Immediately after reaction, in Xiuer's eyes, Bingying continues to explain: "Xiuer, it was the fourth elder sister who was not good just now. Her tone is heavy, but You don't believe others. You should believe the fourth sister. He's definitely not a good man. "

Embroider son just bite lip to look at ice Ying, just bitterly looking at her, don't talk.

Bing Ying can't help sighing and said: "you believe fourth elder sister, he is the leader of the demon sect. You are still young. There are many things that are not clear. Even if I explain them to you, it's not clear for a moment."

With a long sigh, Bing Ying continued: "but I'm sure that Mo Tianxun is not a good person. Do you know, he Even the most common eavesdropping is superb. His nose breathing skill can be like a dead man who doesn't breathe. He can hide around you and spy on your every move. Can such a person be a good person? "

At this point, Bing Ying is a little anxious to look around and the roof.

I'm afraid that Mo Tianxun's Kung Fu of listening to the corner is broken again. I hide in a corner and listen to them.

Fortunately, there is no one on the roof or in the room, and it's surprisingly quiet under the window.

Bingying was a little relieved.

Bing Ying closes the window again, pulls Xiu'er to the chair and says seriously: "Xiu'er, I'm trying to get out of here. Anyway, you can leave with me at that time. I'll talk to you slowly after you go out, OK?"

Xiuer shakes her head and blushes suspiciously: "no, fourth sister, I won't go, I won't go out. I'll stay in the villa and stay here forever."

"You..." Bingying's face changed: "what are you doing here? Even if you don't want your father and grandfather, don't you even want your fourth sister? "

Xiuer said with a smile: "yes, how can I not!"

After a moment's silence, she looked at Bingying and said with a serious face, "so brother Mo brought the fourth sister together. We'll stay here forever and stay together forever."

Ice Ying is a Leng, the facial expression changes in bursts, saw embroider son one eye, sink a voice to say: "embroider son, how should I say, you just listen to of understand?"

Xiuer's face turned red, and she buried her head in anger and said, "fourth sister, I I like brother Mo, I want to marry brother Mo, brother Mo said, when I get older, I will marry him He said that he would be good to me all his life! "

Bingying's face changed a little, and she was shocked: "Xiuer, do you know what you're talking about?"

Xiuer raised her head. Although her dark eyes were full of shyness, they revealed incomparable firmness: "fourth sister, I like brother Mo, not you, but the love between men and women..."

"Boom..." Ice Ying suddenly listen to, as if by five thunder general, a thunder split to the front.

How could it be, how could it be

Xiuer, Xiuer would like Mo Tianxun?

This How can this be done?

Although women in ancient times were relatively precocious, they married at the age of Xiuer.

But When did Xiuer's mind mature so fast?

Besides, who is not good to like? But I like Mo Tianxun, the damned devil

Bing Ying can't help but look at Xiu'er, a face of disbelief: "Xiu'er, how can you? You, you said you want to be with me forever, but you like Mo Tianxun. You marry him How can you be with me? I will go back one day! "

Embroider son eyebrow is tiny a twist, say: "four elder sister, you came, don't go back."

She looked around and seemed to be avoiding something. Then she went to Bingying and said in a low voice, "fourth sister, I'll tell you a secret. In fact Brother Mo, he likes you. "

"What are you talking about?" Ice Ying more feel embroidery son is not right, in the heart is just thousands of pain, just like a needle, incomparably uncomfortable.

Embroider son is a serious say: "four elder sister don't know?"? Otherwise, do you think he will bring you to the villa if I ask for it? Brother Mo told me that he heard a lot about the fourth elder sister. He was very adored. He secretly observed the fourth elder sister for a long time. He He felt very adored in his heart, so I just brought my fourth sister. "

Bingying sighed: "in that case, don't you mind?"

Embroider son way: "you are my four elder sisters, is I most pro most love four elder sisters, two female attendants one husband, I naturally won't mind!"

Bing Ying's face changed. Mo Tianxun really worked hard. Even Xiu'er was persuaded by him to be a lobbyist. And still so determined.

"Fourth sister, you..." Embroider son approximately also saw the face of ice Ying mutation, some uneasy say: "what's the matter with you? I, I really think so. "

"Xiuer, you think so, but have you ever thought about nangongxiu?"

