They returned to the place where they stood as soon as they entered the room.

The boy just sat on the only chair and watched them climb up and down with a smile. He didn't want to explain and help at all.

After Jingjing and Bingying are silent for a moment, they look at each other. In the silence, Bingying suddenly has an idea. She turns her eyes and says with a smile, "young master, please get up."

"Get up?" Young one Leng: "is it not to be able to find the mechanism, become angry, or, do not want to find?"

There was a slight contempt in his smile.

Bing Ying's face sank and she said, "I won't embarrass you. There is nothing special in this room except the table and chair. Then, the only possibility is that the mechanism in this room is in the table and chair. According to ordinary people's thinking, it is inevitable that those who want to hide the important mechanism will not set it in the room at a glance It's the only thing in the house, but Sometimes it's another kind of gain to do the opposite. "

Bingying's smile became more and more profound: "young master, stand up, we don't want to find it, and we don't get angry. Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

After all, the young man was a man. He was emphasized by a woman again and again that he would not hurt himself. He was not angry.

Just smile, eyes flash meaning of appreciation, stood up, looked at Jingjing and Bingying, said with a smile: "two, please feel free."

Bing Ying wait for him to stand aside of time, just slowly stood up.

Bingying and Jingjing look at each other and nod. Bingying looks at the chair and Jingjing looks at the table.

The inside and outside of the tables and stools, up and down all looked once, but it was strange that there was still no flaw.

Bing Ying gets up strangely, groping for her chin, thinking and looking at the table and chair.

A moment later, I suddenly realized that when I extended my hand, I wanted to lift the chair, but it didn't move.

Jingjing doesn't understand, but Bingying has a clear smile on her face.

In the 21st century, Jingjing has fewer opportunities to carry out tasks, but for Bingying, there are just as many opportunities as cattle.

She said to Jingjing, "get out of the way and wait for me."

Although Jingjing didn't know what she was going to do, she went to one side with her cooperation.

Bing Ying takes a deep breath, holds the smooth assistant on the back of the chair in her hand, and pushes it gently. Strange things happen

I saw that deep in the wall, slowly opened a hole.

The opening is getting bigger and bigger. Although the speed is very slow, gradually, the first thing is out of the opening

Sure enough, there are organs. Sure enough, there are organs

Inside the entrance, there is a huge wall with a picture on it.

There is nothing else.

Jingjing and Bingying look at each other strangely. They are puzzled, but they slowly start to look at the painting

On the painting, there is nothing unusual, nor is it a famous painting, nor is it written by any modern master. The signature is just a little-known Comic Book Student

Jingjing and Bingying are even more strange. They already have organs. Are there organs in the organs? In the case of two people are very puzzled, in the side of the young, is a kind reminder, said: "you first look at the painting, experience the Artistic Conception!"

In the silence, Bingying and Jingjing are both looking at the painting and are in a trance.

There is a young scholar in the picture. Although his appearance and dress are a little out of date, they are very similar to the boy who brought them in.

In addition to wearing a bit like, the look and action are almost the same

The scholar in the painting is looking up and talking to a tall figure standing on a high place.

In the scholar's hand, holding a yellow wooden decoration, I don't know what it is.

Although the surrounding scenes are vivid, they are not so beautiful.

But when they looked at it, they gradually fell in love

A moment later, Bingying first reacted, stroked her dizzy forehead, quickly patted Jingjing and said, "don't look, this painting is weird!"

Jingjing has already gone away. When she is photographed like this, she reacts. She takes a deep breath and looks at Bingying: "elder martial sister, let's hurry. When I look at this painting, I think of master."

Bingying also looks ugly. She doesn't answer Jingjing's words immediately. She just looks at the boy coldly. Her voice is hard and cold: "who are you? What's the point of showing us this painting? "

The expression on the young man's face is no longer the enigmatic smile, but replaced by comfort.

He said with a smile: "the two girls Bing Xueming are smart, and they are predestined with this painting. It seems that I'm able to fulfill my father's last wish. My father knows, and he's dead with no regrets! "

Jingjing and Bingying look at each other strangely. Naturally, they don't understand the words of teenagers.However, the young man walked slowly forward to the dark grid and looked at the painting.

In the eyes of Bingying and Jingjing, there is no fear and unnaturalness.

