Jingjing's eyebrows flashed and looked at Liyue. She couldn't help asking: "are you really No, no problem? "

Li Yue shakes his head. In his bitter expression, he doesn't want to. He looks at Jing Jing with a smile and says, "go ahead. It's OK. I'll wait for you here. Go back quickly!"

Jingjing nods, takes a deep look at Liyue, prints a kiss on his forehead, turns around, and goes to night pansy's bedroom.

When she came to the door of Yegong's bedroom, she was told that Yegong was dealing with official documents, and no one was seen. People who have lived in this palace for a long time know that when Yejin is in her study, she always goes into that small room to think about things. No one can go into that room.

Only a dumb eunuch can enter.

People who serve Yegong all know that no one can enter that small room. Yegong can't disturb anyone as long as she goes in.

So when Jingjing went to ask for an interview, she was blocked at the door, and no one dared to report. Jingjing spent a lot of money, and finally got the eunuch to report to her.

After a while, the eunuch looked at Jingjing strangely: "the emperor, please go in!"

At this time, if anyone bothers you, even the person who informs you will be punished. It's strange that you met the princess of the western regions.

The eunuch guarding the gate thought depressed.

After taking Jingjing to the door of the study, he didn't dare to enter the small room. He just pointed to Jingjing and said, "the emperor is in it. Please come in, princess. The slave will step down first!"

Jingjing nodded, hesitated for a moment, went to the door, raised her hand and knocked three times, inside came night pansy's voice: "come in!"

Jingjing takes a deep breath, hovers in her mind the words that the elder martial sister taught her to say before, and pushes the door in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a huge picture of beauty hanging in the middle of the door. The woman in the picture is actually Jingjing

Jingjing looks at herself in the picture. For a moment, she can't react

It's me. It's me.

What's going on?

If she saw the painting in other places, Jingjing would even think that the person in the painting was Xia houyexi.

However, the woman dancing in the forest in this painting is clearly herself That free and easy smile, along the lip upward, between the eyebrows, there is a mole. That's clearly himself. What's more certain is that there is a dark blue Python in the portrait of the woman. That's abi.

No wonder people never come in his small study. No wonder there are rumors, because his portrait is hanging in this room, but no one can know it.

Jingjing's tears, can't help surging and flow, face incredible looking at the portrait.

How can she win the love of the best man in the world.

Li Yu's Suoyi pavilion was built for Xiahou Yexi, and Jingjing was just used as a substitute. But Jingjing is sure that this painting is for her.

"Surprised?" Night pansy's words, interrupted Jingjing's thoughts.

Jingjing seems to see, from this room, the only night pansy who got up in front of the table, just slightly recalled, then suddenly remembered, there is night pansy in this room.

In this room, there is only one table with a small stool on one side. Besides, there are only books on the wall.

Jingjing quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and sat down on the stool beside Yegong. Yegong also sat down and poured a cup of tea for Jingjing. Jingjing took the tea in her hand and took a sip. Then she said to Yegong, "I'm really surprised. I can't think of it..."

After a moment's silence, she said, "did you draw this painting?" It didn't sign or mention the words. I can't see who painted it.

Night pansy was silent for a long time, then nodded slowly.

Jingjing is surprised. Unexpectedly, Yegong's painting skill is so high that she can draw such a vivid picture.

Of course, what is more surprising is why Yegong painted her portrait. That night after a talk with night pansy, let her know clearly, night pansy to her mind. But she never knew, not sure, night pansy to her love, has been so deep.

When did it start? When she was in the western regions, Jingjing just vaguely felt that night pansy's eyes were always different, but she didn't expect that she had already reached this point.

"Why? Why Jingjing asked.

Night pansy slightly shook her head: "I don't know, this is a very strange feeling, lonely, annoyed, as long as I think of your face, I will inexplicably quiet down!"

Night pansy took a deep breath, looking sad to Jingjing: "so later, I just put you on the painting, when I'm in a bad mood, I feel much better when I have a look!"

When he looked at the portrait, the smile on his lips suddenly became very gentle: "you are Li Yue's wife. I just want to see you, if you were Your agreement, complete the task, he will return your things to you, you go, OK, maybe I have a chance, but You have fallen in love with Liyue. No matter what others say, you can't listen to it. You have to fly moths to the fire and fall in love with Liyue! "The night pansy voice becomes hoarse: "so, I have to lock your portrait here!" He pointed to his heart: "at the same time, also locked here..."