Ice Ying a face of sigh, don't know why embroider son have suddenly to south palace show of hostility big up: "I and he is husband and wife, shouldn't keep righteousness?"? Do you want your fourth sister to be such a person? "Think of here, ice Ying can't help but take a deep breath, continue to say: "you say these words, really too much, too shameless!"

Embroider son a Zheng, ice Ying when said such words to her?

At that time is a Leng, see to ice Ying don't understand of ask a way: "four elder sister, don't like a person, also have mistake?"? Although I don't like Nangong Xiu very much, I can see his kindness to you. He is kind to me

Xiuer took a deep breath: "however, he wants to fight for the throne, don't you know?"

Bingying coldly said: "he is now the prince."

"Yes, he is the prince, but what about the threat of the western regions, Mongolia, and Tianlin dynasty?" Embroider son a face earnest say, in the eyes, have with her age completely don't match of mature: "don't these, all don't calculate what?"

For a moment, Bing Ying can't speak.

Just listen to embroider son say: "fight for the throne, that is how dangerous, four elder sister, do you really want to such a day?"? Brother Mo doesn't have that kind of mind. He just wants no one to infringe on him and equal everyone's rights. "

"So what?" Bing Ying's sad face: "Xiuer, do you want to share a man with so many women? Besides you and me, how many women will come in the future? "

She took a deep breath: "even if he dotes on you now, ten years later, twenty years later? Do you want to die alone Want to wait for a lifetime? "

Embroider son is a light smile, almost is not ice Ying know that embroider son: "four elder sister, you can guarantee Nangong Xiu this life, won't marry another woman?"

Bing Ying's eyebrows turned, and before she spoke, she heard Xiu'er continue to say: "he may love you now, but what about when he becomes an emperor? Can't there be a group of wives and concubines? "

Embroider son is also a sigh, don't know why, so long no see, she become so different.

"Even if he has you in his heart, isn't it better to share with so many people? Even if he doesn't want to, for the sake of politics and marriage, will he never marry? Which emperor or even man have you ever seen? Why not follow a brother Mo who loves you? "

Listen to embroider son's words, ice Ying sighed a, not from a face serious look to embroider son asked: "embroider son, you these principles, are from where to learn?"

Mo Tianxun, Mo Tianxun, Bingying really underestimates you.

You are so powerful. Even Xiuer, who has always been closest to her, is so partial to you!

It's really powerful. It's really a master.

After a moment's silence, Bing Ying looks at Mo Tianxun and says with a smile, "Xiu'er, you have changed. What you said I don't understand at all

She took a deep breath. It seemed that she had to waste a lot of energy to make herself calm.

Bingying continued: "and my truth, you should not understand..."

She smile a little, the smile of vermilion side is very beautiful, seem to let a person elusive general.

"If there is no trust between husband and wife, if they can share it with others, what kind of husband and wife is that

Bing Ying looks sad and looks at Xiu'er and says, "Xiu'er, you really smile. You don't know what love is and what the way of husband and wife is. Since I have married XiuXiu, I naturally want to be of one heart and one mind with him Go in and out together

She took a deep breath: "I believe that nangongxiu will never fail me in this life. At least, I think so now and I am so sure. As for the future Only God knows. "

After Bingying finishes, Xiuer just looks at her for a long time and seems to be puzzled.

Bing Ying turned her head to Xiu'er and said, "Xiu'er, you don't understand my feelings at all, because you haven't experienced it, because you are just a 14-year-old girl who still lives in the ivory tower and dreams. You don't know love at all!"

“…… Fourth sister, what is ivory tower? " Embroider son sees toward ice Ying, a face don't understand of ask a way.

"Well Well, that's it. That's where girls dream. " Ice Ying sees to embroider son to say.

Embroider son don't understand of nod, say: "four elder sister, but you say of these, I don't understand, how should do?"

After all, she is a child. She holds Bingying's hand innocently and looks confused: "you don't know, I like brother Mo now, just like him. I like him like crazy, without any excuse or reason, without any other reason, I Like is like. What should we do? "

She sat down, just holding Bingying's hand tightly, so innocent, so helpless: "fourth sister, I can't find a way not to like him, I'm happy to see him, I miss him, I want to stay with brother Mo forever, even if it's just watching, let other women enjoy him, I don't care..."

Bingying is completely stunned there

This poor little fool, her thought has been completely poisoned by the ancient feudal society.

What's more, she is just beginning to fall in love with Mo Tianxun It's almost infatuation.

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