Seeing that Nangong Hao didn't speak, Mo Xianyue continued: "if you can agree to the above conditions, I'll go out and walk reluctantly."

In fact, she doesn't know. In Nangong Hao's heart, she already thinks so. As long as it is her request, even if it is to let him go through fire and water, she is willing to.

Although I thought so, my face reluctantly said: "OK, but it depends on what conditions, as long as it is within my scope, it can help Then help. But some conditions are too deviant. You'd better ask someone else

Nangong Hao even pretended to be reluctant.

But Mo Xianyue thought about it. As a prince, he can do a lot of things.

If even a prince can't do something, no one can do it except some old Wulin monsters! What's more, it won't be difficult to ask him for help.

"All right! I agreed

After some thinking, Mo Xianyue finally compromised.

Nangong Hao excitedly patted the table and said, "well, let's go quickly."

Mo Xianyue said in amazement: "so fast?"

She had planned to leave again tomorrow.

Nangong Hao said: "not fast, now in a hurry, the imperial city some urgent need me to deal with, of course, the sooner the better."

Mo Xianyue said, "but I haven't cleaned up yet."

"Don't pack up. I'll buy it for you when I get to the imperial city."

Ink string moon's eyes flashed a trace of cunning. "That's what you said. There are more than a dozen witnesses outside. You don't want to deny it."

Nangong Hao doesn't care about these little things at all. "Well, as long as you get to the Imperial City, I'll buy you everything."

All the things of a dynasty are his. Are you afraid that there is no silver?

Just about to go out of that moment, ink string month suddenly thought of a thing.

"Wait a minute," she cried

Nangong Hao's patience strengthened again, "what's the matter, miss?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that we left so suddenly. After brother Zhang and sister binghun came back, they found that we were not there. What should we do?"

Nangong Hao thought for a while, nodded and said: "what you said is the same. Why don't you leave a letter for them, and when they come back, they will know where we are?"

"No, what if someone takes the letter while we're away?"

Nangong Hao thought again, "that I'll send someone to stay here. When Master Zhang comes back, I'll tell them directly. That's OK. "

That's OK.

Mo Xianyue nodded and said, "OK, you can arrange the rest as soon as possible."

After a while, after Nangong Hao ordered good things, he came with a sweaty BMW.

"Come on, mount." With that, Nangong Hao will come to help her mount the horse.

After putting ink string moon on the horse, Nangong Hao is about to mount the horse, but is stopped by ink string moon.

"What are you doing?"

Nangong Haoleng said: "nonsense, of course it's mount."

Finish saying, and ready to mount, but have been ink string moon to block back.

"I'll ride this horse. You've found one yourself."

Nangong Hao asked in disbelief: "can you ride a horse?"

He didn't remember teaching her horsemanship.

Mo Xianyue said contemptuously: "you are such big men, but also too small to see our women, do not wait for us to have a contest."

Nangong Hao looked at her valiant appearance and said: how can she ride a horse?

Didn't you learn it when you were in Mohist villa before you went to the palace?

That day, when she came to save me, it seemed that she also flew down from the sky. It was really strange.

Mo Xianyue said: "do you want to compare? I don't have so much time to spend with you. If not, I have to go first."

Nangong Hao was attracted by her topic, and what happened just now didn't pay much attention.

If she is equestrian, maybe she has already come back when she was in mojiazhuang! As for how she came down from the air that day, I'll take a chance to ask her about it.

After thinking about it, Nangong Hao said: "although the prince is not better? The prince is afraid that you will lose and have no place to cry. "

Mo Xianyue said more contemptuously: "since you want to compare, then hurry up! It's a big man's advice. Are you bothered? " With that, he turned his horse's head and drove to the village.

How arrogant

Nangong Hao was speechless.

From a hand's side pulled a white horse, flying up, driving a sound, people have galloped away.

The Imperial City, the third floor of Tianxiang building.

It's evening now, the sun has just set, and the red glow reflects the whole skyA young man in red brocade and a paper fan was sitting by the window.

Eyes have been looking at the ground, the hands of the blue and white tea cup slowly picked up, and then sent to the mouth.

The man tasted it and said, "it's strange that the taste of Longjing hasn't been greasy after drinking it for so long. But the weather is so dry that it's not suitable to drink Longjing. If only it rained a little."

After tasting the cup in his hand, the man poured a cup again. "Longjing in the rain is still the most interesting. Since heaven is not beautiful, why can't people make it?"

With a wave of his right hand, he poured all the Longjing tea into the street.

