Jingjing was so shocked when she saw how many people were dressed that she couldn't express it in words

Li Yue and Li Yu are both in accordance with Jing Jing's instructions. They are very simple, clean and energetic.

And the gaunt sunny moon was beyond Jingjing's expectation

Her white face is not as thin as it looks. Her eyes are dim. She looks very cautious. She just looks around in fear, just like a bird in shock all the time.

Jingjing can't help but feel a twinge of heartache in her heart. It's hard not to feel heartache for her clean but patched clothes.

Sure enough, the king of the western regions frowned, looked at several people and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter? Why are you so ragged and skinny? "

Li Yu just wanted to step forward to answer, but saw Qingyue come forward slowly, and actively replied: "if you go back to the king, there is no clothes for me in the temple, because I miss you, so I don't think about food and tea. It's nothing

When she talks, her voice is soft, with a sense of powerlessness. After listening, it's very distressing.

Jingjing can't help being moved. She can't help looking at Liyu admiringly.

Looking at the look of the king of the western regions, he seemed to be in a trance. When he heard that "King", his expression was even more strange.

However, Qingyue's expression is cold and repulsive. Jingjing's heart is not because of Liyue, but because she is sad in her heart. That's why she naturally behaves like this.

Think of here, Jingjing can't help a burst of heartache.

With a wave of his hand, the king of the western regions said in a loud voice to the people below, "come on, bring something."

Nature is what we need for blood.

But after a while, someone brought these things up

The king of the western regions said to his servants, "all step back!"

All of them retreated. Jingjing looked at the crowd and couldn't help feeling trance.

There was only one eunuch standing there with a plate.

The king of the western regions didn't say a word at all. He just nodded to the crowd and said, "here we go. Come here with the knife."

The fine month listened to this words, the body Si shrinks for a while, approximately is some fears.

Jingjing can't help but step forward and grasp her shoulder. As expected, she feels that even her shoulder is thin.

In the heart is a burst of unbearable pain, Jingjing can't help sighing, looking at the sunny month, whispered: "don't be afraid, we are here!"

Qingyue seems relieved.

The king of the western regions was on it, and his eyebrows were restless. He cut his fingers and slid down with a knife. A drop of Yin Hong's blood immediately flowed down.

The old eunuch immediately took the plate and walked down respectfully.

Jingjing's eyebrows flashed and asked Qingyue softly, "Qingyue, which finger do you want to cut?"

Sunny month but can Kan of stretched out the right hand, say: "elder sister, I want to cut this finger."

Jingjing is so close to her that she has smelled a familiar smell

This finger, about in accordance with Jingjing's command, was soaked in vinegar by Liyue.

As long as the bubble of vinegar, and then blood, it is safe!

Jingjing nods and grabs her finger. However, Li Yu's face changes. She steps forward with an arrow. Her expression changes for a while. She says in a low voice: "Qingyue, your finger is not comfortable. Use the finger of your left hand!"

"Brother Yu, thank you. My finger is ready, just use it!" The eyes of sunny month are unexpectedly calm.

Jingjing suddenly realized that her finger soaked in vinegar was her left hand. Li Yu was afraid that her right hand would be cut and life would be inconvenient, so she soaked her left hand.

But the clear moon Why use your right hand?

Could it be that She doesn't want to cheat, just want to verify her real identity?

If not What can we do?

Jingjing's heart beats faster at the moment, and she doesn't know how to persuade Qingyue, a stubborn child.

If I had known, I would have tried to do something in the water instead of on her fingers. I should have thought of a safe way.

While Jingjing is secretly blaming herself, she hears Qingyue say to her: "sister, thank you for everything you have done for Qingyue. I thank you very much, but I want to use my right hand. "

In her gloomy look, she seemed to have a little cry: "sister, thank you very much Please

But the king of the western regions had some doubts: "how can you be so strange?"

Qingyue also looks at Li Yu anxiously and says, "brother Yu, thank you. If Qingyue is not Please be filial to me in the future, and brother nine

From Yue step forward, a few people's eyes inside, have the color of sadness.

Jingjing seems to have made a great determination. Looking at Li Yu, she smiles bitterly: "she's grown up, let her do it!"

Li Yu's expression changed for a while, and he said for a long time: "OK!"Jingjing smiles slowly, and tears come out of her eyes

Sunny month, sunny month, you are such a heartbreaking child

Tick Tick

One drop of blood, two drops of blood.