Jingjing was shocked.

Night pansy is a self mockery smile: "very funny, right? I knew you first, but I let Liyue take you away. I was afraid to admit my feelings for you. I always wanted to restore my country. However When we find out Everything seems to have been late, you have been deeply involved in the relationship with Li Yue, can't pull out at all, and I, ridiculous, don't even have a chance! "

Night pansy took a deep breath again, looked at Jingjing and said seriously: "but Facts have proved that you are right, because Liyue has completely changed because of you! "

In the dark eyes of night pansy, the pattern of cyanine was printed. In the blink of an eye, the pattern was instantly covered.

"Yejin, you Why is that necessary? "

The night pansy suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled a dark line. The huge painting was immediately covered and disappeared.

See night pansy a face serious look to Jing Jing, say: "this is my business, I like who, have nothing to do with others, I didn't ask you to return, don't ask you also like me, this is my personal matter, have nothing to do with anyone, you don't have to feel guilty, don't have to blame, this is just my personal feelings, that's all!"

Jingjing was stunned. For a moment, she couldn't speak.

"What can I do for you?" Night pansy asked immediately.

Jingjing still wants to entangle in the topic just now, but Yejin says: "I think that when you come here alone at this time, it must have nothing to do with Liyue and the things in the western regions. You can tell me what's going on."

Jingjing looked up at the picture which was covered by a huge honey colored horizontal cloth. It seemed that she wanted to say something more.

Night pansy seemed to see her mind, said: "do not look at this painting, if you want to talk about this topic, then I think, we do not have to talk about it!"

Jingjing was stunned, looked at Yegong and said, "OK, let's get down to business."

The night pansy way: "have what matter, you say directly is, don't have any of conceal!"

After a moment's silence, Jingjing looks at Yegong and says seriously: "since you say so, I won't hide it!"

Jingjing took a deep breath, looked at Yegong and said seriously, "my elder martial sister Here we are in Dali! "

"What?" Night pansy's cold eyes suddenly changed and became sharp and excited. She couldn't believe it and looked at Jingjing. After a long silence, she couldn't help asking: "Bingying Are you here in Dali? "

Jingjing nodded: "she already knows You are the emperor of heaven

"So? Today She asked you to tell me this, or you yourself... " Yejin's words stopped.

Jingjing took a look at Yegong and said seriously: "elder martial sister asked me to come. In addition, she asked me to bring another sentence to you!"

"What's that?" Night pansy can't help asking.

Jingjing said, "elder martial sister, let me make an appointment with you. Tomorrow, I will make an appointment with Shilipo!"

"Engagement?" Night pansy listen to Jingjing bitter words, but a face surprised asked.

Jingjing nodded seriously and said, "yes!" She didn't want to, but it was really what the elder martial sister wanted her to say. She had to say, she had to say!

Night pansy is a Leng at first, then seem to hear what funny joke general, ask Jingjing: "why does she think I can promise to fight?"

Night pansy licked her dry lips, looked at Jingjing and said seriously: "since you know my identity, you should know that I am not easy to take risks. Even for a person whose martial arts are much weaker than me, I am not easy to take risks!"

Yegong is not sure about Bingying's martial arts. That means that no matter whether Bingying's martial arts are strong or weak, he will not accept the challenge.

Jingjing said, "I told my elder martial sister like this, and I don't want to see you duel!"

"Then why did you come to say that?" Night pansy see to ice Ying, a face don't understand of ask a way.

Bing Ying sighed a long sigh, looked at Yegong, and laughed in a low voice: "because the elder martial sister said something to me, I think that although it can't convince me, it's enough to convince you that I've never done anything for my elder martial sister, so even if I don't agree with you anymore, I'll still tell you to pass on a message for my elder martial sister."

Night pansy eyebrows flash, some doubt to see to Jingjing: "what did Bingying say?"

Jingjing said: "elder martial sister said that you killed King Cheng and hurt Nangong Xiu. If you are a man, like the man who would sell himself to be an entourage after eating only one meal at the beginning, then don't be a turtle to hide, just go to compete with elder martial sister and make a final decision!"

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