also the favorite of the king of the western regions.

That's why I was sent here to follow Li Yue. Therefore, his medical skill was also very good. After a long time, he sighed and said, "the pulse of the princess is so strange!"

"What a strange way?" Jingjing takes back her arm, arranges her sleeves, takes a look at Liyue, looks at the doctor again, and asks nervously.

The doctor said: "the princess's injury has been healed. It seems that Protected by a strange force, but now that force is gradually weakening, about It's probably because of the medicine maintenance of XingKong master. However, the strength disappears faster than expected, so It's useless for the princess to take any more medicine! "

"What? It's no use taking medicine? " Jingjing is surprised. She suddenly understands the power that the doctor said. She is afraid that Zichen's feather coat gives her mysterious power. It can't save herself, but it can save Nangong Xiu. What's more strange is that it can produce the power to protect herself.

She originally thought that it was XingKong master's medicine, which allowed her to leave Zichen Yuyi temporarily.However, it is not. The drug, just let the force in their own body to keep longer.

"Then why do you vomit?" Jing Jing some don't understand of ask a way.

The doctor said: "that strange force is blocking the medicine. First of all, it will hurt the five organs, spleen and stomach. Therefore, there will be a sense of vomiting, a sense of vomiting That's the real beginning of the symptoms! "

"Serious symptoms?" Jingjing repeated.

"The doctor said:" yes, once this symptom starts, it will spread all over the body in a very rapid way and start to wear out from the body

Jingjing took a deep breath, looked at the doctor and said, "is there any way?"

The doctor shook his head: "I'm not good at medicine. I can't help it!"

He took a look at Li Yue, who was looking at him with cold and blue eyes. He shrunk for a moment, but he kindly reminded him: "the princess's illness It's already very serious. Please find another one immediately, otherwise I'm afraid that after half a month, even in a good medicine stone It doesn't help

"Get out --" said Li Yue coldly. It's so serious already?!

The doctor bowed, shook his head and stepped back.

In order to avoid hurting the fish in the pond, the servants retreated. For a moment, there was no one in the huge tent.

After a long silence, Jingjing looks at Liyue and comforts him in a low voice: "Liyue, I It's not that serious, you know The doctor is usually exaggerating. You don't have to worry. Master XingKong is so powerful. How can the medicine he gave be useless? "

From Yue suddenly look to Jingjing, blue pupil inside, has become dark green up, that pupil inside, unexpectedly appeared a trace of self blame.

He looked at Jingjing in pain and said, "why? Why can't I always help you? Why I always, I always can't let you live a little, why I always make you suffer. I have used you from the beginning. Up to now, I haven't even given you anything. I haven't let you live a good life for a few days! "

Jingjing looks at the appearance of remorse, listening to his decadent tone, so unbearable in the heart, so stinging.

"Li Yue, you don't have to blame yourself. It's not like you. You didn't cause all this. It's just an accident. It's Maybe it's all God's will Jingjing told Liyue all the comforting words she could think of: "we are husband and wife. Of course, we have to share weal and woe and experience together. We can't be happy while you are still fighting."

After a while, Jingjing's voice became hoarse and said, "besides, this time, I'm busy. In order to keep elder martial sister and Li Yu from fighting, you know, the last thing I want to see is that I don't want to see the war between the western regions and the Central Plains..."

She said, tears rolling down: "but now, things seem to be worse, as if You for me, instead let night pansy quickly set up the Tianlin Dynasty, now, is the Three Kingdoms war, not only the western regions and the Central Plains, I, I always can't do things well, I always think I'm smart, I always self defeating general! "

From Yue listen to her say, looking at her innocent appearance, heart suddenly a tight, tightly across her in the arms, at the moment, just think, good pain her.

Jingjing only sobbed in Liyue's arms and said, "I'm afraid now, I'll go back to find elder martial sister quickly, go back to the Central Plains with her, and go back to Zichen's badminton clothes!"

Li Yue nodded: "yes, now we don't want to think about these, the most important thing is to make you better!"

He took in Jingjing with a serious look: "you must get better. We still have a good life. If you have any problems, then What's the point of my being alive? You do it for me, you think it's for me, you must get better, you know? "

Jingjing has no bottom in her heart. She doesn't know if she can get back to the Central Plains.

Also don't know, purple Chen feather dress to her Whether it has any effect or not.

However, in the face of Li Yue, she smiles, nods and says, "yes, that's it. I'm not sad. I'll go to see elder martial sister, OK?"

Li Yue nodded: "my side of the matter, also deal with almost, I accompany you to find, what contact information do you have?"

Jingjing said: "there's a place to contact, but it's not time yet. Elder martial sister has other things to do, so I don't know if I can get in touch! "

"What's the matter?" Leave Yue to frown to ask a way.

Jingjing slightly pushed away from Yue. After hearing about it for a while, she confirmed that there was no one. Then she said, "elder martial sister, I want to come here too. Let's see what's real and what's false!"

She said so. She was as smart as Li Yue. Naturally she knew what was going on, so she nodded and said, "I'll send someone to look for it. What's your code?"

Jingjing attaches to Liyue's ear and says a secret message of the 21st century. Liyue immediately sends someone to look for it, and then sends someone to Dali to look for it according to the location Jingjing said.

Of course, all this was done without the help of Yeong.

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