Slowly dropped into the white bowl, inside the purplish red blood, dripping on both sides of the bowl

Slowly, slowly, like the middle of a bowl.

And a few drops of blood in that bowl, when people were staring at it, slowly and slowly, little by little Blend of water and milk

"Qingyue, you are a princess, you are a princess, you are a princess..."

Jingjing looks at the strange blood in the snow-white porcelain bowl completely fused together, in the heart excited mood, can't express.

She just hugs sunny moon tightly, so excited, so happy.

Tears in the eyes, just keep out Qinzhao, so happy, so happy

The look on the face of the king of the western regions was also strange. It seemed to be gratified and remorseful. It took a long time for him to recover.

From Yue and from Yu, just a sigh of relief, and then face as usual.

And sunny month, just when the result came out, there was a slight smile in her eyes.

While Jingjing is thinking about seeking justice for Qingyue, she sees her kneeling at the foot of the king of the western regions.

Although the king of the western regions didn't want to, he still said, "Qingyue, what are you doing? You've been wronged. Wang's father knows that. Don't worry. I'll... "

"Father Wang, please let Qingyue move to Jiuge's residence for a long time!"

"What?" It seems that the king of the western regions didn't hear clearly.

And the clear moon, the firmness in the eyes, the immature.

That kind of expression, seems to be more firm than just decided to use the right hand, frightening firm.

The king of the western regions was even shocked.

Such a look, how can not the world's highest daughter, ordinary people, even if it is crazy dust, also can not give birth to such a daughter ah.

There was a look of regret in the eyes of the king of the western regions.

I just heard Qingyue say, "father Wang, I don't want to be talked about any more. I just want to leave the protection of father Wang and be a promising person by his side I can't see the outside world clearly. "

Yes, there is a gap between father and daughter, but it is so difficult to repair it.

Although, Qingyue is only seven years old now.

Just listen to Jingjing said, whispered: "father Wang rest assured, we will take good care of sunny month."

The king of the western regions was silent for a long time, and there was a trace of regret.

"Sure!" After waiting for a long time, the king of the western regions said this heavily.

Jingjing understands that he has made a great decision

The moon bowed to the ground: "thank you, father!"

Then he turned around and left the imperial Pavilion without looking back

In Puzhen garden, chichen looks at the maid who is busy packing things for Qingyue. After a long time, she says, "where's the blood I want? I want to know Is she my daughter or not

Jingjing looks at her, smiles and says, "she's the daughter of butterfly dance. She doesn't need blood. It's confirmed. I didn't do anything. She It's not your daughter. "

On the face of crazy dust, just calm as water.

Light looking at standing in the yard, looking at the clear moon of Ke Er's voice, a happy smile suddenly appeared on her face: "she It's really like butterfly dance Very much, very much... "

In the next ten days, Jingjing never saw Li Yu again.

And sunny month, is under the concern of the public, about because of the same age as Ke'er, and the company of xiaobutian and ABI, the mood is slightly calm.

Occasionally, I am willing to talk to a few people.

In the long run, it is bound to become cheerful.

The yard is always full of laughter.

Li Yue said Li Yu takes Xia Hou Ye Qian and goes far away.

Because, he promised Jingjing to deal with Xiahou Yexi.

Jingjing always asks Liyue why Liyu is willing to quit the fight with him.

Li Yue always smiles and doesn't answer.

One day, he said, "because he knows that you have a strong elder martial sister who will support us..."

From then on, happy life.

It's just that there will be some.

The secret of Zichen's feather coat and wordless heavenly book Let's continue to search for it and become an undisclosed secret

But most of all, they are all peaceful.

Nangong haofanwai.

Heaven and moon Empire, in the palace.

"Prince, Prince. It's not good. "

The little noble son rushed into the prince's bedroom with his father-in-law's unique voice.

Nangong Hao sat up, frowned and asked, "what kind of system are you in a hurry?""Damn it. Please spare my life. Please read this letter first."

The little noble son knelt down in front of the bed and kowtowed to beg for mercy. He handed the letter in his hand.

Nangong Hao took the letter, but there was no signature on the letter. Take it apart and have a look:


your father and I have gone out to investigate the national conditions, and the things at home are up to you.

don't let us down, it's a test for you.

And at the same time, I've ordered that a princess be chosen for you across the country.

Remember, a man can't have three wives and four concubines. If I find out, hehe, you know.

Well, that's all. Don't read it.

Your dear empress:

Bing Yingliu

just a few words show that his dear empress has left such a burden on him, and can't refuse.

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