Wang Jin is the only son of boss Wang in the rouge shop at the end of the street. With some money in his family, he acts recklessly in the street all day.

Since the return of the prince, he has been a little bit astringent, but not long after, he began to itch.

And a few days ago, he heard the news that the prince had left the imperial city. He couldn't help it any more, so he called his friends who usually eat and drink together to walk around.

He didn't intend to make trouble, but when he came to the gate of Tianxiang building, he was splashed with a cup of hot tea.

Hot, his thin black face is as red as a monkey's butt

He screamed and looked upstairs. He saw a hand holding a blue and white tea cup, slowly retracting from the window.


He scolded, took the lead to rush into the Tianxiang building, and his friends, quickly follow up.

On the third floor, Wang Jin looked at the window.

Red clothes?

Isn't that the one who splashed himself with tea?

Yes, it must be him.

Wang Jin walked over with an angry face, but he didn't say it aloud. Instead, he held his breath and said, "can you ask me your name?"

Wang Jin plans to ask the way first, because there are a lot of people in the Imperial City, which he can't provoke.

But the man poured the tea without even raising his eyelids and said, "with you? Do you deserve to know my young master's name? "

Wang Jin's anger is really about to break out, but he is still trying his best to suppress it. After all, there are two ways for him to get along in the capital.

"The tea you spilled just now spilled on my face. Do you know that, brother?" With that, he pointed to his red face like a monkey's butt and went forward to let the man in red see clearly.


The man in red splashed a cup of tea on Wang Jin's face again at the speed visible to the naked eye. Then he saw that Wang Jin's whole body had been knocked over and several tables before falling to the ground.

The whole audience was stunned.

One shot shocked the audience.

A cup of tea can achieve this effect.

The man in red said softly, "now you Do you still want to know my name? "

Wang Jin's gang of friends shook their heads rigidly.

Who dares to ask his name? Isn't that a long life?

"In a few days, there will be a good scene in this city. You can enjoy it."

With that, the man in red stood up slowly and walked downstairs without looking at Wang Jin on the ground.

No one dares to do anything.

Quietly watching him leave.

After the man in red left, the diners upstairs slowly recovered.

The next day, the whole imperial city had already been fried. They all speculated about who this man in red with excellent martial arts skills was.

A hill not far from the imperial city. You can see the magnificent wall of the imperial city from here.


The horse hissed.

Mo Xianyue appears in the path on the edge of the mountain. She stops on the path and looks at the scenery of the imperial city.


Then Nangong Hao appeared behind her.

Both of them were wearing light clothes. The closer they were to the Imperial City, the colder the weather was. So they took off their thick coats and changed into ordinary light clothes.

Mo Xianyue said with a smile: "the scenery here is really beautiful."

But she felt vaguely as if she had been here, just as if

Nangong Hao said in a side way: "of course, the place chosen by Tianyue imperial city is the place of real dragon, which not only has pleasant scenery, but also can make the country strong."

Ink string moon disdains to say: "is it? Isn't it a city, and there's such a saying? "

Nangong Hao said with a smile: "you must not underestimate this imperial city. The location of the imperial city is built by the master of Feng Shui. There are many secrets inside and around the imperial city that you don't know."

Mo Xianyue asked curiously, "what's the secret?"

"Any two words will attract you." Nangong Hao said with a smile in his heart, but his appearance is dignified."These secrets have always been known only by the descendants of the Nangong family. You are not from the Nangong family. Why should I tell you?"

Mo Xianyue said with disdain: "you are willing to say, I don't want to listen! Hum Then he rode to the gate.

Nangong Hao embarrassed dry smile after two, also followed up.

They rode slowly on the official road.

Ink string month suddenly asked: "go to the palace, you will have a lot of things busy?"

Nangong Hao said with a smile: "yes, just deal with some things. Don't worry. I will spend some time with you in the evening."

Mo Xianyue's face turned red, spat and said, "who wants you to accompany, you'd better deal with your national affairs as soon as possible, and as the prince, don't you have any other confidants?"

I don't know why, the closer to the Imperial City, the more uneasy her heart was.

Nangong Hao suddenly don't look at her, mysterious smile.

Mo Xianyue's face is more red. White South Temple Hao one eye, "see what see?"

Nangong Hao laughs: "I didn't see anything. I just saw the scenery behind you."

Mo Xianyue's words stopped for a while

She said angrily: "since you like watching so much, let you watch enough, hum..." With that, he drove his horse to the front.

Nangong Hao smiles.

Discerning people can see that Mo Xianyue is playing small temperament.

Nangong Hao shrugs helplessly, and then drives his horse to catch up.

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