Just walked to the painting, turned to look at them, and said: "you don't have to be afraid, and let me show you something, then You are not in vain

Bingying and Jingjing naturally don't believe it. They are on guard against him. Bingying thinks about it for a while, takes Jingjing to the door, and says: "take it out and have a look. I'll trust you again for a moment!"

There was a smile on the boy's face. As soon as he jumped, he climbed into the half human high dark space and opened the painting. Then he was stopped by the huge painting.

It's strange that the painting is not very good, but it can bewitch people I don't know. Does it have anything to do with the demon sect?

Just as Bing Ying is looking at the painting and can't help but be distracted, he turns around with a box in his hand and says to Jing Jing and Bing Ying with a smile: "that's it!"

After that, he jumped down, walked to Bingying and Jingjing in three or two steps, hesitated for a moment, handed the thing to Bingying, and said: "girl, please take it!"

The look on his face was extremely serious. He handed the thing to Bing Ying. It didn't look like cheating. His face was sincere It makes people feel that they can't bear to refuse him.

Bing Ying was stunned at that time. She could not help but ask the boy: "this What's this? "

The young man sighed softly and said, "take it, open it and have a look."

Bing Ying hesitated for a moment, pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, looked at Jing Jing, and saw that Jing Jing had no special objection, so she nodded slowly and said: "OK, you..."

When the finger touched the solid wood oil box, there was a cold feeling.

Bing Ying strange, took the box, the smile on the young man's face, is to become gratified, rather than the kind of mysterious suspicious smile.

After a moment of silence, Bing Ying fumbles for the strange pattern on the box. There is a strange thought spreading in her heart.

"Open it and see!" As soon as Bing Ying looks up, she sees the painting. When she hesitates, she hears a faint urge from the young man. It sounds like a bewitching heart

It's full of magic. It's puzzling.

Bing Ying's hand stretched out and slowly opened the box.

Inside the box, there is a box with a yellow bottom and red cloth. In the red cloth, there seems to be something wrapped.

The young man said: "in the red package, it's what you want. Let's have a look."

After Jingjing and Bingying look at each other, Jingjing takes the clean oil box. Bingying takes the red cloth inside and gently opens it. Inside, it's a strange wooden brand. There's a concave in it. The concave in it is a strange pattern

Bingying looks inside and outside the brand. There is nothing else except the concave one with strange patterns

"Here, what is this?" Bingying asked the boy, puzzled and depressed.

Young man with a smile: "this It's what you want. Can't you see it? "

"What do we want? What we want is Huanen card, isn't it Is this Huanen card? "

Ice Ying a face surprised don't understand of see to youth, doubt of ask a way.

Is this huane? However, how to see how unlike it, Jingjing a little bit do not believe it!

Bingying sighed softly and said, "is this thing a return card? You, will you give it to us so easily? "

With a smile on his face, the young man had an unpredictable smile: "this thing is really Huanen card, but It's a model of Huanen card. I think that's what you want, too? "

Jingjing and Bingying look at each other, puzzled: "the model of Huanen brand?"

The boy nodded: "Huanen card is made of special black iron. There are special patterns on every piece of it. This one belongs to my flower family, so You have a chance to see it. "

Jingjing and Bingying take a deep breath of air-conditioning, Bingying asked: "childe surname flower? Your family Do you have any return cards? "

The young man said: "I'll never leave flowers, my father I was lucky to get a Huanen card, but It's just a model. When my father was alive, he was afraid that such things would be coveted by others, so he restrained such things In case of being stolen, evidence and patterns can always be left for future generations to look for. "

Bingying's face sank slightly and asked, "do you want us to help you find Huanen card?"

Hua Buliu shook his head and said, "no, I just want you to look for it, but I'm not looking for it for me. After you find it, it belongs to you!"

He took a deep breath and said, "you two girls are jealous of evil and kind-hearted. If these two return cards fall into your hands, they will be safe."He added: "now the first piece of the rest of Huanen is in Jinhe Town, which is lost from my flower family. Whether it's for the sake of great Xia Xie or for the sake of the world, I have the obligation to give this information to people who are capable and kind. I see that you are very brave and smart, so you guess they are the best candidates, but I didn't expect that they would be two girls... "

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